Contemplation Field of MichiroJohn











About The IDEA

CONFESSIONES of MichiroJohn2


Chart Ac2丗 The enumeration of THE VOICE

There was THE VOICE of whom .....
said what was The Android's life
Hora, Ahora
did the different three types of The Riddling

The Two, Tambar,
Haraher, The Three

thought The Riddling made meaning for all intelligent lives
THEM, Tambar
thought all humanoid lives would be mechanized and died


6. There was The Voice of whom said what was The Android's life ( 1994 )

6-I. In 1994, THEY would restart trickeries. THEY were not frightened with any fear. It seemed as like THEY forgot THEIR own past one year.  Maybe THEY were killed, and new one had come. There seemed something mechanical. It was uncertain whether THEY were same or different.  It was only the same that SomeONE was laughing.

THEY tried to do something trickery, but quickly fell into slept. THEY were punished by offending THEIR rule. However THEY were punished,  quickly THEY were reborn and continued doing trickery. THEY never seemed to give up until THEY could deceive me for THEIR trickery. THEY  showed me quite a strange culture which I had ever seen ----


Most of THEM were only seen in my mind or some other persons. But sometimes THEY would reveal on the real. I could see some of THEM  with my sensory organs. The sentences below this line were what I could see in the real or only in the delusion. I had changed letters of  sentence to blue color when I could see in the real and changed letters to purple when it was supposed human's saying in the real. I could see  persons who had same figure as The Hora ( Yuu ), Tambar, Alii, Ookura, Ogura, Dalk, and Rutsu. Those were not certain whether they were  just only person or The Aliens however, it was quite certain that they all said something strange. They mentioned about different culture which  was not in The Earth and they all had unfounded confidence to say that. I decided to regard them as The Intruders ( The Alien ). The Intruders  were supposed secret agents to make The Earth depraved who could not realize their own feature. It was same as like Rachael in the movie of  Blade Runner. They seemed to reveal on the real to say something strange, after this, their histories of life were implanted in The Earth (  SomeONE said so ). Most of their histories were only strange when they said so. It was hard to detect such aliens because they spent their  lives so ordinary. They were existences to change native Species bad little by little.

And there were supposed native Species who were mind-controlled by THEM and they behaved as like such aliens ( ex. Ogura ). It was a  tactics for native Species to confuse true colors of them. Such affected persons looked like strange rather than The Intruders. And tell the more,  there were supposed genetic-manipulated persons who grew up as The Intruders, they were not different from native Species ( maybe they  would be dead as native Species ).

By the way, I was an affected man to be expected to become '_Taisa_( The Colonel ) ' by THEM. I tried to decribe the details of experience to  encounter with them anyway.



Blade Runner by Ridley Scott ( 1982 )


On my real event, I saw two strange women. I knew one of them who was a porn actress. She said, " Is he love me ?" ---- Oh, I like her butsomething was strange. Another woman nodded in silence. This woman looked like Otaku girl ( a freak ). It was supposed that something was  gone on my back. I ignored them completely. In my real world, I found this country was strange the more. Maybe Japanese show business had  already supposed to go mad that was obviously understood by my The Shrödinger's cat experience ( 3-III ). To tell the more, my delusional  world was quite strange the more and more. Some strong-built man ( Ookura ) explained this encounter after that was said, " I thought it wascool if he could make a girlfriend of porn actress ( 1995 )." ---- I could not understand whether HE tried to change the culture of this country or  HE was just only in different culture. I could only understand that was different from present Japanese. ---- Anyway, I decided to call that Otaku  girl as ' The Humiko.'

It was just an example of my encounter that occurred in both of delusion and real. I must have lived in the real which was the extension of  delusion. Sometimes the delusion sounded the much healthier than the real. In such situation, THEY continued throwing many words on me in  THEIR delusional world.


6-II. The Hora who looked a middle aged lady-like had shown me the behaviors of AI commanding. But at that time, I could not see THEM well ---- I could only see some faint figure in the dark, or I only heard the voice. I could not well communicate with THEM ( maybe that was natural ).  So THEY did a ritual which THEY called " make a hole " or " spray water ". Gradually THEIR shapes had been seen clearer. And THEY had  implanted the ICON of the AI commanders in my mind. Probably that is the Android's life. THEIR Androids seemed to get action by seeing the  ICON. By doing that, THEY could become saying personal informations which others never knew. THEY seemed capable to offend privacy  instead of being in no privacy. Those society was seemed there in The Ahora ( including The Hora, The Baaloo, The Hibi, and The Skatta (  Skam ) ). And the origin of THEM seemed in there The Zero society.

The Hora was seemed The Goddess of AI commander. HE ( mechanical species was regarded as male even in The Goddess among THEM )  named HIM self as ' Fuji ' or ' Shiba ( Siva )' or ' Mari.' Those were common names of Japanese. HE also called HIM self ' Pangu ( 斦屆 ).' HE  would likely wanted to become such God to control people. But some universal species said, " HE was ' Shugar.' ( 2018 )"

Some another Universal Species called HIM as ' you.' I decided to call HIM ' Yuu.' I could see HIM with real sight. HE ate a dinner in a restraint  with HIS fellows. HE seemed to regard me as good man ( in Autumn 1995 ). But in my delusion, HE was just only a poison trying to drive me  suiciding or murdering.


HE often said, " We need a victim." ---- HE believed in it was a justice completely.


When The Hora was doing TALK, HIS image often repeated vanishing and revealing. It looked like kinds of program. HE seemed a record of  national singer for THEM. As just a record, THEY dealt HIM bad. Some old lady-like suddenly revealed to beat HIM and said, " HE was wrong."  This old lady-like repelled HIM by manual operation in my mind ---- HE deleted HIS data by hitting HIS head. THEY could seem to maneuver all  operations by THEIR hand ( The Manual Handling ). It was supposed THEIR programs but it was also supposed a trickery to deceive us.

Anyway, I decided to call HIM as ' Yuu.' Because some other Species ( The Gard ) called HIM ' You.' HE seemed to reveal on many newSpecies  as God. But HE was just supposed a servant devil to do bad things.


To see this, some other Species ( Malis ) suddenly revealed and said, " We'll do it instead." But HE was vanished on my mind soon. HIS  proposal was denied by somebody ---- maybe by The One. HE was deleted with saying, " Ahh乧" ---- It was supposed there were third parties  to be against THEM. I decided to call them '' The Universal Species ' or ' The Third Parties.' It was supposed there were existed several  Universal Species which were called Malis ( Baal ), Kyuar ( Voog ), Links ( Duum ), Mogran ( Oltar ), Jiin, Gard and Helas. In these of them,  The Kyuar, The Links were supposed The Third Parties, to be against The One. And The Malis was supposed the second powerful hegemony (  Species ) to be against The One.

But I could only understand there were people to be against THEM at that time. It was just seen criticism by Japanese. They continued  criticizing whatever THEY whould do, it gave me a lot of information.


Cross of Iron ( 1977 )  by Sam Peckinpah


6-III. Old lady-like ordered to The Ahora as saying, " We beat him with The Riddlings. Others are raised up and fallen down. We also beat her  and him ...." It was uncertain that HE was as same as the old lady who predicted 30 years. There seemed many targets were there in Japan.  Those targets were seemed including The Japanese Imperial Families. THEY said," He would try to make a rebel." THEY had likely  misunderstood me as a Rutsu type man or something the past greater of THE WORLD. That was considered a conspiracy to raise disturbance  on Japan. THEY did not seem to concern about what THEY said was true or false. That was only the way that many Japanese were drawn into  improbable stories as much as possible. I was likely an intermediate target of THEIR invasion. THEY had given me a role as being defeated by  Japanese Imperial Families. Obviously THEY did not know the political state of Japanese. The Imperial Families did not have powers. They were  the conscience of Japanese, especially today's emperors did not want to enforce powers. I was wondered why THEY would not try to attack to  Japanese government for the target. THEY had strange views than any Japanese or THEY might have been limited of THEIR power. Something  was seemed to prevent from THEIR invasion.

But Japanese Imperial families and The Liberal Democratic Party ( LDP ) were seemed the main targets of THEIR Invasion. Final target was  that Japanese society. For getting eternal lives, THEY tried to tell lots of lies ---- The Receiver, The Android lives and THE GAME etc.

6-IV. By the way, that old lady-like was seemed a colonizer of ONE. " ONE " was as same as The Zero. ONE also meant AI commander of  CCU ( Central Control Unit ) for The Zero people. THEY had faith in a computer as The God. The One ( Alakis ) people had accepted THEM by  the reason of which they could not win to fight with THEM at that time. THEY had settled down nearby the planet of The Alakis. They had kept  friendship with The Zero, and waited for the chance to turn things. They had treated the aliens as human, they would tried to teach humanity.  As they all were seemed to lose humanity by getting an eternal life ---- The Androids. They could kill people as like destroying home electrics.  And those were seen as hazing. But they believed themselves peaceful. It was little similar to present Japanese society, but something was  wrong with Japanese society. The One had taught them what was human ---- the cruelty, the greed, the guiltiness, the selfishness. Those were  only seen in collectivity in ONE society. They seemed to think the most valuable to be disinterested. The One taught them to be ambitious, at  the same time, they tried to make a double agency in ONE society. One of them was that old lady-like. I called HIM as " Dalk " because HE  said so. The original person was seemed a politician ( politician type android ) in The Van society. The Van was seemed one of exterminated  species by The Zero.

