Three Major Features of THEM

Species ( 1995 )

Species ( 1995 ) by Roger Donaldson

— THEY probably live in uncertainty of this world, although THEY still convince that THEY can live forever, that is also supposed to be in uncertainty. THEY often live in a flash, which almost looks as same as anarchism. THEY cannot see the whole situation of this world. THEY cannot get along with the political changes of The Universe, THEY only believe to turn things to win.
THEIR thoughts and ideas are confirmed severely, no one can get touch in.

I can have seen THEM for 30 years, I found three major features about THEM. It is that ( 1 ) Sexual Depravity, ( 2 ) Functionalism, ( 3 ) Foreseeing Actions.

( 1 ) Sexual Depravity

To see THEM, we can find it at first. It looks THEY have wanted to make children with The Earth people. THEY also want to have sex with The Earth people a lot. It is not certain why THEY would enjoy with THEIR domestic people. It is the easier and better to buy a sexbot for THEM. It looks like THEIR demonstrative behaviors but there is some kind of THEIR sexual poverty at least. THEY are disliked from others.
It would be that ‘ What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.’ — It is supposed to be important not to have similar body and culture with THEM for new Species. — But it’s hard.

Moreover to tell, THEY mention about strange semiotics, which are usually very sexual. For example, molesting is the sign of offending murder in the past life. Tambar 2 ( Youko ) once mentioned about this sign, which she said, ” We cannot make him murder again, so we will make him a molester ( 1992 ).”
— It was quite strange because she believed the existence of Past Life, and she said it as like quite ordinary things. THEY explained it as the execution of THEIR custom law the after. It is a typical thought of THEIR execution which the way have been alternated to sexual things.
It is the other example that THEY become LBGT if THEY had been reborn in The Earth. Dalk often mentioned about it ( ex. the issue of ‘ Orlando ‘ ). It is supposed to come from THEIR culture that male means The Android and female means living human in THEIR another language meanings. But I have watched THEM for 30 years, no one of THEM looked LGBT. THEIR male were willing to saying, ” I’ve raped her.” And THEIR female said, ” I ate him.” — THEY are just only evil ones for us.

( 2 ) Functionalism

I sometimes can SEE that THEY are pursuing the ultimate functional beauty, which SomeONE said, ” We are providing the best style of intelligent lives. ( 1994 )” — It is that God said ” Let’s make mankind in our image. ( Genesis 1:26 )”
THEY do not only deny it but also said, ” It’s good for you.” And Tambar 2 insisted, ” All things we do have had the meaning ( 1995 ).” But some of THEM ridiculed to SENT an image of which Kanji Type man are caning with saying, ” It’s for you ! ( 1995 )”
— I could not not understand which were true by the reason of the less information at that time. I had already decided to ignore like this unscientific matter, so I ignored it. But then The One insisted, ” We are the best intelligent lives. Our geography and history are the greatest. ( 1996 )” And THEY showed me various unscientific matters a lot — somatosensory control ( feel itching etc. 1995-1997 ), picking my right eye ( 1997 ), changing printed letters ( 1997-2003 ), murder threat by TALK ( 1997-1999 ), interrupting my going by using typhoon ( 1998 ) and etc. THEY responded with unscientific ways to the negative thoughts as unscientific.
— Anyway, THEY did not look getting the ultimate functional beauty at all.

After years passed ( in 2020 ), I could get the information about how many numbers of intelligent lives THEY could have found. Tsuzuki said, ” We have repeated in 35 times.” B-Country said, ” We know 19.” Holm said, ” You are Riku Too Nana hu ( 67府:55th government ).”
— It is not certain whether the numbers of intelligent lives which THEY have found are 35 or 55, it is obviously certain there are extinct Species ( ex. The Two, The Four ). The One once said, ” Two and Four are bad. ( 1996 )” And no one denied this opinion. — It sounds strange at the point of why the Species who had the ultimate functional beauty could be driven into the extinction. It could be said the ultimate functional beauty who never die forever.
I threw this question when I SAW The Sim. He did not answer. He only vanished.

Youko ( Tambar 2 ) once continued saying, ” You will find the reason why we did it ( 1995-2008 ).” But I cannot find it after all. Tesaki 0 threw the words to me, ” The Intruding is ahead of THEM ( 1996 ).” I could not have any convince at that time, however, I have convinced it so now.
The ultimate functional beauty is just only convenient for The Intruding ( The Peaceful Invasion ) by The Zero and The One. THEY only move their body to new planet. THEY seemed to make a relay planet preparing for this invasion ( ex. Skam Base ).

