The Five


The Location Game

THEY said, " You solved The Olympic Issue." THEY also said, " You can make a new wish."--- I responded it, " Make Olympics for hardworking athletes."I disliked the effort is not rewarded the most. USING THE POWER screwed all up. I did not like the honesty did not pay. To see it, THEY left the words for me, " You don't wish for yourself as always. --- Ha,ha ! "However, THEY continued searching my fault as usual. Some Rei's scientist asked them, " What wrong is it ? " --- But they continued search...

The Destruction of C-Country

Star Wars : VI - Return of the Jedi ( 1983 ) by George LucasIn December 21th, I HEARD B-Country was twittering, " Spear. Spear. " --- Something was seemed to happen in THEIR WORLD.In December 23th, B-Country had showed the dead bodies to The Afterlife of The Earth. They wanted to verify the identities. Those dead bodies were all out of my recognition. The Afterlife of The Earth sent a special ambassador to there. He confirmed the identities. THEY showed the dead bodies of Haat and Klam. Tambar 1...
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