Contemplation Field of MichiroJohn


The Death Rule  ( The Rule of THE WORLD )


General Provisions


The purpose of this Rule is for protecting new species from overdoing of mechanichal species. It is not enforced new species for loosing The War. The case which new species looses The War is only to join THE GAME.


1. Reincarnation Rule

Any person does not allow to dupilicate its personality. The offence of duplication is executed by both death. But any person ( including this violator ) can reincarnate after the death. But the chance to reincarnate is once inevery species.


2. Time Works Rule

Any person does not allow to change Time Line. The offence of the changing is executed by death. The existence of its personality is deleted, and become a part of SomeONE. What devils are.


3. