Above map was the first hearing about intelligent lives which was started from December 2017. It would be expressed THEIR character of that THEY did not tell a lie in the first time. Haat ( The One ) consistently said he was the people in Boötes from that time. The Two was unallocated Species which was consistently used for disinformation. It was supposed that The Two was A-Country ( The One ). But Rei people said they were the third intelligent life.
The Three was supposed to mean for B-Country, but they were the fourth intelligent life.
D-Country believed themselves in The Four for long time, but they were possibly The Seven and the ninth intelligent life. The Four sometimes meant for Chili people. They supposed to believe it for short time ( ex. Tambar-4 ). They were supposed the sixth intelligent life.
C-Country called themselves as The Five after long time had been passed. Tambar-2 watched it with laughing.
— The meaning point was there needed to know own number if you will want to become The Universal Species. But no one could seem to tell own number certainly even for Rei people.
For present intelligent lives, it is important for knowing about the order of Species because THEY often declare ‘ You-don’t-know ‘ rule when THEY will carry some conspiration out. And even the more, we must know which Species is friendly or not. It is not ended only to care of The One’s attitude. We must survive for factional dispute among powerful Species.
After destroyed The One, the most powerful Species becomes B-Country. In the hand, the descendants of The One still keep own powers.
Haat said, ” Diadochois are existed 30.”
B-country said, ” We know 19 Species.”
After The One negotiated with Rei people, The One has survived as the negative power of fear. Rei people watched it silently. They became the power of chaos. To see them, Rei people seemed to absorb them to The Afterlife. The One was defeated by The Temptation of The Afterlife. It means that any powerful intelligent lives could be defeated.
But The One reflected on themselves to say that they are okay to become like this. It is true fear of The Afterlife.
Anyway, The Species map is supposed below —

This Earth was supposed the second intelligent life in the space area of A-Country ( Sloan2 ). A-Country was Sloan1 and Aas1. B-Country was Aas2, Draco people was Aas3, C-Country was Aas4, Ophiuchus people was Aas5, G-Country was Aas6, therefore, this Earth was supposed Aas7.
To mention about other intelligent lives, Leo1 people supposed to have different culture from The Aas members. They called the upper class who were supposed aliens for ‘ Stick ‘. To tell the more, Ursa-Major people, Sextans people and Pavo people did not supposed to exist. They will get highly civilized in the future but now THEY have occupied their wealth. THEY said that This Earth will become the inter-galaxy intelligent life. Rei people requested us to become their eldest intelligent life. Helas people seemed to time-jump into Ursa-major people. But to meet them, we had to survive for hundred-million years. If we would have the technology to time-jump, the system to receive The Vertical data had to be alive for tremendous years.
May The Earth in peace.
Referenced VOICES
・THEY said, ” The Universe was separated by two.” ( 2018 )
— I don’t know whether it was true, THE STORIES about THEIR planets were concentrated on northern hemisphere. Mostly those were supposed the arounds on Great GRB Wall. There were THEIR repeatedly sayings of that, ” The Center is mad,” — I supposed that the center of The Universe was existed on somewhere. I would consider this place as Great GRB Wall and the opposite side of this center was considered as on B-Country.
There was the possibility of that The Universe was separated by three, the third was supposed the space area of G-Country.
・Holm said, ” We won this speed battle.” ( 2019 )
— For us, anything was okay who was the first Species, if they had secured our lives. But to see THEM, THEY said a lot of lies and did not save us. While we were deceived by THEIR lies, there was the possibility to be caused disasters and wars ( but THEY could not invade The Earth directly somehow ). We had to find the truth with removing THEIR lies.
About Aash
・THEY had emphasized the word of ‘ ash.’
・THEY had emphasized the movie of ‘ Ashes and Diamonds.’
・THEY had emphasized the movie of ‘ Whales of August.
・THEY had emphasized ‘ Three Kingdoms ‘ in Chinese history.
・Tambar-1 emphasized this word, ‘ Haaraa.’ It was supposed to mean ‘ Hara ( 原 ):plain ( land ).’ ( 1994 )
・THEY had emphasized the word of ‘ hustler.’
— Similar name was supposed the name of powerful country in The Aash.
・THEY had emphasized Altamira cave.