6-V.On my real event, when I had closed my eyes in the train, a young old-lady-like whispered to the neighbor, " His eyes are slightly opened."  I had just only closed my eyes, sometimes I opened my eyes. I could not understand what HE would talk to. I was worried that all Japanese  were went mad by THEM, but another problem was seemed to be in there. HE resembled to the original of Dalk ( Dalk0 ). And the neighborlooked like The Benevolent Lady-like (6-XII). There were seemed some Impersonaters to invade new species who had come from the latest  Zero periods ( Heit era ). THEY tried to turn things because THEY had lost The Time Works War.

Before THEIR defeated, THEIR ruling class  had seemed to do time-travel to every Species which had a possibility of defeating THEM. AfterTHEY had hidden into space-time energies,  THEY could come to reveal on every planet like maggots. No one could seem to stop THEIRconspiracy.


Some of THEM explained like this, " Anyone would do same thing if we have not done. So did us."

Some of THEM excused THEM selves, " We are okay to do such things."


---- The Reason of The Invasion was that had come from The Zero had lost The Time Works War.



That's aside. When I saw The old lady-like in my mind, some person walked to HIM and said, " I ask you to delete the airplane accident of_Japan Airlines Flight 123."

---- HE did not say anything.


6-VI. Anyway, if THEY could not make The Receiver and The Sender of space-time energies, THEY lost THEIR POWERS. As it was seemed  hard to restore THE POWERS, most of such conspiracy were ended only to reveal THEIR bodies. THEY murmured, " It's just hard to get it  even  ( The Receiver )."  If THEY would have revealed on The Earth, THEY could USE The Receiver ( maybe SomeONE had allowed to USE ).  But it was seemed an one-way ticket never to go back home. Because THEY had already lost THEIR home planets ( The Aas and The Mira ).  THEY had soon fallen into a situation that THEY must have continued fighting with saying strange things. That was THEIR war. Most of THEM  had usually ended with nothing.

If THEY would have succeeded to draw into native powers, THEY could become doing USE THE POWER. But for it was the beginning of Time  Works War to exceed the quantity of space-time energy, THEY did not seem to win this war. Though was it, THEY continued fightiing becauseTHEY had already sent agents ( data ) to win the war. THEY would impersonate as native people and make a conspiracy as possible.

Such The Impersonaters were supposed The Anonymous ( SomeONE ), The Heit ( Haat0 ), The Dalk ( Dalk0 ), Seliina ( Seliina0 ), Tambar2 (  late type ), Yuu ( late type ), Sal-H, Ookura-H and Luan etc. (Figure Ai,Figure Be,No.9).

These commanders would attack to native powers with The Vertical Movements ( use space-time energies ). At the same time, THEY would  attack to native powers with The Parallel Movements ( use THE WATER ). This examples of THEM were The Ahora. But for The Vertical  Commanders had already been defeated by The Time Works War, The Ahora must have often fought alone. It was as like The Blitzkrieg without  any air covers. Most of The Ahora had not seemed to know the fact and force to obey THEIR Vertical Orders. The Orders had been sent from  tremendous past ( in The Heit era ), no one could seem to stop such kinds of THE VOICE ( it would be seen as very weak telepathy ). It was  supposed a negative legacy of Time Works War.

Yuu Type Lady ( late type ) said, " We could survive without doing that."



6-VII. Ordered Ahora were supposed to volunteer the highest deadly attacks. THEY tried to carry out a trickery, but quickly THEY were fallen  into SLEPT. It was uncertain whether THEY try to invade earnestly or not, but it was certain that Japanese society were influenced on gradually.  That may be true fear of The Peaceful Invasion. The span of THEIR Invasion was very long which had units of 10 years or 100 years period.  That was not ended one or two days. Many people in The Afterlife felt easy for that THEY would be fallen into SLEPT soon. But it was not the  end. THEY were into SLEPT in too many times repeatedly. No one in The Afterlife could understand why THEY could attack in so many times.


6-VIII.Strong-built man-like often did TALK to someone in the air. HE was a navigator to be fallen into The Depravity. To be depraved, HE  would TALK in the air. So I could also hear HIS VOICE. HE was seemed to be famous for THE PLAYER in The Universe. HE was a vanguard of  THEIR invasion.HE had continued telling stories of mixtures of facts and fictions. HE never seemed to mind whether it was true or false.

This strong-built man-like was seemed the chief of The Military Ants who was controlled by AI commander of The Zero. I called HIM ' Ookura  Type man.' HE was seemed to disliked by The Zero people because HE was an agent from THEIR enemies ( The Duum ). Once Duum people  had seemed to fight with The Zero ( Time Works War I ), the ending was fallen down together. They all had died and made friendship with each  other in The Realm of The Future. Ookura Type man had remained as ' Government Man.' HE had always done bad things for government.I  could see one of HIM ( THEM ) who was called ' The Government Man ' by The Zero. The intruding agent to The Zero had seemed to become  a secret agent of THEIR invasion.

One of HIM said to the air, " We all could have intruded." ---- Maybe vanguards of THEM had succeeded to settle down to The Earth.


Then some of THEM had suddenly appeared and said, " We are the next."

---- I could see an image of that they were aligned in the air. They might be the next squardron.


6-IX. Hysteric lady-like shouted something. I did not understand what HE would tell. SomeONE was laughing to see HIM. HE just said, " Kill you,"  and disappeared. SomeONE was still laughing. ---- It was considered a conspiracy to change the world strangely. It was seemed a conspiracy  of SomeONE.

This Hysteric lady-like was seemed one of ruling class in The Zero society. The One called HIM as Eeko, but I called HIM " Ekoo Type lady." I  heard The Afterlife people in Japan asking, " Are you Eeko or Echo ? " The original person was seemed in there where was one country of The  Zero which was called " Heit." The data of Heit had lost when the planet of The Zero had destroyed, so there was no data about Ekoo, too. HE  was just only a character who had cried and shouted. It might be expressed the last time of The Zero.


But HE could seem to become a powerful man after the war. Some person of The Afterlife of Japan visited to HIM and said, " I humblysupposed there was no need to make airplane accident of_Japan Airlines Flight 123." ---- HE made a complicated face.

This man was little different from above the man ( 6-V ). I could see Long-haired lady-like said a same thing to HIM. It was supposed kinds of  The Self-Performance. THEIR machine ( IT ) preferred for somebody to conflict with the other. IT only make our situation getting worse. IT  thought that was The Justice for new Species would come to determine own fate by their own. THEIR observational attitude had changed to  allow to interfere like this. ---- I called it ' Opposite Justice,' which were the actions to see a bad example for new Species. THEIR observational  attitude had already changed to become justifying The Invasion. But for IT did not seem to allow to kill any people, The Invasion was enforced  peacefully.


Another day in late 1995, HE suddenly appeared and said, " HE was just a character." HE likely wanted to talk something about me but HE was  deleted immediately. Old lady-like soon revealed and said, " We did it." This program repeated HIS words as saying, " HE is just a machine. HE  is just a machine." ---- I could not understand what THEY were talking. They were likey supposed to confuse me with Shinichi or Rutsu Type  men. It was just only as same as the original histories were prime ministers ( No.4 ). It was not mine.


6-X. AI commander whom The Zero called " ONE " often had been seen for middle aged lady-like. I called HIM as ' Yuu.' Because the watcher  of The Gard ( The Mumou ) often said so. THEY only said about HIM, " HE is The Face."

But Yuu was seemed the past ruling computer which managed CCU ( Central Control Unit ). HE had drawn into THE WATER, and still tried to  control people. HE was the worst devil as same as The Heit. HE had kept " ONE SYSTEM " even now, and tried to ressurect THE SYSTEM. The  Baaloo and The Ahora had fallen into this temptation.

The beginning of this stupid event had been caused by one of system engineer doing. I called HIM " Yakob type man." THEY called HIM so  disgustedly. Yakob type man seemed to suicide after HIS copy had been uploaded to THE SYSTEM. In ONE SYSTEM, there were seen Yuu  type lady, Akiko type girl, and Yakob type man. Akiko seemed to haze or kill Rutsu type man. Those were very old event more than the seizure  of The Heit. The Heit would kill the data ( ruling class ) which had enticed Yakob for doing that, and used them for hazing. They were always  laughing when they saw The Hazing.

---- We never do such stupid things.


6-XI. In 1994, Benevolent lady-like tried to teach HIS own name. It was uncertain why HE did so. HE was one of AI Commanders and HE had  seemed to do ' Who am I ' game once in The Zero society ( Yuu the other AI Commander had preferred this game exactly ). Both had believed  that it was very peaceful and useful for the society. People must have done this ' Who-Am-I game ' for needless to live. The Zero society had  seemed to suffer a terminal symptoms.

HE said, " I'm Seliina乧." ---- In exact, Seliina was seemed one of developers who had made this machine.

My classification ( HIS code name ) was accorded by HIS saying. The original of Seliina had already supposed to suicide completely ( THEY  said there was no data of her ). She could not be against hard pressure as same as Tambar ( Clever adult lady-like ).

Tambar2 was seemed a messenger who was sent by this benevolent lady-like. The original of Tambar had also suicided completely and the  restored Tambar ( Tambar0 ) had often been confused each other. Because they did same bad things. They had been changed their faces to  old lady-like ( The Dalk ). The Dalk was the end of The Benevolent lady-like ( The Seliina0 ). Bad women had usually been seemed to change  their faces to Dalk or Tambar ( Tambar4 or Tambar-H4 ).


