The One


Numbering Game ( Revision )

I lost a good film to express this post. . . This is a shocking MV to the world. My intention was that Numbering Game was a typical virtual insanity of the world. Recently, the loss of my Pachinko was totally over 50,000 yen, but for the promise with Rei people, I could get a lot of information about THEM. But they only continued to corner me. They were fools who could not change the strategy and tactics alternatively.To hear the information which the alphabetical order was right, THEY changed t...

13. Temptation of The Afterlife

Before and after New year, I got to lose my Pachinko, coming to 2024, my income on Pachinko turned to red. This declined industry became severe even on New Year's. The temptation to lose the more by TALK threw on me continuously. It was a usual thing in Japan, such many PLAYER were crawling. I changed my stance to defence. Coming to February, some people sued the lessening situation to me. They asked for my help. Japanese police looked having no power to this industry. It was natural because the...

About ONE ( ZERO ) and C-Country

I became winning with Pachinko recently. But it was natural THEY did not please with my Pachinko win, THEY started picking my answer's fault up. Oh, it was a chance to correct my answer again. THEY did not understand why I continued playing Pachinko yet. I've got new informations here. The Zero --- supposedly the first intelligent life, who were often expressed by monotone figures in the dark background --- was often showed as red background. They might be the people on a red planet, where was l...

The Location Game 3

THEY were waiting for a chance to counterattack. THEY picked up my fault one by another. But THEY could not exceed me. In the hand, I was in trouble what part of my map was wrong. Rei people considered it was enough for The Map but it still had some problems. THEY pointed at the problems which I could not had drawn about Moong and Draco, however, THEY neither understand them well, the battle was ended in draw. Rei people said, " It is a great thing if only a thing could hit."Another of them said...

Battle with C-Country

At 7:40 on April 8th, THEY sent an image which A-Class spaceship was destroyed by somebody. It seemed to happen a battle with C-country. As they were Diadochois which had belonged to The One, they supposed to started fighting with B-Country to find the location of B-Country. But soon they were annihilated. I could SEE their ships were destroyed when they had passed through THE GATE.--- Anyway, they preferred to fight in the morning of Japan time. Calculations15.8 ÷ 109 x 52 = 7.53...7 + 0.53 ÷ 1...

The Location Game 2

I found a 360°-rolled machine in a Pachinko hole where I used its restroom. I started shooting immediately after I resorted money to my wallet. I got one hit at middle hight, which pulled 2,300 balls out. THEIR escorting fighters came back soon, however, it was too late. I maneuvered by barrel roll attack with these balls, then I got 777 hit ( gif image above ). It pulled 32,000 balls out. The total was 33,000 balls. I turned over home soon. The result was 17,500 yen win by reducing drink costs....

The Establishment Year Game

To prove the accuracy of my new map, I took off for playing Pachinko. Because the goddess of victory recommended me to shoot. I reached to the battlefield at several minutes passed after the hall had opened. I chose a machine which was high risk and high return. I had good compatibility with this machine. But the battle became tough. Although I continued shooting until the sun tilted west, I could not get good result. I lost 1,5000 yen. When I realized my defeat, the main ramp indicated gold the...

Recent TALK with THEM ( Jan 2022 )

Haat and his fellows were standing in the dark.THEY said fools for The One to say that, " You have not understood the mean of Two and Four." Some of THEM wondered the difficulty of this numbering GAME.THEY said, " It's only the numbers...." The One were vanished into the dark. --- We won the battle with The One. Then THEY proposed me to make another new wish. THEY said that THE GAME was only the issues of your technology.The Afterlife started arguing to stop this numbering GAME. But I told it da...

Recent TALKS on THEM

While spreading the omicron variant of coronavirus, Buredoo and her CCU ( The Girl ) said suddenly," It's not correct for ... made this coronavirus ! "--- They supposedly considered to be made it by Rei's scientists. But I could not catch the subject. They came out from somewhere then said so. Their speech which was a part of subject was muted by somebody. It was the power superior to them.Anyway, the possibility of Earth's self-defending system had worked on was greater than their implication. ...

6. Collapse of Social Infrastructure

From 1999, THEY often showed the image Mother and Daughter were dying on the road. THEY wanted to say that The Earth would become so. THEY explained it that they chose suiciding before their society would be collapsed. They were Japanese and the daughter was just a schoolgirl. Mother only said to her, " We will die now." She agreed this opinion in silence then they lay down on the road calmly.It was a mystery for me why they did it. Other choices must have been there. --- Maybe their society fel...
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