The Six


Making a New Wish

Nakatra Type Man had revealed in my mind after I wrote the post of ' Death of Jesus.' He seemed to ride on a spaceship. The spectrum of his image was the same as C-Country's ( spotted light grey ). We can find the difference of THEIR images when they used the different wavelength from others ( There is a case when THEY change its wavelength from others ).On a spaceship, Nakatra TOLD something about Jesus. Then Real Nakatra said something, but I could not hear his TALK. It was the usual Nakatra h...

Death of Jesus

I FOUND that Rutsu Type man made fun of a character Jesus to pierce with spear....Jesus seemed to try to save people who suffered coronavirus. But THEY always looked down people if they were the originals. THEY were the upper class who discriminated the mortal humanoids. Jesus supposed to slide down from the position of God.Rutsu Type man abused him, " He's stinky."Jesus muttered something with being prone.To see it, supposed St. Peter visited the house of Apostles and asked, " How is he doing ?...

THEIR Verbal Plays

THEY often make new words. Or THEY often add new meanings to our words.THEY always did TALK something without thinking, then THEY were exciting one-sidedly for thinking about it. I was left alone while THEY were arguing about it. It was the word to me ...It was almost childish word play which did not make sense.Typical Verbal PlaysTHEIR characteristic ideas were quite sexual and no mean. It was supposed for the reason of that THEY had prohibited interfering to new intelligent lives. The Example ...

Information about A-Country

The Name of The Rose ( 1986 ) Main Actor ; Sean Connery : Based on the same title of novel by Umberto EcoFor Future Earth will suppose to send the agents to A-Country, they brought a lot of information about A-Country. To get these information, The Afterlife of The Earth become little excited. But most of them have been already heard by THEM. The issue of discussion is concentrated on whom had made this coronavirus pandemic. It did not seem to exist on the original history ( but second original ...

Izmir Earthquake in October 30th, 2020

After it was passed for a week when I had written about Sparta and Argos, Izmir Earthquake had occurred.To see it, Buredoo said, " It's not concerned with Sparta and Argos. It's in Turkey." --- She was laughing, it sounded something a lie.While Izmir people were in distress ( Oct. 31 ), B-Country captured a figure who would go to Peloponnese peninsula. The data looked a mixture of Yakob and Ogura, that meant the data was THEM ( HIM ). B-Country seemed to cut the line, so the figure was vanished ...

The Information about Rei people

It is seemed to happen something on Haraher, he looked distressing. He was seemed to pursue the liability of something by THEM. After a while, A supposed Sim Type man revealed from somewhere, and talk with his queen. --- I could see the core of The Afterlife. But it is there, where it is called The Hell.Then, in October 13th, The Sim who looked the mixture of Haraher and Seki revealed and said, " THEY all become humans." --- His queen was laughing to see it. She looked the mixture of Eeko, Bured...

The Locations of The Diadochoi

Above map was the first hearing about intelligent lives which was started from December 2017. It would be expressed THEIR character of that THEY did not tell a lie in the first time. Haat ( The One ) consistently said he was the people in Boötes from that time. The Two was unallocated Species which was consistently used for disinformation. It was supposed that The Two was A-Country ( The One ). But Rei people said they were the third intelligent life.The Three was supposed to mean for B-Country,...

An inspector from B-Countries

Time Bandits ( 1981 ) by Terry GilliamHE came to The Earth and tried to find the evidence of coronavirus by SomeONE, it was seemed to end in vain. Some of THEM following with HIM left information about next disaster after 5 years. IT would consider to cause WW III.According to Nakatra's words ( in 2018 ), the colonial planet of Skam had collapsed by this attack. IT would think to carry out the plan of " History Repeats Itself " even in The Earth. It was a stylized invasion pattern by THEM. There...
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