・A sample of The Zero confessed, ” We don’t have a sense of pain.” ( 1993 )
・Haraher said, ” THEY all are dead and became The Zero.” ( 1995 )
・Tambar-0 said, ” It’s a victory of science.” ( 1995 )
— The Aash supposed to suffer the damage of global warming in like this age.
・THEY had emphasized Variable Star. ( 2018 ).
・THEY told the location of Mira star was wrong. ( 2019 )
・Haraher said, ” They went to a space actually.” ( 2020 )
・THEY had emphasized a galaxy of Orochi ( AzTEC-ASTE-SXDF1100.001 ).
・A-Country tried to occupy this society and the planet name was changed to ‘ Aash ‘ or ‘ Assh.’ ( 2020 )
・Their pronunciations seemed to have the less consonants in their ancient.
・SomeONE said, ” I’ll tell you a good thing. We’re Moong.” ( 2021 )
・THEY had emphasized The Heart in the dwarf planet Pluto.
— Their continent was supposed to shape heart mark and have three powerful countries, and their CCU ( Central Controlling Unit ) become a king of The Hell ( SomeONE ).
・The Zero said, ” We will die with our best effort.” ( 2021 )
・Haraher said, ” Why don’t they have the time-travelling generations ? ” ( 2021 )
— They likely caused extinction by global warming. Their activities were always limited in present issues.
・In Mutopia, THEY mentioned about the existence of Aquarius people in The Milky Way. ( 2018 )
・Buredoo said, ” You are wrong for Cetus people. But you should leave it as itself because the intelligent lives who were born the after would be able to excel your knowledge.” ( 2022 )
The Little Mother said, ” You are wrong about Mira people.” ( 2022 )
— The planet name of Aash was seemed to be okay for the same name as the variable star Mira in the Cetus Constellation.
・Kanji Type man said, ” We’ve got the location of Cetus people ! ”
— But THEY did not accept his idea. THEY only said, ” Just an imagination and delusion. It’s the same level as MichiroJohn’s.” ( 2022 )
・The Kanji could put a table in front of THE SYSTEM. Then he shouted, ” We know Cetus people ! ” B-Country asked him, ” Where is the direction of Mira people ( from The Earth ) ? ” But he could not answer. His table was removed.
To see it, The Prince of MichiroJohn1’s came to say, ” They were the direction of Aquarius Constellation.”
— I’ve got two informations about Aquarius people. Wrote them down. ( 2022 )
About Rei people
・THEY had emphasized the bank of heart mark in Japan. It was called ‘ the first industrial bank.’
・The Afterlife of Japan considered it a problem for the first industrial bank. It was seemed THEIR riddling. ( 1994 )
・THEY had emphasized the signboard of ‘ OIOI ‘ in Shinjuku.
・Yuu showed anger face. THEY explained it in old Japanese, ” Okanmuri ( お冠:get anger ).” ( 1994 ) — The literal translation of Okanmuri is ‘ crown.’
・Nakatra said to people around, ” He ( me ) knows everything.” ( 1994 )
・THEY said about the location about The Zero, ” We live in the outside of center.” ( 2018 )
・Haraher emphasized the star of Alcor as Death Star ( 死兆星:shichou-sei ). — Rei people supposed to make The Death World for The One. ( 2018 )
・Haat said, ” We’re 42 years ago truly.” Then B-country said, ” We’re 39.” Then C-Country said, ” We’re 35.” Then Euron said, ” We’re 32. No, it’s 33. No, it’s 31. It is the year of battle of Actium.” Then Haraher said, ” Yes. We’re 27 B.C. The year of Augustus became the emperor is.” ( 2019 )
・Sassa moved parallel to Leo1. He said, ” I moved forward a little.” — The planet of Rei people supposed to locate on a little farther than Leo1. ( 2019 )
・When I was making the map of Rei, Nakatra said, ” Is it the story of Oiran ? ( 花魁:top Geisha )” in 2020.