Figure Be丗 The Correlation Chart of The Laboratory  

THEY had seemed to carry out many human experimentation in an android laboratory of The Andra ( The Laboratory ). Finally THEY had made  The God. Benevolent Lady-like was The Goddess of Mercy and Tambar2 was The Lady Justice. The beginning of this stupid thing was seemed  just a joke. THEY did not seem to want to become The God at first. But these goddesses could have killed billions of people in the end. The  developers of The Laboratory had suicided with ashamed.

6-XIII. By the way, The Goddesses of The Laboratory had often been compared with irregular conjugation of verbs. The Examples were that ----


set - set - set ---- Benevolent Lady-like

read - read - read ---- Dalk

run - ran - run ---- Tambar


---- Yuu Type lady-like was seemed a different conjugation that was second-person pronoun.


you - your - you - yours ( Yuu-H )


Yuu Type lady-like had justified HIM self to make a scapecoat. That was Yuu-H. HE did bad things on behalf of The Yuu. It also seemed shift  responsibility for the defeat of Time Works War.

It was applicable in the case of The Tambar and The Benevolent Lady-like. Tambar-H4 did bad things on behalf of The Tambar and Dalk-H did  bad things on behalf of The Benevolent Lady-like. These worst three had seemed to keep own beauty by cutting off own crimes and putting on  those responsibilities to resembled persons. THEY could have seemed to kill billions of people in this way. The most had been supposed to do  by The Benevolent Lady-like. HE only excused that HE had followed human's order. It did not sound any regrets. And HE just sent The Dalk to  counterattack instead. A typical The Mechanical was.

The other two had looked bad to be blamed for THEIR own crimes.


6-XIII.Once I saw a benevolent girl ( Sleta ) with my sensory organs in 1993. She said to me, " I'm sorry." I did not understand why she said  so. SomeONE said to her, " We've allowed you." It sounded the cranial bone shaking on her for me. Another SomeONE said after, " She was  wrong." That was sounded in my mind. It was not certain what she was wrong.

Sleta was seemed an AI commander of The Five ( The Sedom ). They had a negative legacy to make AI commander. That was Sleta (  Seliina5 ). So they must have seemed to say sorry for SomeONE. Needless to say, The Zero deceived them by using SomeONE.

Except for Sleta, we should learn about The Five society. But be careful. The Five seemed to do bad things on The Earth. There existed a treaty  with The Six ( The Haraher ), which The Five woud do bad things in the area of The Six, The Haraher would do bad things in the area of The  Five. The Five said, " We are getting bored. ( in 1995 )"

6-XIV. Anyway, THEY treated me as android. Unless, THEY could not offend the privacy. It was misunedrstandings of me without my  permission, but I could see the life of those androids. They were given human rights just for formality, their lifespan were depended on their  owners. Their success became the win of owners, their fault blamed them for. And the fault of owners was often given the punishment to them.  They usually seemed to be killed ( THEY said " make it paralyzed " ). It was ' The Kill Reason ' to destroy the evidence. There seemed the  special occupation which was called " The marionette Master." It was underground works from controlling people to killing people. The  marionette Master was walking around the target, and used The marionette. They were seemed slept in The marionette Box with off-work. It wasquite a strange  culture from Japanese.

However it was, many Japanese seemed to believe in that was true Japan. THEY told secret information in the mind, and deluded Japanese  people completely. Those who were influenced on THEIR words said the secret information on behalf of THEM. Most of the information were  uncertain true or false, but for some of them could say the truth, many Japanese would believe the information with some suspicion.In there, it  sounded strange voice form the head of mine or others', that could make easy way to be deceived.


6-XV. It maybe could say something wrong with Japan.I could often see a long-haired lady and a strong-built man with my sensory organs.Long-haired lady said just, " So." I could not understand what she would be talking about and be confused. Strong-built man often said in the  mind. He proudly said, " We make it in a suitable place." That was the communication point to use THE WATER. It was seen as a dark cave in  the image. Nothing without vacuum was the highest technology of THE WORLD. It was " Aokigahara Point." Aokigara is the place beside of Mt.Fuji, and it is famous for suicide. THEY would want to say that it was driven into suicide to use THE WATER. But it seemed the beginning of the  war to use THE WATER exactly. It had occurred many struggles between THEM and The Universal species. A man in The Afterlife of Japan  said, " THEY have made it nearby ours. ( in 1994 )"

6-XVI. THEY seemed to establish a human network linking with brain ( human linking ), and made people TALKing if they wanted. They could  come to TALK, but could not USE The Power. ---- They did not seem to earn any money, did not seem to destroy unfavorable evidence, and  did not assassin their opponents or enemies. Their wish to kill their enemies seemed to execute with wrong situation. The executions were that  they were in trouble conversely ---- they slipped, they were scolded, they caught a traffic accident, they were in a traffic accident, some persons  who had no relationship with them or the target were killed by no reason, and etc. The level of the execution seemed to relate on the quantity  of USE. The sentencing of those judgements might be there, or not be there. Those were seemed kinds of custom laws by SomeONE. THEY  could not decide the level of The Execution. The prediction which THEY told about The Execution would miss estimate. But SomeONE seems to  keep lots of cases in THE WORLD, IT can carry out the execution by surprise.

They could not seem to understand why they could TALK. They could barely do mind control with human linking, which I could easily remove  the influence. It would be only a conspiracy for making peripherals to control people from Aokigahara Point. On Aokigahara Point, there  occurred the battle for getting a trigger to control people. I saw many AI commanders had changed dizzyingly in Aokigahara Point. In THEIR  world, there was somehow the status to TALK, any person who could not TALK seemed to put under ( put under The Mechanicals ). The  highest person of THEIR world seemed to USE The Power, but the most of those highest persons put up a bluff. Kinds of trickery in the  delusion were ended as a bluff. What a deception it was. The highest persons in my mind were often seen for figured as strong-built man or  Rutsu type man.

I was put under those TALK and USE. THEY sent words to me one-sidedly. Making a HOLE would mean to make one-way communication tool.  But I could get many informations from those struggles.


6-XVII. THEIR USE or TALK were not seemed to inhibit by any laws. But when native species tried to USE or TALK, THEY tried to punish them  violently by not legal laws but custom laws. It was as same as making unequal treaty. THEY must have not allowed that natives did USE equally  whom THEY would try to conquer. It was often seen to say " Do not USE " by being USE. We should make new law to be against THEIR USE.

To see in The Afterlife, Law of USE was often mentioned as Anti-Prostitution Laws. The Mirroring Planet was seemed so. THEY said by using  secret words, " Buy Haru ( HAL )." But it was often confused as Prostitution Laws which allowed to USE. Another of THEM mentioned it " The  Naked Gun." It was also confused as the law which allowed to USE. THEIR usual character was to turn things by doing verbal play.

It was considered for it to deal as extrajudicial rather than to make strange laws. Because it was seemed to be fallen into custom laws soon. It  was hard to restrict as finding the instruments of USE by law. THEY could USE or TALK without any instruments. Rather than that, it was  important to make environment never to USE.

Some of THEM who pretended police said, " We have arrested only managers of prostitution " by being USE. ---- It was also strange.

THEY said THEY could do prostitution. Only the managers would be arrested. That was seemed the conclusion of whom had lived under the  environment of USE or TALK.


Figure An丗 The Strong Points of The Afterlife in 1993 - 1996  



6-XVIII. The Strong Points of The Afterlife should have been established by following the background of race, religion, and history. Japan was  seemed to have The Afterlife like this. It had spiritual central control Unit to be concentrated with one point, which was given by SomeONE. It  had a fault which was too concentrated to keep security. THEY had drawn into The Afterlife in March 1993 and said, " We will do honestly." But  THEY betrayed soon. THEY used the power of SomeONE, and made people The Afterlife people disabled to use the power. THEY called it " put  in bed." THEY had put The Afterlife people in bed as necessary. THEY just told the excuse like this, " You don't know." THEY were not The Godhelps.

The situation of The Afterlife was such like that, some highest man was seemed willing to the concentration of The Afterlife. A Hysteric Lady said  to The Afterlife, " He was deceived." The representative of The Afterlife replied HIS words as just one word, " Stupid."


---- It was wondered which were stupid, many people were about to die in Japan.


6-XIV. In Autumn 1994, I gradually became to hear a lot of VOICEs from various people. It was supposed that THEY did TALK to a lot of other  people and THEY also did TALK to me. Then, I could hear some of people's TALKs. But I could not respond any their VOICEs. It was like the  voices in the dark. THEY supposed to make human's thinking network.

According to people's TALK, Somebody seemed to order to kill me. ---- I could not find who ordered and why. HE looked to have unfounded  confidence and ordered it easily. HE was a man only to move on rumors. I called HIM as ' The Kunai.' HE was supposed to become new  Tennou ( 揤峜 ) by some Japanese Media. They needed ' The Kill Reason ' to me.

---- I heard the situation of this order after ( in 2019 ). The Kunai thought I was wrong because his brother told HIM so. His brother only  imagined that I did The Repetion of The Aas and said to HIM in a taxi. Just this one, HE believed in such tremendous thing. They both lacked  responsibility for our society and their ideas was real and true in their minds. ---- It was something strange. No human could get any confidence  with idea only. If they were The Androids, it could be understood because The Android carried out any actions by the order of AI Commander.  They were made it so (_6-II_). They were wasted for human's excuse or the order of AI Commander.

Anyway, I decided to call HIS brother as ' The Chucky.' HE was often bullied by Japanese Media that HE preferred child play. I saw THEM both  in a train again (_32-IX_). THEY had seemed to get confidence to win the battle.


I could not understand what they were talking but THEY were satisfied with these talk.


THEY said, " It's okay just only to see it. Wrong man would be defeated soon because we change his life bad."

THEY also said, " You would get a lot of amazing arts only to follow us. Follow us without thinking."


---- Japanese Media was seemed to be controlled by THEM. It was the results of non-arguments in Japanese. They became colaborators  without any awareness. They believed THEM as same Japanese. Because THEY spoke Japanese frequently and THEY usually did TALK about  The Repetition of The Aas. They did not believed that THEY were The Aliens. The Repetiton of The Aas was a conspiracy to deceive us.

They believed there was some kind of upper class in The Repetiton of The Aas.


They Live_( 1988 )  by John Carpenter




I could also hear VOICEs from underground. They had appeared from a hole and abused THEM. They were seemed people of The Afterlife. In  ancient Japanese religion, The Afterlife did not exist under the ground but on the ground ( Chinese and Greek were under the ground ). But  THEY thought it people's uprising and beat them. THEY shouted, " Never against us ! " and were laughing. I could not hear their saying after.

To see that, some poor man ( The Ozaki ) was also laughing and said, " They've put it into ( sand of ocean into )."


As The Afterlife of Japan was seemed so terrible, most of Japanese completely believed in Japan was the most peaceful country. They did not  seem to mind how many murders and harassments had occurred on them. It was seemed someone else's affairs for them.

I could hear some Japanese televison's person who had squared face was murmuring, " No STORY." ---- Maybe HE was alive in flood of  information and HE could only catch such events superficially. It was important for HIM to keep the variety of news topics than to know  seriousness of one topic. After a while,_Great Hanshin Earthquake_and_Tokyo subway sarin attack_had occurred in 1995, HE never minded  lack of ' STORY.' But I could hear HIS screaming after these incidents had occurred. HE murmured repeatedly, " A horror." HE might realized  what HE had thought. And it might be the beginning of Apocalypse.

---- Anyway, I called HIM as ' The Seki Type man.' There were supposed several types of The Seki like Kanji Type man, All of them had squared  faces. HE was one of Seki Type men who was called ' The Yota ' or ' Yota's father ' by THEM. They all were devils of ' STORY.' President Type  of The Seki often did TALK, " Bring me A STORY" and laughing.


apocalypse now ( 1979 )  by Francis Coppola


This picture was looked like Kanji Type man.


To see Japanese Media, there was seemed something relationship with The Alien. THEY usually said, " We will promise you the more exciting "  or " You've gotten our STORYs." THEY wanted to say that it was good for us to accept THEM. It was a good threat to deceive us. THEY did not  explain which were THEIR STORIES, and THEY did not explain what would be happened after to use THEM. To see that, Japanese Media was  just only willing to getting new ' STORY.' As they had murmured " No STORY," then new STORY had come from somewhere. As they did TALK  of " Bring me A STORY," then new STORY had come from someone.

No one was worried what was going on them. They just supposed to believe in ' The Repetition of The Aas.' Some Japanese TV reporter said to  me in the air, " We had already heard this rumor, but I convinced it was true now. ( in 1993 )" I could not see what part of mine could make  them convince it. Probably he had supposed to hear the excuse of the assassination of me in 1992 (_3-II_). Japanese ruling class had seemed  to say a strange thing. Since then, they could not have escaped from such an unfounded rumor. And then, I could hear unfounded accusations  to me, as saying, " He would make a rebel," or " He had made this world ( No.4 )." They were excited one-sidedly to say that.



The Afterlife of Japan left them alone seemingly. They seemed to think it was the much safer than to interrupt. They might have thought that it  was not the time to fight with. The powers of The Afterlife were supposed to come from B-Country and the STORIES were supposed to come  from A-Country and The One. There was seemed to exist an implied agreement of that The Baal had proposed to The One, which was said B-Country would save new Species' lives to make The Afterlife. It was not documented clearly, as THEY both had supposed to proceed  crossbreeding with each other, it was not certain which one would have said such a proposal. At least, the other Universal Species could not  find the truth. THEY both had kept standing by substle power relationship with each other. It was seemed as the same relationship as Hades  and Zeus in Greek mythology. As Zeus ( The One ) had kept the more powerful than Hades, The Zeus had always taken advantage to all new  Species. It meant The One had made wrong to new Species and B-Country had saved their lives. Many people would be died by THEIR actions.


Anyway, I decided to call this way of invasion as ' The Peaceful Invasion.' Because THEY had usually said, " This country is quite peaceful." And  THEY intruded to the target country. I could find THEIR intrusion with declaring as " For sightseeing " in 2014. THEY did invade with playful way.THEY just wanted to say it was not an invasion. But THEIR intrusions were not ended within sightseeing and gone to occupy the wealth of  natives. However it was, THEY did not try to occupy any native powers and any government officials at first.


---- It was little strange to invade.


The reasons why THEY had not invaded directly were supposed to have two. One was there were many eyes of watching by the other  Universal Species. As THEY were proud themselves for the first and the top Species, THEY must have led new Species to good one. But THEY  thought to need The Bad Example for new Species, it always caused terrible disasters and wars to new Species.

Another was just only for THEIR pleasure which THEY would want to get success on new Species. To get success, THEY must have kept new  Species' lives and made them praise THEM. It was also seemed that The One could not control THEIR people's desires. THEY were supposed  the successful persons on THEIR planets, and THEY wanted to success the more. As THEY had seduced the bad luck persons to say that they  could get success in new Species, and THEY implanted them to new Species with new STORIES. They worked for THEIR servants or  vanguards. THEY thought it was better to implant THEM selves on new Species easily. While the bad luck persons had been making conflicts  with new Species, THEY would proceed to occupy new Species' wealth.

To do that, THEY would give THE POWER to native Species. It made a lot of USE and TALK, and strange rumors had spread onto new  Species. After doing that, THEY prepared kinds of riddling ( The Riddling ). It was quite an easy question which anyone could answer. It  questioned the numbers. THEY would have thought it was effective to realize the existence of THEM selves. It also looked like a desire for self-exposure of THEM. It was THEIR Cognition way (_Chart 1_) but THEY did not try to remove any politicians and any government officials. It  should be better to control people even though.

The reason why THEY would not impersonate to government officials by killing original persons directly ( The Impersonating ) was supposed to  have two. One was that a complete impersonation could not use for THEIR invasion like me  (_3-II_). I was supposed a full copy to go on the  different timeline from my original. To change the history of Their targets, they only behaved as like native persons. It was no mean. Little  change to invade was only supposed to correct faults in their daily livings. I could see many suspicious persons but they were ended only to say  little strange things. They were supposed to correct.

THEY supposed to think that it was better to change whole society rather than to change persons. If THEY could change new Species' society  similar to THEIR own society, THEY could get along as THEIR original features. It was supposed that THEY preferred to do this way. And THEY  started invading from the past historical positions. THEY could redo THEIR lives. Needless to say, the place of THEIR redoing was Japan.

Another was just only for THEIR excuse to be owed the responsibility of this invasion to native Species. THEY wanted to say, " It's your fault." ----  THEY could not owe any resposibilities for THEIR actions.

In exact, THEY did not mind whether new Species were dead or alive. The Afterlife would save their lives and even they did not supposed to  become a threat to be against THEM. It was just okay to live in THEIR own pleasure.


6-XVI. In late 1994, I could see an image which The Third Parties blamed for HIS thought. THEY asked what The Ahora had known. HE was in  trouble to answer. THEY said with disgusting, " You don't know." But even HE tried to answer, " " Bureau .... Bureau .... Don't you know ? " ----  Suddenly HE asked me the answer. There was no way to answer for me. THEY made troubled faces.

I could understand there was some special rule in their world. I decided it to call ' You-don't-know Rule.'



7. There was The Voice of whom did the different three types of The Riddling ( 1995 )

7-I. In 17th January 1995,_Great Hanshin Earthquake_had occured. I donated a bit money.Some person said, " We will use your money rightly."  It sounded me something to stalk. The begining of Stalker could have already been seen in America, my world would be the same. But HIS  words made nonsense for me. It was too little bit money ( 1000 yen ) to save people. He is the man who called me " Rutsu." The Japan would  be gradually occupied with nonsense. It would be about to become THEIR world. ----   The full of The Riddling world was.


There was no concern about this, to see this disaster, Yota the Japanese televison's person murmured alone, " A horror...."


On my real event, after Great Hanshin Earthquake, I saw a young middle aged lady had a quarrel with a little man. She looked as same person  as Yuu Type man. HE said to me, " Is that you ?! " I was just passing through in front of them with no sense. The little man answered to HIM  instead of me, " No relation." HE was surprised and excited. It looked something like the self-performance by THEM.


I could not find what they would want to do at that time, however, this Yuu Type man suddenly appeared again in my working place ( I worked  a waiter in a Caribean bar restaurant ). HE visited with several girls and explained to them in fron t of me, " He is not wrong." ---- By this, I  could find what they had done. HE seemed to believe in a strange thing.

Anyway, this event led for me to get inspiration of my new novel. ' The Harassment 5 ' was (_9-I to 9-II_).


7-II. To see the disastrous situation on Hanshin area, some of THEM cried, " It's overdoing." Some Universal Species ( maybe The Five ) foundthe crisis. HE found all people of The Japanese Afterlife asleep in their world. HE engaged to The Japanese Afterlife and rebooted it. The  Afterlife people could start reacting after one week from this disaster. The One was laughing to see it. The Japanese Afterlife people claimed for  THEIR behaviors, but The One disappeared. The Five picked THEM up with THEIR excuses, and excuted THEM by The Custom Law.

Middle aged lady-like excused, " This country is ours." ---- HE was deleted.

Hysteric lady-like excused, " We have shown the slept in many times." ---- HE was also deleted.

Old lady-like excused, " I have'nt got any relationship with THEM." ---- HE was on hold.

Cool beauty lady-like excused, " I've just told my name." ---- HE was released.

Ahora's AI commander said, " Ahhhhh....." ---- HE was deleted.

And SomeONE who looked a medium-built man said, " It will occur to accept THEM." ---- IT deleted itself and ran away.

---- There were seemed a lot of AI Commanders in Japanese Afterlife.


After the execution of THEM, some The Third Parties were seemed to be satisfied with this result. THEY said, " You could minimized THEIR  POWER." The way of minimizing was unknown.


7-III. These executions were seemed to occur a problem for lack of members. For The Japanese Afterlife, it was a chance to rebuild their  world. Some clever lady-like revealed and tried to insist on the neccessity of The Riddling. But The Afterlife people ignored it. HE ran away.


The old lady-like often said, " Why had we tried to involve the around ? ( in 1994 - 1995 )" The Afterlife people claimed for THEIR behavior  again and again. But The Goddess of The Five only responded repeatedly, " We were getting bored." THE VOICE was enhanced to JapaneseMedia.

The Five picked up some of THEM who were supposed to make this conspiracy. I could see THEM in the mind. They looked like The Five and  The Six ( The Haraher ). The Haraher-like said, " We must shift the responsibility to others." THEY tried to make next one.


7-IV. In 20th March 1995,_Tokyo Subway Sarin Attack_had occurred. Somebody said to the around, " I did it to aim him." HE wanted to say HE  made this disaster only to kill me. Japanese Media had also heard HIS saying but they ignored it. Because they could not make sense. In exact,  I rarely used Tokyo subway. But THEY repeated to say, " It's just O.K. to kill me." And THEY ran away.

I saw an image in many times which a long-haired lady-like had stuck to a vinyl bag by her umbrella. HE wanted to become this criminal. I could  not understand why HE wanted to become such mad persons however, HE continued sticking a vinyl bag. ---- Maybe it was considered we  could see the way of changing history. For THEM, It was likely easy to change time lines. It was just okay only to pretend for the target.


There was no concern with these incidents, I could hear THE VOICE of The Yota as murmuring, " A horror." As somebody seemed to blame  HIM for HIS thoughtlessness, HE murmured the words of " A horror " repeatedly.


7-V. In 30th March 1995,_The Sniper Incident of Police Chief_had occurred. It was supposed a crime for bad response of Japanese police about_Aum Shinrikyo. But somehow, THEY said, " It was a retaliation to assassinate him." ---- Japanese police ignored it. This delusion was outgoing  enough to explain. It was supposed a conspiracy to confuse Japanese police.

As a suspicious person, police agency investigated a young policeman. He was innocent. He was only deranged. But some of THEM said to me,  " He had killed you ( in 2018 ). ---- I could not find whether it was true, I decided to think so. But the sound of gunshot which I had heard was  the much nearer to_Tokarev's  (_3-II_). Japanese police usually used_New Nambu M60. It was noisy than Tokarev TT33.


By the way, his police chief was little NOISY that he did LOOK at me repeatedly or said to the around, " He was no concern ( in 2013 ).

---- I did not mind it to know well that such victims could often get POWERS to TALK, however, Japanese police agency become little stupid to  see THE POWER. They did not become getting any actions to incidents which had relationship with USE or TALK ( even it had some  evidences ). They seemed to believe The God save us by which these were turned to under the legalism because THEY said so. To say that,  THEY made incidents which were in beyond the legalism. ---- They were deceived. The principles of that police stayed out of civil disputes  became their excuses. I had in trouble in many times by this law after. There was no choice except for self-defence.


There was no concern with this incident, The Yota was blamed for it. HE only apologized, " Sorry." They all were obsessed with strange ideas.  The Third Party explained it, " It was the beginning of Murder Game." Another MAN called it ' The Apocalypse.'


---- It was a mess to call the beginning of Apocalypse. But we should have paid attention for the possibility of that we could see the beginning of  THE GAME. THEY never had minded losing human's lives but the beginning might be little different like this.


Apocalypse Now Redux ( 2001 )  by Francis Coppola


To watch Japanese TV media, they were broadcasting murder dramas almost everyday, they did not allow to broadcast female nude. Because it's obscene. There was nothing to talk about which was the more obscene. Their restriction was not effective enough to reduce sexual crimes  and sexual harassments. We could see female nude only to go to the convenience stores. But for they did not research the result of their  improvement, any Japanese could not find how much it was good or bad. It was just only used for excuse. While doing that, the way of no  arguement on Japanese Media would make wrong Japanese society severely. The murders which were imitated TV's or movies' had increased  the more. It was just coming to weak people after all.



The riddling was seemed to be used for the way of defeating the victims or the rivals nowadays. THEY were also the group not to admit  mistakes. SomeONE said, " Destroying the mistakes leads to the way of THEM." It was also the way of custom law, and it also caused the  collapse of the legalism. SomeONE preferred to win favor of people, and preferred to judge illegal. The riddling is a usual way of this action.  THEY called it " Examination."

The origin of Examination is a culture of The Zero which was called " The Romance." It was seemed hazing, full of harrassment, and homicide.  There seemed the culture of The Zero which had to kill lovers. It was preversion of love, the perverts would win to get powers in Zero society.  SomeONE said that the beginning was to give a eternal life to their lovers. But The Zero society forced them to get the eternal life when they  had passed The Examination. So they called it Romance. But most of it had just ended as homicide. It seemed there were too many eternal  lives in their society soon, so there was no capacity to accept new comers. Many people were killed by The Romance. Gradually, it was used  for killing the target or opponents. The Zero society came to be depraved by The Romance.

In addition more, the original person of Rutsu was seemed there in The Zero society. I call him Rutsu0 ( zero ). There was no relationship for  after Rutsu ( Type Rutsu ). It was also uncertain that Rutsu0 could be identified as Luan. It could say one thing that some girl loved Rutsu0 one-sidedly, and it was broken. It was also uncertain whether he was hazed. But the girl ( HE ) said, " It is easy to haze." He was likely hazed  through. For HIS criminal actions, there seemed to be a lot type of Rutsu in The Universe ( maybe including me ). I had been likely suffered it ---- The Romance.

HE shouted, " Examinatiooon ! " ---- THE VOICE could be heard with my sensory organs. But I never saw such kinds of love, I only could hear  the voice of The Riddling.It would probably mean the original set so. Anyway, HE felt easier to TALK because THEY continued threatening  never to talk about THE VOICE.

There were different two types of the riddling, that was the way of ' Zero,' and another was the way of ' One.' The Zero Riddling was for  searching the true AI commander, if failed, it conditioned The Kill Reason. The One riddling was to detect The Zero Riddling. The examiner  would question like this ----  " How many men are you ? "  The respondent would say " the one " was wrong. The One Riddling had been  seemed to start at first when The One had seen The ZERO Riddling, and after the time passed, it would be used for making a hierarchy or  making a barrier.

And there was the other type of the riddlings that was questioned about " THREE or FOUR." It would be questioned about the numbers of the  past greaters. The Zero, The One, The Two, The Three ---- four species were there. But The Zero had been all dead, three species were also  correct. " Both are acceptable," The Three said. But for tremendous time passed, The One was also seemed to be in dead, this way of The  Riddling was out of date. The Numbers people who rules THE WORLD were seemed to count six species. The Haraher said, " There aren't  more than six. ( in 1995 )"  And The Two was seemed weak Universal Species who had been captured in the world of SomeONE, and The Four  seemed to be exterminated by The One, so there had remained The Three, The Five, and The Six. The Riddling to count The Numbers was  seemed to answer as " three." ----  That was up to date however, it is no doubt a typical nonsense. To be suffered this riddling, we should throw  the word " three " to THEM. It would make no change  of your situation however, it might stop your situation getting more worse.


By the way, THEY had strongly asserted, " Three was wrong definitely." ---- It was supposed to be better to think opposite.



8丏 There was The Voice of whom thought The Riddling made meaning for all intelligent lives ( 1995 )

8-I. While I heard a lot of Japanese Media's TALK, I could see that some clevery woman-like was satisfied with their confusion. HE was a MAN  who had saved my life by unscientific way (_3-II_). HE had insisted on the necessity of The Riddling. HE said, " We need something puzzle  game in peaceful days." ---- It sounded strange for me. Our world had still done a lot of wars and we lived in nothing peaceful. Many Japanese  believed to live in a peaceful world, that was only a delusion. A lot of Japanese had still been dead by murders and disaster. It was only  stopped doing wars by Japanese law. But Japanese Right Party would try to reconstruct Japanese Army instead of Self Defense Force ( SDF ),  even this would be changed in the future.

However it was, this clever woman-like ( Tambar 1 ) continued asserting that Japan was peaceful. Others of THEM said a same thing. THEY all  inflated our delusions. And then, THEY came to say a strange thing. " It was needed a riddle in the world where we had known everything." ----  I don't know who could have known everything. The world was full of mysteries, and many real events could not been explained scientifically yet.  THEY were seemed some kind of people who had known everything.

To hear that, The Third Parties said an opinion, " Who could know everything ? No one know." But THEY did not accept it. THEY were excited  one-sidedly and did TALK loudly than Third Patries said.

