

Information about G-Country

Gladiator ( 2000 ) by Ridley Scott, main actor ; Russell Crowe G-Country is once supposed to exist in the direction of Grus constellation. There is CIG J2143-4423 filaments, where is supposed their space area. It is supposed the world where is in 189x108 light years away and we can see its situation after 29x108 after The Big Bang. It is not certain why these galaxy filaments could be composed so early ( the article by NASA ). They looked slender. Some of them seemed to have brown skin. Yakob Ty...

Three Major Features of THEM

Species ( 1995 ) by Roger Donaldson --- THEY probably live in uncertainty of this world, although THEY still convince that THEY can live forever, that is also supposed to be in uncertainty. THEY often live in a flash, which almost looks as same as anarchism. THEY cannot see the whole situation of this world. THEY cannot get along with the political changes of The Universe, THEY only believe to turn things to win. THEIR thoughts and ideas are confirmed severely, no one can get touch in. I can hav...

Izmir Earthquake in October 30th, 2020

After it was passed for a week when I had written about Sparta and Argos, Izmir Earthquake had occurred.To see it, Buredoo said, " It's not concerned with Sparta and Argos. It's in Turkey." --- She was laughing, it sounded something a lie. While Izmir people were in distress ( Oct. 31 ), B-Country captured a figure who would go to Peloponnese peninsula. The data looked a mixture of Yakob and Ogura, that meant the data was THEM ( HIM ). B-Country seemed to cut the line, so the figure was vanished...

The Information about Rei people

It is seemed to happen something on Haraher, he looked distressing. He was seemed to pursue the liability of something by THEM. After a while, A supposed Sim Type man revealed from somewhere, and talk with his queen. --- I could see the core of The Afterlife. But it is there, where it is called The Hell. Then, in October 13th, The Sim who looked the mixture of Haraher and Seki revealed and said, " THEY all become humans." --- His queen was laughing to see it. She looked the mixture of Eeko, Bure...

Recent Conference with Rei People

Before arriving of Typhoon 12th, Messe told us an intention of surrender. Her avatar seemed to fall into a crisis. But for she did not tell any conditions, she was ignored by SDFA ( Self-Defense Force of The Afterlife ). It looked THEIR usual way of proceeding The Peaceful Invasion that THEY tried to keep a current position. To agree THEIR armistice, THEY will proceed the steps of next own favors from the present position. THEY don't know to keep the border so that we cannot separate with own li...

Recent Conference with B-Country

B-Country continuously requests to give them lives of A-Country's people. SDFA-J ( Self-Defense Force of The Afterlife of Japan ) negotiates with them, SDFA-J promises to repel the power of THEM again as the representative of SDFA-E ( Self-Defense Force of The Afterlife of The Earth ). But B-Country is not seem to satisfy this answer. As I can know the intention of B-Country, they would prepare the next typhoon. In this winter, Japanese cold would become severe by the reason of La Nina phenomeno...

The Death of The Elder Leo

THEY sent a man who kept opening his mouth for The Buredoo's room. And THEY left with laughing. This dead man looked an adult wearing a suit. That meant The Android. There are seen some kinds of wearing a suit in IDEA Field, who are Rutsu Type man ( Luan, Nakatra ), Tesaki, Ookura, Ogura, Yakob, and sometimes Gracia. But he was different from THEM. He was supposed Sassa Type man. I heard Sassa had gone to the space area of U1.27 and became The Icon of there. There are supposed 3 Species in this ...

The Bullying for Rutsu Type Man

All Leo Species was seemed to exterminate Rutsu Type man, then the remained Rutsu Type man who supposed to exist is only me. This terrible disaster for me is supposed to start from the struggle with Gotoshi Type man and THEM. Originally Gotoshi was seemed messiah for THEM who established a democratic state from their mother. Their mother was The Dalk, who was killed by the war. Both were not exist now, so we only can see their records.But while they were doing The Repetition of The Aas, the reco...

The Death of Sal and Kanji

Myura1 sent two dead bodies for Buredoo's room, " They are dead."Yuu answered it with a sigh, " Stop it for all ..." These dead bodies supposed Sal and Kanji but it is hardly to see. In another sight, The Leo asked to us, " Is it all over ? "I responded to him, ' Is your ship sunk ? "He answered nothing. He could not see the around. Micronation of MichiroJohn declared farewell to him with a salute. The Eternal enemy ( THEM ) never surrender. THEY are said of continue fighting by withdrawing the ...

The Death of The HAL

In August 7th, Malis sent one dead body for Buredoo’s room and said, ” haruhissar is dead in battle ! ”Buredoo shouted back to him, ” Stop it for all ! ” New death is arrived to THEM. Haruhissar — maybe Haruhisa is supposed to call ‘ HAL ‘ by THEM. He is a man of supposed ‘ HAL issue ‘ which THEY have emphasized. It is a core program of THEIR CCU ( Central Control Unit ). THEIR system may not be called ‘ HAL ‘, THEY prefer to use it as the symbol of rebellion against human. 2001 ; a space odysse...
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