・THEY introduced themselves as ‘ Rei people.’ ( 2020 )
・C-Country said, ” They even did not investigate whole areas of The Universe.” ( 2020 )
About The One
・Dalk-1 said, ” It will be ended for 30 years.” But Sal-1 persuaded others to say that, It could be said a good life of that we will be alive for 30 years. ( 1993 )
・Yuu emphasized this word, ‘ Siba ( 芝:turf ). ( 1994 )
・The Two was frightened to say, ” One is… ( Oneだ:Wan-da ).” ( 1994 )
・Sal stuck to The I/O Issue. He said, ” I can’t find.” ( 1995 )
・THEY were walking in a white background to say that, ” We’re okay like this.” ( 1996 )
・Saka said, ” They are ahead of own business.” ( 1996 )
・THEY laughed for there lived Geisha girls in Gion ( 祇園 ). ( 2016 )
・Haat introduced himself as the people in Boötes Superclusters. ( 2018 )
・Haat insisted The One had lived in farther area of Boötes Superclusters. My Guardian asked back, ” Didn’t you lived in nearer area of Boötes Superclusters ? ” ( 2018 )
・THEY said a fool for The One and The Two as ‘ ass hole.’ ( 2019 )
・Haat admitted it after ( 2019 ).
・Saka said, ” Repeatedly I said, they only thought about The Invasion.” ( 2019 )
・Some of THEM explained me that Saka was just a programmer to make this Peaceful Invasion ( 2019 ). Another of THEM said, ” Sucker.”
— Saka tried to correct this program but the result was like this. It looked like self-performance.
・A-Country said about a colonizing planet in the beside of their galaxy. THEY called it ‘ Raikan.’ ( 2019 )
・THEY said ρ Boötis was The One ( 2019 ).
・Sassa said, ” There ( Izar ) lives the fool ( あそこにはタコがいる:There lives octopus ).” ( 2020 )
—The nearest galaxy in Boötes Superclusters was Abell 1898. And Abell 1873 or Abell 1861 might be Raikan. Near this star, The Two was born possibly. But they were seemed an artificial intelligent life who were made by Rei people.
About The Two
・After I SAW the figures of The Mother a lot, The Two had appeared and said, ” We are the next.” ( 1994 )
・THEY said, ” They are bad.” ( 1994 )
・The One warned, ” Two and Four are the death numbers.” ( 1996 )
・Haat said, ” One is dead. Two does not exist. Four are mad. — Three is bad.” ( 1996 )
・Haat said, ” Two is not human.” ( 2018 )
・THEY said a fool for The Two as ‘ Ass hole.’ ( 2018 )
— The Two was supposed to call ‘ Hool.’ They might have been a future Species who would time-jump to there. The One made a colonizing planet ( Raikan ) at the beside of there.
・The Two have been almost seemed to be extinct by the collapse of social infrastructure. They could not suppose to survive for World War III next to the global warming. The One only got the sample to save them. Rei people thought it unqualified.
・Haraher said, ” They suffered all.” ( 2021 )
— He supposed to say that some intelligent life suffered all Schedule of God. It was likely supposed The One was. In their history, German-like country seemed to defeat India-like ( Japan-like ) country. This history would change to the self-extinction by Nuclear War. The history of The Two became The One’s in their future.
・ Akiko and Yota often said, ” The second.” ( 1994 to 1995 )
About The Three
・ THEY had emphasized the Semitic God ‘ Baal.’
・When I played the arcade game of Puyo Puyo Sun, THEY said, ” San is bad ” ( 1996 ).
・When THEY made some conspiracy, THEY often threw the words like this, ” Hit by crowbar ! ” ( 1994 to 1996 ) — Crowbar was called in Japanese as ‘ Baaru.’
・Yoshua said that B-Country had lived the direction of Eridanus Constellation ( 2019 ). At first, he said it δ Eridani, but he changed it for UDFj-39546284 the after. — It was not certain which were true, but B-Country said, ” it is right for the distance.”
・THEY called The Erander ( Species in Fornax Cluster ) as Toor ( 2018 ). THEY introduced themselves as Eridanus Cluster people. I decided to call them ‘ Erander Species.’
・B-Country introduced themselves as ‘ Baal.’ ( 2018 )
・B-Country introduced themselves as ‘ Toor ( Thor ).’ ( 2019 ).
・Haat said, ” We’re 42 years ago truly.” Then B-country said, ” We’re 39.” Then C-Country said, ” We’re 35.” Then Euron said, ” We’re 32. No, it’s 33. No, it’s 31. It is the year of battle of Actium.” Then Haraher said, ” Yes. We’re 27 B.C. The year of Augustus became the emperor is.” ( 2019 )
— The name of B-Country was supposed ‘ Toor.’