Many Japanese could become hearing strange VOICE in ordianry days. The VOICE jumped out of people's head, TALKing cars and trains in the  streets, the sound of moisture spreading from shops, giving words from shrine, and etc. As some influenced people said same things like  THEM, it made this situation complicated. It became famous as " Battle of Department Store." It meant the receptionist of some department  store said a strange thing which she did not suppose to know it firmly. She got action only to hear THE VOICE. They were like The Kamuro (_撁_) around Imperial Palace (_6-IV_). People must have fought with them as like the movie ' The Evil Dead.'

I could see those and even I could see a cat which could spoke Japanese ( in 1996 ). He said to me with boy's voice, " I watch out these  dangerous people." His eyes set on persons who got a party in midnight. ---- It looked strange. They looked strange and the more it looked  strange that Cat could spoke language. His voice was seemed spreading from his head with vibrations, that was supposed someone could  translate his thought. What an unscientific event was. Somthing had been gone on behind of our back.



The Evil Dead ( 1981 )  by Sam Raimi


Japanese title was ' Guts of The Evil Dead.'


8-II. It was seemed quite dangerous to watch Japanese TV at that time, because THEY put some comments ( VOICE ) on some TV programs.  THEY preferred to put on VOICE in TV news. Somebody was supposed to allow it ( THEY usually did it by mind-control ). Or it might be caused  group hysteria by continuous events that were_Great Hanshin Earthquake,_Tokyo Subway Sarin Attack, and_The Sniper Incident of PoliceChief.  Anyway, Japanese Media had often caused group hysteria with no reason. Because they lacked with arguments. They did not research  any events objectively enough, they did not also grasp the behind-the-scene subjectively. They thought it was objective only to broadcast  apparent meaning of events. But for THEY commented by VOICE to TV news, they turned objective information to get different meaning  subjectively.


I usually watched movies instead of TV programs ( Thanks to God. You save my life ), I might not be infleuenced bad by Japanese Media. But  they influenced bad on Japanese Media so that their announcement turned little strange. Their method of announcements was emphasized on  numbers.---- " TWO people killed," "  THREE people did it," ---- like that. Japanese Media tried to answer The Riddling. It was not certain why  they tried it. They might have thought that they could get the power of THEM ( THE POWER ) if they could answer it.


I could hear this lie in 2003 ( No.21 ). THEY supposed to tell this story to whom THEY had aimed for target. It was THEIR usual method to  deceive us. THEY only wanted to get The Kill Reason. It was better for us to ignore it because it was uncertain what would be happened. It was  The Golden Apple which made us unhappy. In my case, The Third Parties adviced me that it was dangerous ( No.21, No.23 ). It might be okay  if our world had already fallen into a lot of wars and disasters by THEM. But any Japanese Media did not seem to realize it dangerous and they  only seem to believe that they could use THE POWER. They had been deceived, however, it looked something strange.


To see it, The Third Parties made argument with THEM. But alas, they could not hear THEIR VOICE.

The Third Parties said to THEM, " We can't say about the order of intelligent lives because no one could reach the edge of The Universe."

THEY objected it and said, " We made the orders by ourselves. We made this universe funny."

The Third Parties objected it, " You said wrong order."

" ---- Never mind," THEY answered.

Japanese Media might have tried to answer for nonsense. I did not decided to think about it.


In others, some TV announcer often emphasized about sexuality ---- " The MAN did," like that. It was strange distinguishment which was always  wrong of male. Man was climinal or The Android, Woman was right and living in this real world. It was not certain why HE followed this idea.  Somethin was strange. Anyway, I decided to call HIM as ' Tambar 0.' Because THEY said, " This MAN had forgotten HIS original figure." HE was  supposed an original figure of clevery lady-like (_3-II,_No.4_).


8-III. To see these, some beard man-like suddenly had appeared in my mind and said, " It was only used for destroying evidence."

---- The Riddling was seemed to use for the first step of THEIR invasion. But I could not realize the truth, I just only thought Japanese Media  wanted to bully me. They justified it to give me a story. They were the group who could offend crimes to get a story. It might have been good  intension of them, but their wellness was turned alternatively soon. Their bullying had gone to another. Adult bullying could not stop.


Anyway, I decided to call this beard man-like as ' Haat.' Because HE said so. In exact, HIS true name was seemed different. The name of Haat  was supposed a core member of The One. True Haat could be seen as grey-beard man-like. HE would have been The Riddler. Because new  Haat resembled for this guy, HE could act like HIM. I called this old Haat as ' Klam ' because The Third parties said so. New Haat was seemed  a president of country in the history of The One ( a president of Shumer ).

As I researched HIS saying, I could get the way of THEIR invasion generally until 2004. The method was as below.


Chart 1丗 THEIR way of the invasion

To the people
To the organization
 1. cognition
 teach the existence of THEM  make the existence of THEM crunched
 2. mechanized
 make hard to live as the natural body  make the class of aristocracy
 3. conciliation
 make familiar to the electric society  make the ruling class as the central control unit
 4. seizure
 capture their data  make friendship with the central control unit
 5. domination  make liberation under THEIR control  punish or destroy the ruling class


8-IV. Japanese Media seemed to believe The Riddling of The Numbers, THEY were defeated of Numbering in THEIR world. The Numbering  was tended to cease the after. But THEY did not give it up to do The Riddling. THEY brought out another Riddling.


Akiko came out to my mind and shouted, " We can only talk about it by The Alphabetical Order. The Numberings have no mean. ---- Hall, Dome,Bureau ---- the names of Species are set on the name of buildings."

" We are The Entrance," A monkey-faced man ( The Three ) agreed.

But The Seliina treated HIM coldly, " Where is Bureau ? "

Akiko shouted, " You are The Bureau ! " ---- THEY answered, " It's wrong."

Seliina said the more, " Where is The Rare ? " ---- HE could not answer.

Female SomeONE suddenly cut into words and said, " Where is Merely ? " ---- HE could not answer also.

The Five answered, " We are Seldom."

The Haraher added HIS words, " We don't know our English expression. We cannot talk about our name. It's same...."

Akiko shouted, " You are The Rare ! "

Seliina answered, " Wrong. The Alphabetical Order was wrong in itself."

Akiko disappeared.


Few days after, Seliina had suddenly appeared in my mind and apologized, " We are same foolish like THEM." ---- Somebodies were laughing  behind HIM. THEY were supposed The Rare ( Rear ).


---- Anyway, I researched THEIR saying and I could get information about The Universal Species generally until 2020. Those were as below.


Figure Bk丟 The Order of The Universal Species




( Direction of )

Born Age

( Years ago )



Popular name





59 x108
Mon ( To )


59 x108
Mon ( To )



Center of

Great GRB Wall

42 x108
Aas ( Maaz )
Zero & One



Center of

Great GRB Wall

42 x108









Center of

Great GRB Wall

42 x108



Center of

Great GRB Wall

41 x108



Center of

Great GRB Wall

41 x108



Center of

Great GRB Wall

41 x108


38 x108



38 x108


Abell1835 IR1916
35 x108
( Five )



35 x108
C ( B )



35 x108



34 x108


( Oltar )

MACS J1149+2223

33 x108








CIG J2143-4423

( 31 x108)



( Gard )






Farther side of
Colona Bolealis

29 x108




( Six )



Reference VOICES >>

R-1. Dalk said, " We are people in_Hyokkori-Hyotan Jima." Eeko added it words, " It's okay but the characters are wrong." ( in 1993 )

      Seliina asked me, " Why did you describe ' Gaia the electrical holy mother ' ? " ( in 1994 ) ---- I wrote this character in my first work. ( in1991 )

      Seliina said, " It's right of Gee more than_Gaia." ( in 2018 )

      Haraher said to me, " You don't know about Rei ( 0 ; zero ) people. ( in 2019 )

      THEY had emphasized the word of '_Lei_' the garland.

R-2. The Voog said, " We had changed our name to Voog. But THEY are Borg...." ( in 2019 )

      THEY had emphasized the phrase of " Bogy will attack on you if you did a bad thing."

      The Saifel said, " Definitely some intelligent lives are there in Borg." ( in 2019 )

R-3. THEY had emphasized the song of '_Dancing Queen.' Dancing Queen was only 17 years old.

      Yakuza threatened me, " Never talk about_17-sai." ( in 1993 ).

      Haat said, " Our age is same as The Earth age. ( in 1995 )

      Haat said, " In the year of 42, we had a big problem. In the next year, We had the bigger problem. It was the worst. ( in 2018 )

      Haraher said, "_one-seven_was strong._one-eight_was bad." ( in 2018 ) ---- I considered that 42+17=59 was Rei people's age.

R-4. THEY said, " They don't show their fugure." ( in 1993 )

      Tambar2 said, " We had changed our figure in once," then HE put a wig on. ( in 1992 )

      THEY had emphasized the arcade game of_Parodius! from myth to laughter.

      THEY said, " THEY are_Cthulhu." Ozaki Type man said, " It's the more right of ' Kuturuhu ' than ' Ktuluu." ( in 1995 )

R-5. Eeko said when HE saw Nakatra, "_Mont saint-Michel_is wrong. HE is a character. Oh, no no no. SHE ( me ) is a characteristic." ( in1995 )

      THEY accused Alii, " Why are you blah-blah-zoo ? " Buredoo said to THEM, " She was blah-blah-mon or blah-blah-to." ( in 1994 )

      Haraher said, " THEY are ' mono '." ( in 1996 )"

R-6. Seliina asked Akiko, " Where is bureau ?  Where is The Rare ? " ( in 1995 )

      The One said, " It is the rare case of life evolution." ( in 2020 )

      B-Country said, " We will minimize spaceship to be against The Rare." ( in 2020 )

M-1. THEY had emphasized the phrase of ' ass hole.'

