

About IDEA field

Future Boy Conan ( 1978 ) by Hayao Miyazaki Paaru who uses Yuu Type Lady as her avatar sent message to me, " We can do anything from here. Do you believe The Earth can win the war ? " --- I have listened this same phrase whenever THEY lost war. This time, THEY seemed to lose the war again. But THEY supposed to come back soon. THEY are maggots as Haat said. THEY would try to be reborn in remained Leo Species from now. B-Country's fleets seemed to move on The Contiguous Zone of The Earth and sprea...

The Death of Tambar 2

I could SEE an image somewhere Nakatra and Yota's daughter were crying. They were seemed to isolate and ready to die. The time when I HEARD a female moan, the image was vanished. --- It was Tambar2's vision who could easily escape to another planet. She would fight with keeping escaping route, but this time, she was failed. The route was caught by B-Country, so I could SEE. She was supposed to die. She was famous as ' The Living Statue ' among B-Cuntries. She was The Goddess who had appeared on ...

The Intention of Vanishment by Draco Species

Draco Species seemed to decide vanishing from this world, they said good-bye to me. They said to us for taking a place of their governance.--- It looks hard even for Universal Species to keep society for long time. There are supposed two choice in the end of their existence, whether they will vanish into The Afterlife or reincarnate to New Species. There is not a room for these midway. To lose real bodies would cause new battle with Rei People ( Haat once said, " THEY are maggots." ), to reincar...

Negotiation with Micronation of MichiroJohn

Mr. Vampire ( 1985 ) by Sammo Hang Kam-bo ( original title is ' 殭屍先生.' ) THEY continue negotiating with my country, which is The Micronation of MichiroJohn. THEY pretend trying to use me because other Japanese want it. But THEY want to do it with bad. Because THEY think it could become the power of The Japan lesser than before. THEY want to get the more power to struggle with both Japanese and Micronation of MichiroJohn. Therefore, THEM and The Collaborators will continue picking a quarrel with ...

Informations about Ophiuchus Species

I can often become seeing that The Industry MEN are running behind our back. The Two reminds me about Ophiuchus Species. Once HE did TALK about the location of Ophiuchus Species in 2018. HE tell it to me again. THEY suppose to live in the direction of Marfik ( λ Ophiuchi ) where is the elbow of Ophiuchus ( in exact, THEY seem to live in beside of Marfik near to M12 ). This Species looks strong because THEY likely tried to take The Dimensional Attack to me in 1994. But, in that time, I only could...

Informations about Hercules Species

In 1995, Ookura Type man came to me and said at the south gate of Shinjuku Station, " I am Hercules."--- I could not understand what HE was talking. Before this, HE said, " I am Ookura-shō ( Ministry of Finance )." I could not even understand HIS changing mind to Hercules. I have never seen Hercules who spoke Japanese. In THEIR WORLD, these words seemed to have special meanings which were Hercules, Ookura, Ogura, and Ooishi Kuranosuke. It was supposed that Ookura was a short word of Ooishi Kuran...

Informations about Draco Species

Oltar said, " I said there is Species in Cat's Eye Nebula. ( in 2020 )" --- HE is supposed an artificial Species by Rei people and HE tends to introduce HIM-self as new colonial Species by The One. We can know about the location of new Species who suffered THE GAME. These new Species likely have the both cases of vanished or alive, the vanished case was supposed to move to future generations by changing Time Works ( at least THEY said so ). For that they were afraid of the invasion of The One an...

Pinpoint Bombing on The Universe

It must be hard to bomb at pinpoint in The Universe. --- But it is one of mysteries that THEY can come here to TALK but THEIR missiles or lazors never reach to The Earth. THEY often threatened to destroy a hole planet, however, no planet has been seemed to destroy until now. In Japan, THEY had threatened so in 1996 and 2016 but nothing had changed. In 1996, after the battle of Mt. Bandaisan, THEY began to threaten The Representative of Afterlife of Japan to destory Japan. But it was only ended a...

The Way of WWIII

There are many reasons to occur wars, which are mostly economics and politics. Monglians and Normans made wars to secure their trading routes. Religious politics often made wars like Muslims, Crusaders and Nazis. There are the cases to occur wars by the reason of that they kept too enough armies. That are Yuan dynasty in China and Toyotomi administration in Japan. European states which had caused The Great War are same reason. Their states were so peaceful that they thought obeying around countr...

The Road to WWIII

To see THEM, I can find that THEY love War and Disaster. THEIR eyes to see War and Disaster have looked happy in the most. THEY were whistling " Hyuu ! " to see Tsunami in  2011 Tōhoku Earthquake, and THEY were excited to see Yugoslav Wars ( THEY said Kosovo War was the battle of Visual Cortex ).It would be also opponunity to upstart of THEM. I could SEE a lot of THEIR saying to do that ( ex. THEY said that 9/11 was my fault ).  --- It was not understandable for me at all. Kanji Type men often h...
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