The Zero


Numbering Game ( Revision )

I lost a good film to express this post. . . This is a shocking MV to the world. My intention was that Numbering Game was a typical virtual insanity of the world. Recently, the loss of my Pachinko was totally over 50,000 yen, but for the promise with Rei people, I could get a lot of information about THEM. But they only continued to corner me. They were fools who could not change the strategy and tactics alternatively.To hear the information which the alphabetical order was right, THEY changed t...

About ONE ( ZERO ) and C-Country

I became winning with Pachinko recently. But it was natural THEY did not please with my Pachinko win, THEY started picking my answer's fault up. Oh, it was a chance to correct my answer again. THEY did not understand why I continued playing Pachinko yet. I've got new informations here. The Zero --- supposedly the first intelligent life, who were often expressed by monotone figures in the dark background --- was often showed as red background. They might be the people on a red planet, where was l...

Mission Accomplished !!

To see my fault, THEY checked my formal home page which were made for my co-workers. It was a site for care workers. I offended a lot of mistakes because THEY interfered my thought so much that I needed much time to remember. I am a physiotherapist but most of interference were come from the knowing persons. There were a lot of The Intruders in this occupation around. Once I had watched miswriting about oblique muscle in a published book ( it was described about transverse abdominal muscle but s...

Japan the mosquito coast

Dalk suddenly appeared and said, " We must bash him. ! " --- She was moved by somebody. Then The Afterlife of Japan was in disturbance.Somebodies who looked Japanese threatened the afterlife people. They picked the innocent people up then bashed them by the reason of that I had described Japanese head of a state as ' Imperial Family '. People wondered, " How should we do ... ? " I asked THEM back, " What part of this is wrong ? It's right, isn't it ? Japanese called Great Japanese Empire as Empi...

The Location Game 3

THEY were waiting for a chance to counterattack. THEY picked up my fault one by another. But THEY could not exceed me. In the hand, I was in trouble what part of my map was wrong. Rei people considered it was enough for The Map but it still had some problems. THEY pointed at the problems which I could not had drawn about Moong and Draco, however, THEY neither understand them well, the battle was ended in draw. Rei people said, " It is a great thing if only a thing could hit."Another of them said...

The Location Game 2

I found a 360°-rolled machine in a Pachinko hole where I used its restroom. I started shooting immediately after I resorted money to my wallet. I got one hit at middle hight, which pulled 2,300 balls out. THEIR escorting fighters came back soon, however, it was too late. I maneuvered by barrel roll attack with these balls, then I got 777 hit ( gif image above ). It pulled 32,000 balls out. The total was 33,000 balls. I turned over home soon. The result was 17,500 yen win by reducing drink costs....

The Establishment Year Game

To prove the accuracy of my new map, I took off for playing Pachinko. Because the goddess of victory recommended me to shoot. I reached to the battlefield at several minutes passed after the hall had opened. I chose a machine which was high risk and high return. I had good compatibility with this machine. But the battle became tough. Although I continued shooting until the sun tilted west, I could not get good result. I lost 1,5000 yen. When I realized my defeat, the main ramp indicated gold the...

The Location Game

THEY said, " You solved The Olympic Issue." THEY also said, " You can make a new wish."--- I responded it, " Make Olympics for hardworking athletes."I disliked the effort is not rewarded the most. USING THE POWER screwed all up. I did not like the honesty did not pay. To see it, THEY left the words for me, " You don't wish for yourself as always. --- Ha,ha ! " However, THEY continued searching my fault as usual. Some Rei's scientist asked them, " What wrong is it ? " --- But they continued searc...

The mean of THE GAME

To prove the accuracy of the numbering order, I decided to take off for some Pachinko hole again. Their attacking formation only oriented to new machine, there was some gaps between the old types. I jumped into this gap.I started shooting on old types when the hole opened, but for I did not know the movements of recent types, so I carried out the touch-and-go operation to find the good movement of pachinko machine. After I did it for three times, I could get its behind. I was firing until 777 ha...

Making a New Wish

Nakatra Type Man had revealed in my mind after I wrote the post of ' Death of Jesus.' He seemed to ride on a spaceship. The spectrum of his image was the same as C-Country's ( spotted light grey ). We can find the difference of THEIR images when they used the different wavelength from others ( There is a case when THEY change its wavelength from others ).On a spaceship, Nakatra TOLD something about Jesus. Then Real Nakatra said something, but I could not hear his TALK. It was the usual Nakatra h...
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