Contemplation Field of MichiroJohn


The Pre-conversation among The Universal Species and The Afterlife People


General Provisions


The Universal Species ( The Numbers Species ) proclaimed their intention of THE WORLD as almost one-sidedly. It would be said as The Rule of The God. The most important intention was that The Earth people wouldnever become as like The Mira people ( The Zero ). The next important intention was that they would do bad things which men of the legalism would never do.


1. We will spam THEM where THEY are suited.

THEY are bad example and especially the enemies of the legalism. You can see what the collapse of the legalism would make. The Mira people would want to settle down to Japan, we would allow THEIR hope. As Japanhave changed peaceful, Japanese would be able to deal with. The most fewest changes would occur. And you can learn what would make problems in the future. THEY are also the mirror of your society.


2. We will never take possession of any government officials.

This is not invasion, so we will never occupy any government organizations. But it is the exception if governments and people USE THE POWER like The Leda people. The Leda is a bad example who had done USE THEPOWER for own desire.


3. We will make harrassments for The Cognition.

We will bully some innocent person to teach THE WORLD. We believe the inncent person would defeat the fate. The worst person would be choosen for The Example.


4. We will make disaster for suited.

In natural, any disaster would occur randomly. We will change it for meaningly. As there would be many objection for our actions, we will do it. We believe that it would be the best way to change society for better. We dareyou to develop your science. If you could not, you should defeat the fate with the power of human love.  


5. We will make wars and terrorism for suited.

It is bad that people kill people. We will do wars and terrorism instead of you. It is even hard work only to bury dead bodies. The best war machine is The Mechanicals. Doing wars too many, you would become TheMechanicals. We would do wars instead of you. That's aside. It is certain that war changes the society in positive and negative. The high ambitioners of The Mira believe that war needs to change the society. We will take partin THEIR war making. It is uncertain the war make society good. We recommend you never to do such wars like The Alakis people would do. And we recommend you never to do THE GAME like The Euron people woulddo. There too many terrorism and wars would occur.


6. We will do The Eternal Enemies.

As it may be the worst for The Earth people, but we do not care. Good men have good rivals. If you challenge to us, we will be against of you. If you accept us, we will take possession of your society. We recommend you tolive in ordinary. To live in peace, we promise you never to attack your society. In there, you should remember never to loose your natural bodies. We will take possession of as your android bodies.


7. We will apologize you to make too many wars and disasters.

We are the worst men. We only could apologize you if you realize it. All The Earth people are not wrong. We bless you to live in The Afterlife peacefully.