

Hugh Trenchard in Advanced Daisenryaku

The Trench ( 1999 ) by William Boyd   In 2001, The GHQ suddenly requested me to claim SEGA for new Advanced Daisenryaku ( Advanced  大戦略2001 ). The Representative of The Afterlife of Japan said, " That is wrong. We would let him do it "ーーー I was choosen but I ageed. Because I had much knowledge about this Nazi Daisenryaku.  SEGA had made Nazi army easy to conquest the world on Advanced 大戦略 98 zwei, they had also praised Hittler in its comments ( the comment was " Führer is pleased, too " etc. ). ...

The Twin Peaks

As some telecommunication man ( The Nishiguchi ) introduced me the movie of Cross of Iron ( in 1992 ), I could see this movie almost everyday. It was BGM for me to write down my stories. It was exactly violence aesthetics.During to continue seeing this movie, I found a little change in this movie. In the last battle scene, it occurred two explosion on church, however, I remembered it had occurred on one steeple but it would change to two small spires after 1994. Female SomeONE ( but Eeko ) said,...

The First Commandant of Auschwitz

In the scene ( 27:30 ) of Die-Befreiung-von-Auschwitz : When I was reading about Nazi German soldiers in Japanese language ( 1995 ), THEY said, " Theodor Eicke is the commandant of Auschwitz." --- In this book, actually he was so. I felt something suspicious for THEIR saying, so that I checked ' The Order of the Death’s Head ( Der Orden unter dem Totenkopf ) by Heinz Höhne.' It was the book about the history of SS ( Schutzstaffel ). It was difficult to read somehow, and I could not find the name...

An inspector from B-Countries

Time Bandits ( 1981 ) by Terry Gilliam HE came to The Earth and tried to find the evidence of coronavirus by SomeONE, it was seemed to end in vain. Some of THEM following with HIM left information about next disaster after 5 years. IT would consider to cause WW III. According to Nakatra's words ( in 2018 ), the colonial planet of Skam had collapsed by this attack. IT would think to carry out the plan of " History Repeats Itself " even in The Earth. It was a stylized invasion pattern by THEM. The...
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