The Zero


Recent Conference with The Industry

The Industry seemed to negotiate with America. They insisted on that recent California wildfire was owed on me. --- It was supposed THEIR self-performance which THEY usually did or just a lie which THEY also did. The analysis to know the truth was needed for long time because we don't have the way to investigate its behind-the-scenes. There was no way except for we would pick up THEIR sayings. But The Industry thought it easy to tell only a rumor. In my experience, it was a true criminal of whom...

Recent Conference with Yakuza

It is about 25 years passed when I saw The Yakuza. It was from The Uzi did ' Marunage ' to Yakuza in 1996. ' Marunage( 丸投げ )' is Japanese slung which means ' throw all things at.' Japanese intellectuals often make new slung to have doublespeak. Another mean was ' throw it to right party.' ' Maru ( 丸 )' is a magazine which the right party prefer to read.Many Japanese were supposed to kill by this action from Yakuza's leader to innocent people, but no one knew the behind the scenes. And I did not ...

The Ratings of Perceived Humiliation ( Canossa Scale )

When my first novel was unsuccessful on the contest ( in 1995 ), I could HEAR The Ghost of some Japanese Imperial Family said a complaint to Japanese Media. He said, " One Canossa." --- This Doll watched TV program too much. He said about a TV program which had once broadcast. The title was ' Humiliation of Canossa.' It was a parody to express the battle of Japanese bubble economy comparing to history. It became a fashion to say, ' One Canossa.'But for Japanese Imperial family did not suppose to...

Recent Conference with Japanese Media

The Wide-face reveals on my delusional sight, and continues TALKING whole a day. He annoys me even when I am working, He would aim to make me a mistake. His orange-colored background covers me on my mind even after he disappeared. I become hard to control myself. What a human scum for only think it okay to do anything of that he could become easy. He is bashed by Japanese Media at this time. He never mind the sufferer would feel it in trouble.In 1993, he even thought so. The Uzi transacted with ...

Information about G-Country

Gladiator ( 2000 ) by Ridley Scott, main actor ; Russell Crowe G-Country is once supposed to exist in the direction of Grus constellation. There is CIG J2143-4423 filaments, where is supposed their space area. It is supposed the world where is in 189x108 light years away and we can see its situation after 29x108 after The Big Bang. It is not certain why these galaxy filaments could be composed so early ( the article by NASA ). They looked slender. Some of them seemed to have brown skin. Yakob Ty...

The Capture of The Sim

After the destruction of C-Country, SDFA-E found new front of enemy. They said to us that My Guardian might be reconstructed again. But the enemy did not appear. It was only seen the activity of The Attic in January 12th to 14th. He said, " You would make mistakes unless you obey us, ha-ha."--- It was a synchronized attack with Japanese Media on January 4th to 5th. It's nothing to say that they are not only human scum for me but also The Collaborators who are supported by THEM. It is as same as ...

Ironbottom Sound

In January 5th, THEY recover the line of TALK. THEY ( The Collaborators ) willingly said to me, " We can bully you." THEY showed the fast recovery as usual ways.--- " Ching ! " Another of THEM ( supposed Rei people ) responded. She said, " Ironbottom Sound."--- Many spaceships are supposed to destroy. Before this ( January 3rd ), SDFA-E suddenly asked for my opinion. They seemed to capture three shipyards of C-Country. It was supposed there in their colonial planets ( the direction of Abell1835 ...

The Destruction of C-Country

Star Wars : VI - Return of the Jedi ( 1983 ) by George Lucas In December 21th, I HEARD B-Country was twittering, " Spear. Spear. " --- Something was seemed to happen in THEIR WORLD.In December 23th, B-Country had showed the dead bodies to The Afterlife of The Earth. They wanted to verify the identities. Those dead bodies were all out of my recognition. The Afterlife of The Earth sent a special ambassador to there. He confirmed the identities. THEY showed the dead bodies of Haat and Klam. Tambar ...

Izmir Earthquake in October 30th, 2020

After it was passed for a week when I had written about Sparta and Argos, Izmir Earthquake had occurred.To see it, Buredoo said, " It's not concerned with Sparta and Argos. It's in Turkey." --- She was laughing, it sounded something a lie. While Izmir people were in distress ( Oct. 31 ), B-Country captured a figure who would go to Peloponnese peninsula. The data looked a mixture of Yakob and Ogura, that meant the data was THEM ( HIM ). B-Country seemed to cut the line, so the figure was vanished...

The Information about Rei people

It is seemed to happen something on Haraher, he looked distressing. He was seemed to pursue the liability of something by THEM. After a while, A supposed Sim Type man revealed from somewhere, and talk with his queen. --- I could see the core of The Afterlife. But it is there, where it is called The Hell. Then, in October 13th, The Sim who looked the mixture of Haraher and Seki revealed and said, " THEY all become humans." --- His queen was laughing to see it. She looked the mixture of Eeko, Bure...
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