Contemplation Field of MichiroJohn


Telecommunication Business Law of THE WORLD


Section I. General Provisions


Article 1.

The purpose of this law is that SomeONE considers to make good relationship between The Mechanical Species and The New Species, to teach the knowledge of the best lifetime. And this purposeincludes to make hard to do real invasion by  setting easy to do peaceful invasion.


Article 2.

Telecommunication Business means of THE WORLD means not only THE WATER but also The Telepathy, which makes delusion in human's mind. SomeONE gives punishment for anyone to makereality of this delusion.


Article 3.

SomeONE puts the punishment for the offense by custom law.



Section II. Telecommuncation Business


Article 4.

Any person can do The Telecommunication Business of THE WORLD belonged with SomeONE. The situation which is belonged with SomeONE means to be in dead. The User of thistelecommunication does not force to death.


Article 5.

Any person can use THE WATER line for telecommunicating. Any business person whouses THE WATER must accept this law.


Article 6.

Any business person and the user set out of legalism, and given penalty of offense by custom law.


Article 7.

Any person and any data are checked on the transmitter of the relay base with no exception. The member of THE WATER association will delete the reality of the data.


Article 8.

Any person who tells a lie is the easy way to USE. But he is a liar.


Article 9.

Any person who does THE GAME is the easy way to TALK. But he is a dispenser of nonsense.


Article 10.

Any person who use THE WATER makes THEM funny. It is a chance to reincarnate and showtime.


Article 11.

Any person who does not use THE WATER is good way to live. He can be blessed with happiness.