— The Both of Zero and One could not understand there is no superiority to any culture and history. The reason of that the ancient people lived in humble houses is mostly needless to live in rocked house. They did not need complicated organization and laws because they did not have huge enemies. In our historical eyes, the culture which its people had was the best for them, the functional beauty for them was in there. Historians never regarded it as inferior with our view points.
The Sim seemed to become a functionalist while THEY were pursuing the best proportion for intelligent lives, he depraved to a man of semiotics.
The typical example is in Nakara’ words, ” There’s one touch ( He offended molesting ).”
— It is nothing to say, ” So what ? “

THEY often predicted that the future people will live in computers. It is supposed to mean the both of that people will move their brain data to computer and they will live in the virtual space. I do not argue it right or wrong in here, however, they will seem to become thinking as like computers by that. Even in our computes, the commands are executed by only two patterns ( true or false ), which do not have in the case of ‘ neither.’ To see THEM, THEY often do not have the grey zone, THEY tend to determine right or wrong only. THEIR turning things are usually caused to move the opposite side, THEY rarely stop the middle between right and wrong.
And THEY prefer to make strange implications to all words, THEY often give a new meaning and enjoy its verbal play ( like above Nakatra’s words ). It is considered that THEY think all words are just a code. The changing word’s mean is supposed for unlocking way of THEIR system, after doing that, THEY offend a crime. Because THEY supposed to prohibit offending crimes by the system. While repeating this process, THEY supposed to become the devils of Verbal Play. Tambar 2 ( Youko ) seemed to manage them. I could see she enjoyed the verbal plays in many times.

The Tambar-2’s words ” All things we do have had the meaning ” were seen until the bankruptcy of Lehman brothers ( 2008 ), after 2011 Tōhoku Earthquake and Tsunami had occurred, she soon ran away to watch the death of Seki Type man. Somebody supposed to stop her actions.
— THEIR functionalism is easy to become the target for The Third-Parties, it is supposed hard to mention about it from the 21th century. Probably THEY realized this fault but THEY could not change it. The reason why THEY could not change it is supposed to have the possibility of below —

1. The Afterlife of The Earth or The Third-Parties stopped her lie.
2. It is only the reenactment of the struggles with The Third-Parties in the universal history.
3. THEY tried to make unscientific functionalism at any costs.
4. Somebody interfered The Earth to make unscientific functionalism by using THEM.
5. Somebody interfered The Earth to make unscientific functionalism from the past or future.

( 3 ) Foreseeing Actions

Dalk once said,  ” It might be ended for 30 years to do such a thing. ( 1993 )” — It was said a fool for THEIR invasion. I could not understand what she talked. But after 27 years passed, THEIR world was changed like this — SomeONE disappeared, Tambar 2 disappeared, and The One disappeared. The arguments whether their data were still remained or not are out of this article, however, there is no doubt that the authority of The Afterlife have moved on The Third-Parties.
And the main issue of this article is that THEY usually start some kind of trickery with saying the effect before saying the cause. It means THEIR causality is reversed.

It makes us easy to fight with THEM but the other problems are also brought. — How can we explain it in science ? — Why does THEY fight with new Species in such situation ? — Why can The Afterlife ( THEIR virtual world ) control THEM well ? — There have revealed a lot on my mind, no one answered these for now. We must find the answers by own.

Once Tambar 2 explained it for repeating history itself so that we all only went on schedule ( 1995 ). She said it after Japanese Media believed it so. She never said so, she only had induced the opinion to her favor. After that, I HEARD a strange Nakatra’s saying, ” To see him, you can understand.” Then I saw Takafka introduced me to LDP ( Liberal Democratic Party ) members. They were exciting one-sidedly but I could not understand it well, because I did not know about THEM well. But now, I have known THEM well and some cases about THEM can be understood to see me ( but not all yet ). It looks like a prophecy to think back now.

Moreover to tell, I saw kinds of prophecy in many times. When I worked in a part time job ( 1994 ), my co-worker said with seeing me, ” Hattori is ( 服部だ ).” — I could not understand what he said so that I ignored it. But I found THEY were excited to this words. After that, some of THEM explained it I was Hanzōmon Gate ( 半蔵門 ). THEY also said I was the guard who was standing in front of Imperial Palace. — Of course, I ignored it all. Hanzō is supposed the second name of Hanzō Hattori ( the second ), he is not the guard but the ninja. I could not understand any relationship with me.
After 17 years passed, I became living in Hattori, Osaka. It occurred unexpectedly, the reason was only that I could find a nice place in here. In this case, I can remind the prophecy after it occurred all.

— It might be just a coincidence or THEY might lead me to accomplish THEIR prophecy. There is some effect that THEY could not predict, the example is that I have become a physician ( THEY believed I became an author and even believe it now ). In this case, THEY became noisy and interrupted it at any costs. It might have occurred the alternation to go another time line in our world. The comprehension about time works is so difficult that I cannot understand correctly. But THEIR space war is always seemed to use this foreseeing actions for jamming.
If it is true, it is natural to use foreseeing action for THEIR invasion.

May The Earth in peace.

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