

The Arrest of Murder

In May 6th, B-Country detected The Realm of Murder near space of The Moon. In this Realm, I could HEAR that Messe suggested to Buredoo, '' Should we stop it now ? '' But Buredoo shouted, '' You don't understand what Time Works goes on.''--- The message could not HEAR anymore. B-Country seemed to repel THEM all from our present world. In May 7th, B-Country detected Paaru on Shanghai. HE excused, '' It's the first time to write down like this.'' --- B-Country captured this data and took away. This...

The Way of WWIII

There are many reasons to occur wars, which are mostly economics and politics. Monglians and Normans made wars to secure their trading routes. Religious politics often made wars like Muslims, Crusaders and Nazis. There are the cases to occur wars by the reason of that they kept too enough armies. That are Yuan dynasty in China and Toyotomi administration in Japan. European states which had caused The Great War are same reason. Their states were so peaceful that they thought obeying around countr...

An inspector from B-Countries

Time Bandits ( 1981 ) by Terry Gilliam HE came to The Earth and tried to find the evidence of coronavirus by SomeONE, it was seemed to end in vain. Some of THEM following with HIM left information about next disaster after 5 years. IT would consider to cause WW III. According to Nakatra's words ( in 2018 ), the colonial planet of Skam had collapsed by this attack. IT would think to carry out the plan of " History Repeats Itself " even in The Earth. It was a stylized invasion pattern by THEM. The...
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