The Mother


13. Temptation of The Afterlife

Before and after New year, I got to lose my Pachinko, coming to 2024, my income on Pachinko turned to red. This declined industry became severe even on New Year's. The temptation to lose the more by TALK threw on me continuously. It was a usual thing in Japan, such many PLAYER were crawling. I changed my stance to defence. Coming to February, some people sued the lessening situation to me. They asked for my help. Japanese police looked having no power to this industry. It was natural because the...

About ONE ( ZERO ) and C-Country

I became winning with Pachinko recently. But it was natural THEY did not please with my Pachinko win, THEY started picking my answer's fault up. Oh, it was a chance to correct my answer again. THEY did not understand why I continued playing Pachinko yet. I've got new informations here. The Zero --- supposedly the first intelligent life, who were often expressed by monotone figures in the dark background --- was often showed as red background. They might be the people on a red planet, where was l...

Japan the mosquito coast

Dalk suddenly appeared and said, " We must bash him. ! " --- She was moved by somebody. Then The Afterlife of Japan was in disturbance.Somebodies who looked Japanese threatened the afterlife people. They picked the innocent people up then bashed them by the reason of that I had described Japanese head of a state as ' Imperial Family '. People wondered, " How should we do ... ? " I asked THEM back, " What part of this is wrong ? It's right, isn't it ? Japanese called Great Japanese Empire as Empi...

The Location Game 3

THEY were waiting for a chance to counterattack. THEY picked up my fault one by another. But THEY could not exceed me. In the hand, I was in trouble what part of my map was wrong. Rei people considered it was enough for The Map but it still had some problems. THEY pointed at the problems which I could not had drawn about Moong and Draco, however, THEY neither understand them well, the battle was ended in draw. Rei people said, " It is a great thing if only a thing could hit."Another of them said...

The Location Game

THEY said, " You solved The Olympic Issue." THEY also said, " You can make a new wish."--- I responded it, " Make Olympics for hardworking athletes."I disliked the effort is not rewarded the most. USING THE POWER screwed all up. I did not like the honesty did not pay. To see it, THEY left the words for me, " You don't wish for yourself as always. --- Ha,ha ! " However, THEY continued searching my fault as usual. Some Rei's scientist asked them, " What wrong is it ? " --- But they continued searc...

Recent TALKS on THEM

While spreading the omicron variant of coronavirus, Buredoo and her CCU ( The Girl ) said suddenly," It's not correct for ... made this coronavirus ! "--- They supposedly considered to be made it by Rei's scientists. But I could not catch the subject. They came out from somewhere then said so. Their speech which was a part of subject was muted by somebody. It was the power superior to them.Anyway, the possibility of Earth's self-defending system had worked on was greater than their implication. ...

Defeat of The Mother

The tale of the bamboo cutter --- It is a Japanese fairy tale of that a princess who was born from bamboo will go back to The Moon. It is a very famous story which was supposed to make in the 9th or 10th century of Japan. --- When I was writing the topic of ' Information about Chili,' suddenly SomeONE came to me and said, " I will tell you a good thing. We are The Moong." --- This SomeONE looked a little younger than I had seen before.I have already got the information about The Aash ( The Zero ...

Recent Typhoon ( Chanthu )

Before Typhoon 14 would land on Japan, The Industry declared to win their battle. They kept in silence but were laughing slightly. They could show own POWER. Their spokesman ( THEY ) said, " MichiroJohn caused this disaster." What a nonsense it was ... To be picked a fight, I will fight with them. Their sticking to Typhoons is starting from Amagasaki derailment in 2005. It was only an excuse to hide the truth. THEY believed Fukuchiyama people were not alive ( The Androids ). But soon THEY realiz...

Recent Conference with The Industry

The Industry seemed to negotiate with America. They insisted on that recent California wildfire was owed on me. --- It was supposed THEIR self-performance which THEY usually did or just a lie which THEY also did. The analysis to know the truth was needed for long time because we don't have the way to investigate its behind-the-scenes. There was no way except for we would pick up THEIR sayings. But The Industry thought it easy to tell only a rumor. In my experience, it was a true criminal of whom...

The Destruction of C-Country

Star Wars : VI - Return of the Jedi ( 1983 ) by George Lucas In December 21th, I HEARD B-Country was twittering, " Spear. Spear. " --- Something was seemed to happen in THEIR WORLD.In December 23th, B-Country had showed the dead bodies to The Afterlife of The Earth. They wanted to verify the identities. Those dead bodies were all out of my recognition. The Afterlife of The Earth sent a special ambassador to there. He confirmed the identities. THEY showed the dead bodies of Haat and Klam. Tambar ...
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