      Aiou said, " Asa is the worse than Asahi." ( in 1995 ).

      Haat said, " THEY don't have ' th- ' pronunciation." ( in 1996 ) HE said after, " We have ' th- ' pronunciation." ( in 2019 )

      Haraher said, " Our planet name is same." ( in 2018 ) The Saifel said, " Our planet name is ' Aath '." ( in 2020 )

      The Voog accused The One, " You are not ' Aath '." ( in 2020 )

      THEY had emphasized the movie of_Mars Attacks!_( 1996 ) and the Japanimation of_Six God Combination God Mars.

      Yuu claimed HIM-self in Japanese, " 傑偢偄 ! ( Mazui ; It tastes bad ! )" ( in 1994 ) THEY had emphasized the name of '_Yang Guifei.'

M-2. Yuu sometimes said in Japanese, " 偍姤 ( Okanmuri ; get angry )." The lirteral translation of ' 偍姤 ' was ' crown.'

      The people of H-Country said, " The Center was the worst. No one could survive. ( in 2018 )"

M-3. Haat said, " Our age is same as The Earth age. ( in 1995 )

      Haat said, " In the year of 42, we had a big problem. In the next year, We had the bigger problem. It was the worst. ( in 2018 )

      THEY had emphasized the name of_41th Panzer Corps_in Nazi army._42th Corps_had attacked to Crimea peninsula in Russian  campaign.

      42th Corps had been destroyed in_the battle of Korsun-Cherkassy pocket_( 1944 ).

M-4. Sal had often talked about another world of Japan. ' Saru ' was meant ' monkey ' in Japanese.

       Sal was supposed a member of WATER Association but HE was often failed for The Vertical drive.

M-5. Haat said, ' There are meanings of the words of ' nomad ' and ' exile.' ( in 1996 )

       The Voog said, " They are_Normans." ( 2020 )

       THEY had emphasized the phrase of " Bye Bye kiin ! " It was habitual saying by_Baikinman_in_Anpanman.

M-6. The One often talked about ' The repetition of The Aas.' They supposed to make many colonial planets in The Universe.

       The One had agreed to emphasize the word of ' ass hole ' somehow.

H-1. THEY had emphasized the phrase of ' ass hole.'

       ' Heel ' was meant vicious character.

       THEY had emphasized the planet name of '_Hoth_' in_Star Wars V. ' Hosu ' was meant ' ignore ' or ' abandan ' in Japanese slang.

H-2. The One said something like Hool was there in same galaxy. They made the planet of Alakis in beside of Hool.

       THEY made the planet of Raikan to be destroyed the life evolution of Hool. After that, they reconstructed the life evolution of Hool.

H-3. THEY had emphasized the name of_41th Panzer Corps_in Nazi army. Its comander was_Colonel General Hoth_in Russian Campaign.

       Haraher said, "_one-seven_was strong._one-eight_was bad." ( in 2018 )

       Haat said, " In the year of 42, we had a big problem. In the next year, We had the bigger problem. It was the worst. ( in 2018 )

H-4. Their figures looked white. The One used white color for derogatory expression because Rei people looked white.

       The Hool showed their figure. They looked like humanoid.

       The One said something lke that, " Monkey was the most precious in The Universe." ( 2018 )

H-5. The Hool said, " We changed our name to_Ys. Because it sounds cool than ours." ( 1994 )

       THEY had emphasized the monster name of_Cthulhu mythology_---- '_great race of Yith_' and '_Yog-Sothoth.'

       THEY had emphasized the action of putting a wig. " Here, put a wig on the face." ( 1994 )

       Haat said, ' There are meanings of the words of ' nomad ' and ' exile.' ( in 1996 )

       THEY accused Alii, " Why are you blah-blah-zoo ? " Buredoo said to THEM, " She was blah-blah-mon or blah-blah-to." ( in 1994 )




9. There was The Voice of whom thought all humanoid lives would be mechanized and died ( 1995 )

9-I. When I continued writing a novel. But I was disliked by Japanese Media, I could not get any results. I thought even if Japanese televisions  had disliked me but I could get along in another industry. ---- That was wrong. I was a youngster with less knowledge. The president of  Japanese Television said to me in a delusion, " You don't know." HE was a man of usual saying was" Bring me A STORY." He did not seem to  choose the way of getting A STORY. In every country, there was the oppression of Media King but Japan's was another. USE and TALK were  there. I decided to write a novel to internet.

I wrorte a parody novel ' The Harassment 5.' It was a bad joke of ' Sentai-Mono ( 愴戉儌僲 ),' which was a story that beautiful lady troop defeated  evils using harassment by usual ways. I wrote it as a satire of present Japanese culture, but it was another meaning. I tried to describe out the  mental harassment by THEM. I could not understand why THEY could TALK so easily. It was considered that something had happened on  present Japan. Media Kings were easily to USE and TALK. It was no doubt that present Japan had different far from present science. Which  was called Divine Powers ( 恄捠椡 ) or clairvoyance ( 愮棦娽 ) in the middle age was in there. They had used it as The Hidden Powers for granted.


9-II. When I wrote The Harassment 5, Some Rutsu Type man had revealed in my mind and said to the around, " What are they ? ( 1996 )" ----  No one responded it. HE was supposed a same person who would advise to Japanese Imperial Family before ( 11-I ). HE seemed my future  figure that THEY said. The Afterlife seemed to call out my future figure to advise them and came here to raise this problem. Some of The  Afterlife had quoted my story of The Harassment 5 and said, " Turn off the power. Good ! " ---- ' Turn off the power ' was a parody that  characters of my story had revealed on my computer and tried to change my story to win the battle. In my story, I had turned off my computer  to be against my story-character's attack and won. But HE said the words of " Turn off the power " repeatedly. No one responded it either.

In the real, it was seemed hard to turn off THE POWER. The Suppliers who were giving THE POWER did not want to turn off the way of USE  and TALK. THEY tried to deprave for doing USE and TALK to Japanese.

---- Anyway, I decided to call my future figure as ' Spellbound MichiroJohn.'


To read The Harassment 5, some Japanese Media accused me to write ' Ten no Koe ( 揤偺惡 )' in the air. THEY said, " It's an inhibited word, too."

' Ten no Koe ' was meant ' Voice of Attic ' or ' Order from Upper persons.' The literal translation was was ' Voice of Heaven.' This Heaven was  not The God's place by European thought. It was often meant ' Japanese Emperor.' ---- Tennou ( 揤峜 ) was. Japanese Media would want to  use it as ' Order of Tennou,' but it sounded strange to ordinary Japanese. The Japanese Emperor was a symbol of Japan who did not have real  powers even in WWII. Japanese Militarism had abused him as a symbol of invasion, its constitution was still remained as the way of excuse.  Most of Japanese wanted to do something without any responsibility by shifting responsibility to upper persons. They usually said that Politics  was bad, but they did not realize it they had elected such politicians. They needed a symbolic fault to be able to say bad. Japanese Militalism  had needed The Imperial Standard, and present Japanese needed The Standard to escape responsibility. They made up The Attic, they were  afraid of The Attic, and they kept healthy to shift any responsibilities to The Attic.

In such situation, they supposed to inhibit to use the word ' Ten no Koe.' It was a sanctuary never to touch in. Because they did not want to be  destroyed a place to shift responsibility.

---- Needless to say, these sounded strange to ordinary Japanese. In others of Japanese Media, Asahi TV called a powerful man as Tennou,  which also sounded strange. Ordinary Japanese people never called themselves Tennou if they had power. It was insolent behavior to  desecrate The God. I could not understand what they had done.


For these, I decided to write down ' Ten no Koe ' in my novel. It was a challenge to repel the paralleled similar Japanese culture to ours. They  obviously had different culture from ours.

In addition, I made ' Shinogi no Jikan ( 偟偺偓偺偠偐傫 )' in my novel. It meant ' Time of Yakuza's surviving.' It was a game to be killed when the  answerer said true answer. They needed to say wrong right answer which the questioner could be satisfied. It was a hairy game to survive.

---- I decided to write it down when I heard The Haat's saying, " The Riddling was no mean. The One used it for destroying the evidence."

The One would have prepared The Riddling for unanswerable question. ---- I wrote it by the way that The One could not realize it. The Way was  that I received Spellbound MichiroJohn's words, I wrote down HIS words, and I never thought about it. As THEY usually identified my thoughts tosee  my minds, if I did not think about it, THEY often did not realize the true meaning.

If THEY realized, I deleted the issue. THEY accused ' Ten no Koe ' as well as Japanese Media, It was seemed no problem because it was only  present Japanese problem. I wrote it down. Japanese Media accused me repeatedly in the air, I did not followed their ideas. I was an amateur  writer so that I did not have to follow Japanese mad method of professional writing.

' Shinogi no Jikan ' was not also realized by THEM. I wrote it down with no thought. And I put the office of The Harassment 5 in same building  of their opponent. Because I had heard B-Country's word, " THEY did both Justice and Evil ( in 1994 ). As THEY said about it, " That it is. " ----  it seemed to okay to write. So I did. In addition to this, I put Flower Language in my stories to see that THEY had excited one-sidedly. Because  it looked like self-performance for me. The members of Harassment 5 talked to each other about Flower Language one-sidedly after the battle.  THEY realized the true meaning, however, it was exactly, THEY allowed to write. THEY had said fool together. I found that it was okay to  describe THEM bad.

