

The Capture of The Sim

After the destruction of C-Country, SDFA-E found new front of enemy. They said to us that My Guardian might be reconstructed again. But the enemy did not appear. It was only seen the activity of The Attic in January 12th to 14th. He said, " You would make mistakes unless you obey us, ha-ha."--- It was a synchronized attack with Japanese Media on January 4th to 5th. It's nothing to say that they are not only human scum for me but also The Collaborators who are supported by THEM. It is as same as ...

The Destruction of C-Country

Star Wars : VI - Return of the Jedi ( 1983 ) by George LucasIn December 21th, I HEARD B-Country was twittering, " Spear. Spear. " --- Something was seemed to happen in THEIR WORLD.In December 23th, B-Country had showed the dead bodies to The Afterlife of The Earth. They wanted to verify the identities. Those dead bodies were all out of my recognition. The Afterlife of The Earth sent a special ambassador to there. He confirmed the identities. THEY showed the dead bodies of Haat and Klam. Tambar 1...

Izmir Earthquake in October 30th, 2020

After it was passed for a week when I had written about Sparta and Argos, Izmir Earthquake had occurred.To see it, Buredoo said, " It's not concerned with Sparta and Argos. It's in Turkey." --- She was laughing, it sounded something a lie.While Izmir people were in distress ( Oct. 31 ), B-Country captured a figure who would go to Peloponnese peninsula. The data looked a mixture of Yakob and Ogura, that meant the data was THEM ( HIM ). B-Country seemed to cut the line, so the figure was vanished ...

The Information about Rei people

It is seemed to happen something on Haraher, he looked distressing. He was seemed to pursue the liability of something by THEM. After a while, A supposed Sim Type man revealed from somewhere, and talk with his queen. --- I could see the core of The Afterlife. But it is there, where it is called The Hell.Then, in October 13th, The Sim who looked the mixture of Haraher and Seki revealed and said, " THEY all become humans." --- His queen was laughing to see it. She looked the mixture of Eeko, Bured...

The Death of Haat

Before the arriving of Typhoon 12th, The Moomu said to THEM, " How many do you survive ? "There revealed a few persons standing in the beside of her. --- Chako, a Rutsu Type man and a supposed The Attic ( Draco Species ) were there. The Attic hesitated to join THEM. He must have thought the situation was lessening there. Chako's D-Country was on the run, this Rutsu's Leo Species was exterminated. But if they were captured, The Attic would have to follow THEM.After the passing of Typhoon 12th, SD...

Recent Conference with B-Country

B-Country continuously requests to give them lives of A-Country's people. SDFA-J ( Self-Defense Force of The Afterlife of Japan ) negotiates with them, SDFA-J promises to repel the power of THEM again as the representative of SDFA-E ( Self-Defense Force of The Afterlife of The Earth ). But B-Country is not seem to satisfy this answer.As I can know the intention of B-Country, they would prepare the next typhoon. In this winter, Japanese cold would become severe by the reason of La Nina phenomenon...

Recent Conference with THEM

Leo is seemed about to die. His painful life as Rutsu Type man will be ended in vain. Some of THEM are kneeing and watching his dying around him. THEY have human's heart a little.But THEY must be thinking to need a new patron to use THE POWER freely.According to THEM, THEY cannot use THE POWER unless THEY have a place. The next patron is likely Japan or this The Earth.Before this, B-County seemed to capture a whole area of Leo's planet, he sent a message to us. " We won't destroy this planet. Be...

IDEA Battle of B-Country with Rei people

Above picture is Ronald Lacey in the movie of Raiders of the Lost Ark ( 1981 ).Recently, SDFA-E start fighting with Rei people. I could see Nakatra was burned down in the sparks of shaped-charge-bullets. This Nakatra seemed to go abroad to America. If he is dead, another Nakatra would be activated in somewhere by order.In the other hand, I could see THE VOICE of Van who said, '' Do you understand the mean of that we could not win the battle to maintain one earth-mass of The Fleet ? ''--- I know ...

The Death of Tambar 2

I could SEE an image somewhere Nakatra and Yota's daughter were crying. They were seemed to isolate and ready to die. The time when I HEARD a female moan, the image was vanished.--- It was Tambar2's vision who could easily escape to another planet. She would fight with keeping escaping route, but this time, she was failed. The route was caught by B-Country, so I could SEE. She was supposed to die.She was famous as ' The Living Statue ' among B-Cuntries. She was The Goddess who had appeared on Th...

Negotiation with Micronation of MichiroJohn

Mr. Vampire ( 1985 ) by Sammo Hang Kam-bo ( original title is ' 殭屍先生.' )THEY continue negotiating with my country, which is The Micronation of MichiroJohn. THEY pretend trying to use me because other Japanese want it. But THEY want to do it with bad. Because THEY think it could become the power of The Japan lesser than before. THEY want to get the more power to struggle with both Japanese and Micronation of MichiroJohn. Therefore, THEM and The Collaborators will continue picking a quarrel with m...
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