・B-Country said, ” We did not do THE GAME.” ( 2019-2021 )
About The Four
・The Mother said, ” Why do they have lower bulge on their faces ? ” ( 1994 )
・Haraher said, ” It was not face but their hair styles are mountain-shaped.” ( 1995 )
・They claimed to Rei people, ” Why did you change us like you ? ” ( 1995 )
— Rei people seemed to keep the observational attitude at this age yet. Haraher looked hard to answer.
・Haraher said, ” Some of them cannot identified by absorbed to others.” ( 1995 )
・Some of THEM called them as ” Silly.” Some of THEM called as ‘ Chili, chilly.” ( 2021 )
— Both were okay possibly. In the point of ‘ One Species, One Country,’ I decided to call them as ‘ Chili.’ They were supposed the sixth intelligent life.
About The Five
・The Five explained THEIR rules. ( 1994-1995 )
・The Five declared after Great Hanshin Earthquake, ” We’re bored.” ( 1995 )
・Tambar-2 introduced herself ‘ The Five.’ ( 1995 )
・The Kyuar said that they were separated by two ( 2018 ).
・A-country moved their space fleet from U1.27 to Sextans supercluster for 31 days. The distance was supposed 110 x 108 light years. B-Country moved their fleets to C-Country ( The Five ) for 13 days. 110 ÷ 31 x 13 ≒ 46.1 ( light years ). C-Country was supposed to locate on within 46 light years away.
・C-Country introduced themselves as ‘ Cypher.’ ( 2019 )
・Haat said, ” They are in the bottom of Boötes ( Constellation ).” ( 2019 )
・B-Country said, ” We rescued the innocent people of C-Country ( 2019 ).” — B-Country seemed to fight with THEM from the beginning of B-Country to the beginning of C-Country ( Time Works War II ). B-Country had chosen the battle field in the Horologium Supercluster ( Barran, Hora, Kuer, Hibi, etc. ), however, it was not ended by the reason of that B-Country was the lack of preparation.
・Haat said, ” We’re 42 years ago truly.” Then B-country said, ” We’re 39.” Then C-Country said, ” We’re 35.” Then Euron said, ” We’re 32. No, it’s 33. No, it’s 31. It is the year of battle of Actium.” Then Haraher said, ” Yes. We’re 27 B.C. The year of Augustus became the emperor is.” ( 2019 )
・C-Country changed own name to ‘ Voog.’ ( 2019 ) — It was seemed one of their human’s name.
・THEY said a fool for C-Country as ‘ Lick my ass.’
・C-Country confessed own true name as ‘ Aas.’ ( 2020 ) — The planet name of C-Country was supposed ‘ Aas ‘ or ‘ Rikk.’ They had a colonization planet ( probably in the direction of Abell1835 IR1916 ), their original planet was supposed The Five ( in the direction of CIG J1449+0856 ). It seemed to become no one had lived.
・Haat said, ‘ There’s right ( in CIG J1449+0856 ). ( 2019 ) — He seemed to SEE it.
About The Six
・THEY talked about G-Country ( 2017 ). THEY did it easily. It was not seemed to be important for THEM. Their land of God was called ‘ Gard.’ It was as same as Valhalla for them. Dead warriors went there. But for a meteor strike had destroyed their civilization, they all went to Gard. They were seemed to be pilose creatures yet.
・G-Country side was seemed to leave as non-interfered areas by the treaty between The One and B-Country. The One supposed to suspend for the ways of The Zero ( Haat suspended it at least ). When The Time Works War IV ( 2019 ), The Kyuar said, ” They don’t join this war. We let them do freely.”
・THEY said G-Country was around CIG J2143-4423 filaments. ( 2019 )
・The Gard introduced themselves as Indus people ( 2019 ). — The name of G-Gountry was not supposed to decide because they were extinct before it was done. The planet was seemed to cover in flames.