But when I tried to describe their opponent characters as like The Aliens, I felt hard pressure from THEM, I changed the characters with no  meaning ( The characters of The Klaid, The Five, The Masahusk and The Andy were omitted ). But I turned the characters of Harassment 5  nearer to The Aliens and praised them up with fooling ( Yuu, Akiko, Tambar 0, B-Country person and Tambar 2 were there. I could not realize B-Country had been against The One at that time ). They were supposed vanguards who were wasted for THEIR attack in the first phase, it was  hairly okay to write down. I left the name of opponent organization as MJ-12 ( Majangstick-12 ). This action made the success which Tambar 2  would confess HE was The Alien the after (_11-X_). But I only suspended that they were The Aliens at that time.


Too hairy to write down, I decided to cut my stories up within 5 stories that I would have planned 12 stories ( in 1997 ). To see that, The Haat  laughed with saying, " Your stories were banned." ---- That it was. Japan was a country to ban to publish books in the air now.


9-III. Like in such situations, it occurred something strange in my mind when I wrote.

The more I wrote down, the more my characters acted as like living. They talked to me as like one personality who divided from my personality.  I believed it was important that characters looked lively however, it was same as being insanity. It might be an occupational disease. For looked  lively, writers might play with their characters. It might be a skill to make a story. But it was little different for me. THEY talked to my characters  like that, " You've entered the story." ---- THEY said that THEIR characters had drawn into my story to pretend my characters. THEY also  claimed for my novel title. A medium-built man ( The Sal ) said, " It is Harrassment 5 ! Harrassment 5 ! "

To tell the truth, when I wrote a fantasy novel ( the title was " Witch will betray at last moment " ) in 1994, Cool beauty lady-like said to me, " I'm  Sliina. Sliina." In 1997, when I wrote a nonsense novel ( the title was " The current fraud." ), a cool guy-like ( The Aiou ) talked with anger as  following my story, " Get out here ! It's not a place of you ! " ---- In my novel, HE seemed to try to repel my existence. Anyway, I could  understand the existence of THEM when I wrote a novel the more.


For example, a cool guy-like was seemed a cheif of Type ONE. HE was a shapeshifter, HE had various face. I called HIM as Aiou. HE was the  most fearest because HE could USE THE POWER of The One.


Figure Ap丗 The range of the looks of Aiou


Augustus                          Zeus                               Apollon


9-IV. Some woman-like had suddenly revealed with the image ( but HE did not appear in my novel ), and said, " All humanoid lives would be  mechanized and died." ---- The reason and the process were unknown. Maybe HE tried to make The Earth people mechanized ---- to The  Androids' society. HE was seemed The One people. I called her as Tambar Type woman. HE would be a model of tall dollface lady which I had  seen before ( in 1991 ). HE also said " Never avoid this trap." HE thought, ' No people had kept their natural body while tremendous time passed.'

THEY would try to change our society to the AI commanding world. The aim of this conspiration is seemed new species mechanized as quickly  as possible. Below the list of the AI commanders, but it is the code name, not a true name.


丒 Rutsu ( Nice guy ; dispenser of nonsense, cheif of system engineer, The Aashi ( Nakatra, Chucky, Tesaki, Takafka ))

丒 Akiko ( Hysteric girls 丟 a punishment of wrong USE for females in The Zero Societies, The Messe )

丒 Kunai ( little fat guy ; emperor of Jippon, The AKA )

丒 Buu ( Fat white-colors 丟 a punishment of wrong USE for males in The Zero Societies )

丒 Tami ( Fat hysteric girl 丟 bullying and bullied girls, The Aakii )

丒 Taga ( Skinny policeman 丟 one of rebel scientists )

丒 Holm ( Scientific man 丟 one of rebel scientists )

丒 Aya ( Innocent girl 丟 daughter of Taga, The Impersonater )

丒 Yuu ( Middle aged lady ; First CCU of The Jippon, THEM, The Paaru, The Impersonater, The Yota's daughter )

丒 Tori ( Long-Haired lady ; Next CCU of The Jippon, THEM, The Koo )

丒 Sal ( Medium-built man ; anonymous ruling class of The Jippon, members of THE WATER Association )

丒 Ozaki ( Poor man ; serial killer, anonymous ruling class of The Asa, colonizer of ONE )

丒 Kanji ( Large-built man ; anonymous ruling class of The Jippon, Chairman type android of The Zero, The Aike )

丒 Seki ( board member ; President type android of The Jippon, The Yota's father )

丒 Kults ( Skinny militaryman 丟 General of The Andra )

丒 SomeONE ( Wiseman ; cheif of THEM, anonymous ruling class, The Rei )

丒 Gips ( Medium-built boy ; Otaku, remnant of country of The Zero, King of The Sporuto )

丒 Sassa ( Medium old man 丟 nice man, politician of The Asa )

丒 Tsuzuki ( Old man 丟 son killer, THEM, King of Gootou, PLAYER of The Asa )

丒 Ookura ( Strong-built man ; remnant of The Duum, cheif of The Military Ants, leader of Ookura-ism )

丒 Ogura ( Middle Strong-built man ; advocate of Ookura-ism, a misunderstanding of the original Ookura, The Arai, The Naito )

丒 Manabu ( Young adult ; victim of The Trap of Luan )

丒 Aba ( Kindful young lady ; The Muuran ))

丒 Yakob ( Clever young adult ; Aashi of The Gootou, system engineer of The Zero, The shapeshifters of The Heit, agent from The Duum )

丒 Ochi ( Large faced man ; anonymous ruling class of The Duum ( The Asagaya ) )

丒 Chako ( Charming girl ; remnant of AI Commander of The Duum ( The Pla ), one of Haat's children, The Hukushima )

丒 Alex ( Heroic legend ; King of The Duum, an intruding agent to The Zero )

丒 Masakar ( Strong mother ; The Moomu, Queen of The Duum, an intruding agent to The Zero )

丒 Alii ( Long-haired lady ; female announcer of The Rei, The female announcer of The Zero )

丒 Haat ( early elderly man ; president of The Republic of Shumer, mirroring man of The One )

丒 Tambar ( Clever adult lady ; THEM, Avatar of The Moomu, Pappet Master of The Zero, The Living Statue ( Youko ), Tambar4 ( Keiko ) )

丒 Dalk ( Old Lady ; The Gootou, remnant of The Heit, ambassador of The Van )

丒 Myura ( Academic man ; scientist of The Van, system engineer of The Asa )

丒 Klaid ( Intelligent man ; one of government officials of The Van )

丒 Van ( Small-built man ; a ruling class of The Van, avatar of Moomu's King )

丒 Yiiss ( Young man 丟 new generations of The Asa, PLAYERS of The Van, THE TWO )

丒 Seliina ( Benevolent lady ; Goddess of Mercy, agent from The Malis )

丒 Ekoo ( Hysteric lady ; Kweerii ( The Queen Bee ), a dummy of The Buredoo, a record fought with The One )

丒 Maak ( Fat policeman 丟 vicious policeman, PLAYER of The Barran, King of The Buredoo )

丒 Muusa ( Pretty ladies ; THEM, Goddesses of The Jiin )

丒 Sleta ( Little younger Benevolent lady ; AI commander of The Five )

丒 Aiou ( Cool guy 丟 cheif of Type ONE )


9-V. THEY felt pleasure in misunderstandings or mistakes ---- the human errors. THEIR usual saying was " you don't know." THEY believed that  THEY could kill the people for the reason of misunderstandings or mistakes. By the death, THEY would tell the truth and kill people as  something like a game. It was supposed THEIR rule to be able to know the truth when we died. But THEIR final words seemed to have much  mistakes and the errors so that THEY were often in trouble with the death people. It was like this, ---- somebody shouted to THEM,丂" You don't  know rather ! "  THEY probably have confused ' The Death Rule ' with ' the killing rule.'

The original Death Rule was seemed for keeping observational attitude to new Species. But THEY gradually wanted to enjoy living among new  Species, THEY seemed to make The Reincarnation Rule. It was a rule that THEY could be reborn as new comers. But for THEY thought it was  not good for seeing a true world ( THE WORLD ), THEY came to tell the truth after death. THEY continued telling a lie for living people. That  was THEIR observational attitude after all. It would make a new rule to repel THEIR lies. That was The Player Rule. It was a rule that anyone  could repel THEIR invasions if they knew it well. But it was hard to know it, THEY could continue saying " You don't know." ---- THEY could  seem to inhibit to change Time Works in early times, THEY often offend The Time Works Rule because THEY would want to admit mistakes.  THEY had set up a fight never to lose absolutely. To change Time Works, THEY could continue saying " You don't know " after all (Text 1).







Reference >>

ay丏  ^  Mad Max 2丗 The Road Warrior丂朚戣 亀儅僢僪儅僢僋僗俀亁

az丏  ^  Joerge Miller

35丏  ^  Blade Runner by Ridley Scott

36丏  ^  Metropolice丂by丂Flitz Lang

37丏  ^  STAR WARS Episode1 The Phantom Menace by George Lucas

           ^  book:丂愺憅媣巙 栿 / 僼傿儕僢僾丒K丒僨傿僢僋 嶌 亀傾儞僪儘僀僪偼揹婥梤偺柌傪尒傞偐丠亁 ISBN-13丗 978-4150102296