

The Intention of Vanishment by Draco Species

Draco Species seemed to decide vanishing from this world, they said good-bye to me. They said to us for taking a place of their governance.--- It looks hard even for Universal Species to keep society for long time. There are supposed two choice in the end of their existence, whether they will vanish into The Afterlife or reincarnate to New Species. There is not a room for these midway. To lose real bodies would cause new battle with Rei People ( Haat once said, " THEY are maggots." ), to reincar...

Negotiation with Micronation of MichiroJohn

Mr. Vampire ( 1985 ) by Sammo Hang Kam-bo ( original title is ' 殭屍先生.' ) THEY continue negotiating with my country, which is The Micronation of MichiroJohn. THEY pretend trying to use me because other Japanese want it. But THEY want to do it with bad. Because THEY think it could become the power of The Japan lesser than before. THEY want to get the more power to struggle with both Japanese and Micronation of MichiroJohn. Therefore, THEM and The Collaborators will continue picking a quarrel with ...

The Locations of The Diadochoi

Above map was the first hearing about intelligent lives which was started from December 2017. It would be expressed THEIR character of that THEY did not tell a lie in the first time. Haat ( The One ) consistently said he was the people in Boötes from that time. The Two was unallocated Species which was consistently used for disinformation. It was supposed that The Two was A-Country ( The One ). But Rei people said they were the third intelligent life.The Three was supposed to mean for B-Country,...

Informations about Ophiuchus Species

I can often become seeing that The Industry MEN are running behind our back. The Two reminds me about Ophiuchus Species. Once HE did TALK about the location of Ophiuchus Species in 2018. HE tell it to me again. THEY suppose to live in the direction of Marfik ( λ Ophiuchi ) where is the elbow of Ophiuchus ( in exact, THEY seem to live in beside of Marfik near to M12 ). This Species looks strong because THEY likely tried to take The Dimensional Attack to me in 1994. But, in that time, I only could...

Informations about Hydra Species

THEY continue doing TALK with saying a phrase of the movie ' They Live.' --- They are safe as long as they are not discovered --- They Live ( 1988 ) by John Carpenter THEY usually threaten us when THEY are standing behind victory. While THEY threaten us, THEY are running our behind to keep THE POWER. Once THEY had gone to The Realm of SomeONE or The One, or THEY are running into The Ground Base on The Earth. Now THEY are running into the heirs of EMPIRE ( The Diadochoi ). THEY likely have settle...

Naked Valour of Hercules Species

In THEIR new base on Hercules Species, THEY threaten native people, ' This planet is ours." Although native people seem to claim for THEIR tyranny, THEY don't accept it. THEY need THE POWER. In general, it is supposed that invasional Species looks weak and peaceful Species looks strong. It is a traditional custom of THE WORLD from The One's period. The mean point is for protecting peaceful Species. But both are victims of THE GAME. After a while when THEY threatened Hercules Species, suddenly Oo...

Exile to other Species

THEY are not seem to accept by Draco Species. THEY must leave from this planet, but THEY have kept another planet to intrude. THEY have done THE GAME among many newer Species and deceived them. THEY were supposed bullish in every planet. The Van who pretends for another newer Species can see fugitives from Draco Species, HE says, " Don't come here ! " --- New place would be comfortable for HIM. HE becomes the representative of this planet. Before this, the fugitives said, '' Hercules Species are...

Changing Affiliation

Orlando ( 1992 ) based on the novel of Virginia Woolf by Sally Potter THEY said again, '' You don't know it.''THEY still keep bullish tone. THEY seemed to change THEIR base to newer Species. THEY could not accept B-Country's policy. THEY are suposed to move in Draco Species whom Oltar once talked about its existence ( the direction of Cat's eye nebula ). THEY said about it, " THEY had lived there the closer than you considered." --- It was supposed the existence of The Attic whom would try to ke...

The End of War

Ghost ( 1990 ) by Jerry Zucker After the battle with B-Country, D-Country still continued fighting. In THEIR world, something powerful state made the losers keep fighting even after a complete defeat. But it was supposed meaningless because this powerful state have already supposed to cause self-extinction in the past ( at least THEY said so ). Probably they became ghosts in a dream land. Haraher explained it, " THEY are only nightmare. But for THEY were starting from the delusion to revive, it ...

Battle with Rei people

Mars Attacks! ( 1996 ) by Tim Burton In May 10th, Rei people seemed to started fighting with B-Country. THEY were excited at this topic. Where and how were unknown. THEY seemed to launch Black-hole Bomb to B-Country. It was known well as unable to hit a target so that B-Country had no damage. Next day, the original of Ookura come to say that, '' We are defeated.'' --- HE would tell THEIR emergency. May The Earth in peace.
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