・The situation of this disaster was broadcast on the spot by TALK. The Mother said, ” I found them by going back to the past.” ( 1994 ) It was a mystery for me why THEY started such TALK. On the presumption that THEY were born in 1993, G-country were born in 1994, but they were found as the fifth Species. Noa Type man said, ” As we said ‘ Goor, Goor ( the mean was ‘ five, five.’ ),’ they call us Gar(d).” ( 2021 )
— THEY could not seem to do the observational attitude from this time. After encountering with The Two, THEY would have started researching the opposite side of The Universe. Then, THEY found B-Country ( B-Country had already seemed to civilize highly ), and then THEY found them. — For this sense, THEIR numbering order was wrong ( G-Country was the 2nd Species ). But for no one correct this mistake, I did not correct it, too.
・Tambar 1&2 said, ” It’s okay to say ‘ one person ‘ or ‘ two persons ‘ however, It’s bad to say ‘ the first ‘ or ‘ the second ‘.” ( 1994 )
・When I thought about G-Country, THEY said, ” Jiin, Jiin… ( 2019 )”
About Eleven
・According to Ruth In The Bible, after she lost her husband, her father-in-law and her elder brother-in-law, she was married to an old man.
・THEY had given good impression about eleven.
・The Zero said, ” He did not even find about Pisces people. ( 2021 )
・When I thought about Pisces people, THEY said, ” Shiin … ( onomatopoeia of silence ).” (2021 )
・Some of THEM said, ” We’ll do it by own.”
— This people supposed to refuse the cooperation of The Afterlife. To live alone, there supposed to need making IDEA field. But they did not do it, and could not seem to keep own system.
About The Seven
・Ookura said, ” I am Hercules.” ( 1995 )
・They said that Ookura and Yakob was The Four. ( 1995 )
・THEY praised Ookura as a hero. He seemed to fight with The One. And THEY told Yakob was an agent from The Zero. They both seemed to do inter-galaxy spy war. ( 1996 )— The result was D-Country was lost, but they reconciled the after. Both became doing THE GAME.
・THEY introduced Ookura to me, ” He is also seven.” ( 1996 )
・D-Country asked me for, ” Don’t call us Doom.” ( 2019 )
— The planet name of D-Country was supposed ‘ Duum.’
・Ozaki Type man said that D-Country was in the direction of MACS0647-JD. ( 2019 )
— The original of Ozaki was supposed in India-like country of The One.
・Yakob said about the existence of Links people ( Lynx Species ). He said they lived / will live in the direction of μ Ursae Majoris. ( 2019 )
・Yakob explained their people’s name as Goliath ( 2020 ). THEY emphasized Ogura and Ookura had thick chests. — Their origin might be come from Gorilla.
・Yakob said their people’s name as ‘ Goliaat ‘ the after ( 2020 )
・THEY had emphasized Japanese slung ‘ sutchii ( スッチー:air hostess ).’
・Haraher said, ” They are Sodom and Gomorrah. Oh, Gomorrah is the more terrible.” ( 1995 )
— Sodom was supposed to mean Tokyo. Sodom was a town of extreme sexual depravity. In Tokyo, Sex-slave trading was seen on the street. Gomorrah was supposed Osaka or Kobe. Both had so many Yakuza. It was often seen that policemen made friendship with them. But THEY also said, ” Gomorrah is great.” — THEY told it about ‘ Bio-ship Paladin ( 1990 ).’ The spaceship was called ‘ Gomora ‘ in Japanese version.
・Akiko and Yota’s daughter insisted on THEIR planet names became our structure’s name ( 1996 ). For example. The Two is ‘ Hole,’ The Four is ‘ Doom.’ Then, Buredoo questioned again, ” Where is Bureau ? “
・D-Country mentioned about a hero who was called Alex ( 1996 ). But THEY said him a fool. Alex ( or Alexander ) was seemed C-Country people who try to change THE WORLD.
・For the reflection of The-Two’s failure, The One and The Zero would have treated D-Country hard. They did not behave on observational attitude in this planet. D-Country got unreasonable grudge for the global warming and the collapse of social infrastructure. They thought it for THEM ( Both were occurred by their economical system of the mass consumption ). They could survive for these disasters however, they would have started counterattacking to THEM. This war ( B-Country said it ‘ line battle ‘ ) became severe so that THEY reconsidered the way of The Interference. — THEY never took the observational attitude.
— The above seven intelligent lives were the real Species, who should have been called as The Evil Seven. They had established The Six Society except for B-country, they started invading other intelligent lives. This historical background was supposed for the resistance of C- and D-Countries, THEY could not handle them well. While THEY strengthened the collaborators of C- and D-Countries, THEY changed the new Species near to THEIR bodies and histories.
