The One


6. Collapse of Social Infrastructure

From 1999, THEY often showed the image Mother and Daughter were dying on the road. THEY wanted to say that The Earth would become so. THEY explained it that they chose suiciding before their society would be collapsed. They were Japanese and the daughter was just a schoolgirl. Mother only said to her, " We will die now." She agreed this opinion in silence then they lay down on the road calmly.It was a mystery for me why they did it. Other choices must have been there. --- Maybe their society fel...

THEIR Verbal Plays

THEY often make new words. Or THEY often add new meanings to our words.THEY always did TALK something without thinking, then THEY were exciting one-sidedly for thinking about it. I was left alone while THEY were arguing about it. It was the word to me ...It was almost childish word play which did not make sense.Typical Verbal PlaysTHEIR characteristic ideas were quite sexual and no mean. It was supposed for the reason of that THEY had prohibited interfering to new intelligent lives. The Example ...

Recent Conference with The Industry

The Industry seemed to negotiate with America. They insisted on that recent California wildfire was owed on me. --- It was supposed THEIR self-performance which THEY usually did or just a lie which THEY also did. The analysis to know the truth was needed for long time because we don't have the way to investigate its behind-the-scenes. There was no way except for we would pick up THEIR sayings. But The Industry thought it easy to tell only a rumor. In my experience, it was a true criminal of whom...

The Time Lag from Declaration to Execution

Once Tambar-2 said, " We can intrude many in the time when you repeat your country. ( 1996 )"She was an advocator of The Repetition of The Aas, then many Japanese were supposed to deceive it. She never told why we had to repeat this Earth. She only said repeatedly, " There's a reason. You must do it. There's no choice."--- She was vanished until 1999. She was a woman at the end of century. After she vanished, I continued finding the reason, but I could not find it to the end. It was supposed to ...

Recent Time Lag from Declaration to Execution

I would have slept soon after I uploaded the previous post, I could not realize the next one. But I convinced it that THEY did not attack on The Earth. Because I heard Messe's excuse, " I only wanna do an examination." Myura-1 said comfort to her, " Bearing. Bearing." --- We should have paid attention for that THEY could do anything in the name of teaching.Next day, Rutsu Type man came to me and said, " Here come." --- The time was at 9:01, 30th July 2021.The previous post was uploaded at 22:46,...

Information about A-Country

The Name of The Rose ( 1986 ) Main Actor ; Sean Connery : Based on the same title of novel by Umberto EcoFor Future Earth will suppose to send the agents to A-Country, they brought a lot of information about A-Country. To get these information, The Afterlife of The Earth become little excited. But most of them have been already heard by THEM. The issue of discussion is concentrated on whom had made this coronavirus pandemic. It did not seem to exist on the original history ( but second original ...

The Order of The Intelligent Lives

SDFA-E seemed to maneuver their space fleet to G-Country. I could hear THEIR screaming in many times.And SDFA-E had caught a twitter by Neon and sent to me.He said, " Our home is not found..."--- The Neon was seemed to separate with G-Country. Not B-Country's. They had revealed on B-Country, and then revealed on this Earth, too. The planet of G-Country was supposed to destroy while sticking to THE GAME. The Neon had both face of justice and evil, while they talked good things, they conspired evi...

The Destruction of C-Country

Star Wars : VI - Return of the Jedi ( 1983 ) by George LucasIn December 21th, I HEARD B-Country was twittering, " Spear. Spear. " --- Something was seemed to happen in THEIR WORLD.In December 23th, B-Country had showed the dead bodies to The Afterlife of The Earth. They wanted to verify the identities. Those dead bodies were all out of my recognition. The Afterlife of The Earth sent a special ambassador to there. He confirmed the identities. THEY showed the dead bodies of Haat and Klam. Tambar 1...

The Information about Rei people

It is seemed to happen something on Haraher, he looked distressing. He was seemed to pursue the liability of something by THEM. After a while, A supposed Sim Type man revealed from somewhere, and talk with his queen. --- I could see the core of The Afterlife. But it is there, where it is called The Hell.Then, in October 13th, The Sim who looked the mixture of Haraher and Seki revealed and said, " THEY all become humans." --- His queen was laughing to see it. She looked the mixture of Eeko, Bured...

The Death of Haat

Before the arriving of Typhoon 12th, The Moomu said to THEM, " How many do you survive ? "There revealed a few persons standing in the beside of her. --- Chako, a Rutsu Type man and a supposed The Attic ( Draco Species ) were there. The Attic hesitated to join THEM. He must have thought the situation was lessening there. Chako's D-Country was on the run, this Rutsu's Leo Species was exterminated. But if they were captured, The Attic would have to follow THEM.After the passing of Typhoon 12th, SD...
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