The Time Lag from Declaration to Execution

Once Tambar-2 said, ” We can intrude many in the time when you repeat your country. ( 1996 )”

She was an advocator of The Repetition of The Aas, then many Japanese were supposed to deceive it. She never told why we had to repeat this Earth. She only said repeatedly, ” There’s a reason. You must do it. There’s no choice.”
— She was vanished until 1999. She was a woman at the end of century. After she vanished, I continued finding the reason, but I could not find it to the end. It was supposed to be right her saying, ” By the reason of bioethical offense, you have sentenced by death ( 1996 ).” — This living statue was supposed to sentence by death for this reason. Because, it was THEIR characteristic idea however, THEY said it to the target what THEY were said.

The Repetition of The Aas was supposed THEIR conspiration of which THEY tried to hide their intruding. THEY pretended for newcomers, then they started occupying the society of new intelligent life. THEY seemed to succeed occupying the more than a half numbers of new intelligent lives. — Therefore, THEY never gave it up.

The process of this intruding could be written because THEY often said it ( Chart 1, Chapter 8-III ). THEY showed unwavering confidence to succeed it. But THEY did not allow to think of that The Repetition of The Aas was a lie. Only thinking it was led to THEIR prohibition. Because it was supposed that THEY were also trapped this lie. It was THEIR breaking point. It was put on strange position but of that were THEY.

When I wrote about it ( this ), Messe Type girl suddenly came to me and counted something. ” It was started at this time.”

Oops ! I hit on their breaking point…

— It was little late to delete so that I reported this experience to dedicate to our society.

07:33 28th July, 2021 ; I uploaded this comment ; ‘ It was a lie to hide THEIR intruding.’
about 07:40 ; Messe said, ” It was started at this time.”
about 08:00 ; Nakatra Type man said, ” It was 18 hours.”
8:30 to 9:00 ; I could SEE the real Dalk was getting anger. It was supposed 6 million canossa ( the ratings of perceived humiliation ).
9:00 – 22:00 ; no information. Then I slept.
about 7:50 29th July, 2021 ; THEY reported that Ahora shook her hand.
11:00 to 14:00 ; I could see Ahora shook her hand in several time. She said, ” Why ? “
15:16 ; Alaska ( Aleutian ) earthquake had occurred. Magnitude 8.2. Epicenter Depth 32km.

To calculate this time lag, ( 07:40 28th ) – ( 15:16 29th ) = ( 31 hours and 36 minutes ).
If THEIR sending bit rate and receiving bit rate were supposed the same, a half of this time ( 15h 48m ) was THEIR imaginary time distance to Leo3. It was supposed the place where The One occupied a new intelligent life ( The Route 66 ).
But if THEY had made the advanced base, it was not followed in this case.

If you SEE something like this declaration, you should have run within 10 hours.

May The Earth in peace.

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