— It was the beginning of The Peaceful Invasion. Its main aim was for not to give newer Species a rebellious attitude. THEY asserted to make the functional beauty, and changed newer Species thoroughly. THEY thought the similar intelligent lives could not have the rebellious thoughts. THEY praised The One for the most precious. The One became arrogant and secured the evil actions by THEM. Other Species must have been obedient to The One. B-Country had still continued watching out for A-Countries ( The One and The Zero ), in this point, it was not ended Time Works War II.
・THEY said that Sassa went to U1.27 ( E-Country ). ( 2018 ) — There is the first newer Species whom I called ‘ Leo 1 ( or Aas 8 ).’ This Species was seemed to conciliate by THEM, and do The peaceful Invasion to the next Species ( Aas 9 ). They were supposed to exterminate by the reason of doing The Peaceful Invasion.
・After tremendous years passed, Leo-2 had risen. Although Leo-1 was not almost remained its data, but they supposed to join this campaign. Leo-2 was also conciliated by THEM, they also did The Peaceful Invasion to the next Leo-3 ( Aas 54 ). — Because THEIR numerical method was octal digits, it meant ‘ the 54th planet.’ — It was The Universal Domino.
・THEY praised this Leo-3 for cool. ( 1994 )
・B-Country mentioned about the destruction of their planet ( 2021 ). While Leo-1 had existed, B-Country sent the spiritual agents to Leo-1. THEY felt disgusting for this interruption, so THEY destroyed the planet of B-country with pretending for the order of Leo-1. But B-Country did not declare the war, they only kept negotiating with THEM. They became Species who did not have main planet, they do not settle down to another planet even now. They all mechanized. It was also seemed the beginning of Time Works War I ( Cause and effect were reversed ).
・ The Two insisted on going to Draco Species in 2018. It was F-Country. THEY said it cat people, but Rei people said it ferret had civilized highly. But they seemed to choose all suicide the after. We probably could SEE the remnant as Oltar, he tried to tell a truth by saying a lie.
・THEY said a fool for this Draco Species ( 2019 ). — THEY supposed to face on unfavorable events and destroy the evidence.
・F-Country said, ” We’re moles ( Mogura-da:モグラだ ).” After that, they said themselves as Mogran ( 2018 ). To hear it, the face of Yuu suddenly appeared. She said, ” Mogura. Mogura,” and laughing. — They must have seemed to hide under the ground to survive. It was supposed that THEY added terrible things to them.
・THEY said, ” F-Country did not existed.” ( 2019 ) THEY told me the existence of The Feit for lying. THEIR failure seemed to become non-existent.
・G-Country highly civilized again. But other Species could not realize it, THEY let this planet change freely. This planet become Aas 10. The One realized it after, they fought with THEM hardly. The Stylized Invasion Pattern was supposed to establish on this planet.
・The Special ambassador of Gard said, ” We are Aas, too.” ( 2019 )
・THEY had emphasized Mac-OS X and Windows10. It was meant for G-Country. They supposed to do The Repetition of The Aas actually.
・G-Country requested us to join their Time Works War. He said, ” So you must pay the cost of Time Works War” or just said, ” Pay a cost.” ( in 1995, 2003, 2011, 2016, 2019 ) C-Country advised me not to join them. Because it caused the reason of Time Works War.
・B-Country said, ” The line battle for them can be called as Time Works War IV.”
— It might have been the beginning of Time Works War IV. The forth battle on time line supposed to start from G-Country, it was supposed to end Yoshua Country in the future ( THEY said so. THEY did not think about this after ).
・Some of THEM ( supposed The Afterlife of another Species ) said, ” G-Country is mad.” ( 2019 )
— Although G-Country became The Aas, there was the possibility that other G-Countries did not become The Aas. G-Country might have become the bad example ( The Opposite Justice ) to tell THEIR interference. The above his words were also one way of telling a truth. To become THEIR vanguards, they could move THEIR world freely. After that, they tried to correct our faults…
・G-Country said about himself, ” Kiss my foots.” ( 2021 ) But THEY did not say so. THEY had only emphasized Rwandan Genocide of 1994. — Their confusion was seemed quite severe. They supposed to become the spiritual existence the after. They did not have any armies, they tried to manage the space area of G-Country by THE VOICE only. They did not send any army to Japanese front of Time Works War IV. The advantage not to maintain spaceships was that other Universal Species did not think them dangerous.
