The Zero


3. Gamma Ray Burst

Gamma Ray Burst ( GRB ) is scared than super flare from The Sun. Ground lives will be dead by this irradiation only for 10 milliseconds to several hours. It is suggested one of Mass extinction would be occurred by this attack ( O-S boundary ). Because THEY will do it whatever it will be able to occur, we must beware of.But fortunately, there is no star which can cause Gamma Ray Burst immediately. The Stars are about to explode now Betelgeuse ( 700 ly ) η Carinae ( 7500 ly ) VY Canis Majoris ( 38...

The Death of Tambar 2

I could SEE an image somewhere Nakatra and Yota's daughter were crying. They were seemed to isolate and ready to die. The time when I HEARD a female moan, the image was vanished. --- It was Tambar2's vision who could easily escape to another planet. She would fight with keeping escaping route, but this time, she was failed. The route was caught by B-Country, so I could SEE. She was supposed to die. She was famous as ' The Living Statue ' among B-Cuntries. She was The Goddess who had appeared on ...

2. Meteor Strike

One of the most urgent issues for us is the prevention from meteor strike.According to THEM, the planet of Jiin sufferred meteor strike and destroyed. THEY were sad for this extinction and made copy-cat Species who was called The Gard. This Species gradually became rebellious to THEM, they turned into exiles in The Universe.--- We must quickly establish The Earth Defending System from this meteor strike. Never expect for protecting The Earth by The Afterlife. They are all dead and expecting to o...

1. Nuclear War

One of the most considerable disaster ( war ) is. Skam is said that caused the collapse of society and Helas is said that suffered a partial nuclear war. Artificial planets like Skam are supposed to suffer this disaster mostly. It is standard disaster for THEM. In our planet, I found Alii Type Lady tried to entice North Korea to use atomic bombs in several times. She did not mind that North Korea did not have such powers. It would be THEIR standard matter. It is often seen for THEM that THEY doe...

Negotiation with Micronation of MichiroJohn

Mr. Vampire ( 1985 ) by Sammo Hang Kam-bo ( original title is ' 殭屍先生.' ) THEY continue negotiating with my country, which is The Micronation of MichiroJohn. THEY pretend trying to use me because other Japanese want it. But THEY want to do it with bad. Because THEY think it could become the power of The Japan lesser than before. THEY want to get the more power to struggle with both Japanese and Micronation of MichiroJohn. Therefore, THEM and The Collaborators will continue picking a quarrel with ...

Informations about Hydra Species

THEY continue doing TALK with saying a phrase of the movie ' They Live.' --- They are safe as long as they are not discovered --- They Live ( 1988 ) by John Carpenter THEY usually threaten us when THEY are standing behind victory. While THEY threaten us, THEY are running our behind to keep THE POWER. Once THEY had gone to The Realm of SomeONE or The One, or THEY are running into The Ground Base on The Earth. Now THEY are running into the heirs of EMPIRE ( The Diadochoi ). THEY likely have settle...

Informations about Hercules Species

In 1995, Ookura Type man came to me and said at the south gate of Shinjuku Station, " I am Hercules."--- I could not understand what HE was talking. Before this, HE said, " I am Ookura-shō ( Ministry of Finance )." I could not even understand HIS changing mind to Hercules. I have never seen Hercules who spoke Japanese. In THEIR WORLD, these words seemed to have special meanings which were Hercules, Ookura, Ogura, and Ooishi Kuranosuke. It was supposed that Ookura was a short word of Ooishi Kuran...

The Way of WWIII

There are many reasons to occur wars, which are mostly economics and politics. Monglians and Normans made wars to secure their trading routes. Religious politics often made wars like Muslims, Crusaders and Nazis. There are the cases to occur wars by the reason of that they kept too enough armies. That are Yuan dynasty in China and Toyotomi administration in Japan. European states which had caused The Great War are same reason. Their states were so peaceful that they thought obeying around countr...

Hugh Trenchard in Advanced Daisenryaku

The Trench ( 1999 ) by William Boyd   In 2001, The GHQ suddenly requested me to claim SEGA for new Advanced Daisenryaku ( Advanced  大戦略2001 ). The Representative of The Afterlife of Japan said, " That is wrong. We would let him do it "ーーー I was choosen but I ageed. Because I had much knowledge about this Nazi Daisenryaku.  SEGA had made Nazi army easy to conquest the world on Advanced 大戦略 98 zwei, they had also praised Hittler in its comments ( the comment was " Führer is pleased, too " etc. ). ...

The Twin Peaks

As some telecommunication man ( The Nishiguchi ) introduced me the movie of Cross of Iron ( in 1992 ), I could see this movie almost everyday. It was BGM for me to write down my stories. It was exactly violence aesthetics.During to continue seeing this movie, I found a little change in this movie. In the last battle scene, it occurred two explosion on church, however, I remembered it had occurred on one steeple but it would change to two small spires after 1994. Female SomeONE ( but Eeko ) said,...
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