・THEY said, ” They ( G-Country ) is Guardian.” ( 2019 ) — They still supposed to survive, but they often seemed to suffer THEIR attacks. It would be hard to live as spiritual existence.
・Haraher answered ( 2018 ), ” I knew H( -Country ). I… maybe ( us ). J… I don’t know. Where’s J-Country ? ” He asked to somewhere. THEY were laughing.
— To hear the around people of Haraher, H-Country was supposed ‘ Helas,’ where was seemed there on the opposite side of Boötes Void in the direction of Ursa Major. THEY would seem to make The Exhibition Planet in there to see many newer Species had been exterminated. THEY would make this planet could win THE GAME and won. But for THEY did it as real battle, the people of Helas had survived up to now and managed the space areas next to The Demarcation of THE WORLD. The opposite side of this line were the space area of B-Country and I-Country. They watched out each other.
・ Haraher said, ” There is a same country name ( of mine ).” Then, THEY were laughing. He asked to THEM, ” Is it wining-and-dinning ? ” THEY answered, ” Yes.” ( 1995 )
・THEY had emphasized ζ Ursae Majoris ( Mizar ) and Alcor. In Japan, Alcor was famous for sinister star.
・Haraher said, ” There is one Species before us.” Then THEY showed the figure of Maak. He was seemed The Barran. The King Maak ( Maak Wan ) was PLAYER in Barran. Haraher thought him H-Country but change it the after. ( 2018 to 2019 )
・During Time Works War IV, the data of Helas people moved to Ursa Major Supercluster ( 2019 ). It was the near area of α Ursae Majoris ( Dubhe ), but it only seemed to have microbes in their planet. They supposed to move to the future.
・B-Country talk about the existence of newer Species where lived in the opposite near side of THEIR WORLD. It was when I tried to know THEIR locations ( 2019 ). THEY said, ” Baat. Baat.” Then he said to me, ” You forgot about Baat. They live in near.” — I did not know it well but THEY implanted me for the knowledge about Baat ( The Recognizing ).
— Maybe My Guardian might have gone there. I was considered the full copy of MichiroJohn ( MichiroJohn-1 ) so that I could not react on such examination.
・THEY talked about the violence of Hibi ( 2018 ). THEY seemed to plunder around the space area of Columba Supercluster ( A3390, A3381 ). — Baat supposed to have lived there.
By The Recognizing, Baat was seemed a short term Species who were extinct for World War after the collapse of social infrastructure. In exact, they were not extinct for this war, however, to see them, THEY interfered to this society and changed their time lines. The supposed extinction was avoided but they became The Androids soon. It was the same way of The Two. THEY seemed to say to B-Country, ” Thus, it’s bad unless we could interfere.” — The One seemed to watch it with laughing. B-country had a suspicion for this way, they started maintaining space fleets in secret.
Baat was seemed to be extinct actually after this mechanization. It was supposed I-Country.
・THEY had emphasized the movie scene of Cross of Iron ( 1977 ) when Kern and Schnurrbart were died. The Scene was here.
・THEY had emphasized the animation scene of Robotech when Kakizaki was died. The scene was here.
・There was the possibility of that I-Country was Kageie Kakizaki at the forth battle of Kawanakajima. It was possibly Yoshikiyo Murakami.
— The numbers of Aas were supposed 55 which was including our Earth, that had a lot of missing number. The space area of G-Country did not suppose to have this Aas numbering except for G-Country. This numbering method was supposed the numbers which Rei people had found, Holm ( THEIR scientist ) said, ” You are 67-hu ( 67府:the 55th government by decimal digits )” in 2020. Tsuzuki said, ” We repeated 35 times ( We exterminated 35 intelligent lives by The Peaceful Invasion )” in 2019. B-Country said, ” We have 19 ” in 2020.
— The most of these intelligent lives were hard to find because they had already been exterminated. But the around of this Milky Way could be heard by THEM. THEY proudly said so. I wrote it down from below, although it was suspicious because it was supposed to include the stories of other space areas. And even supposed future stories were included. THEY almost had lost following by time orders…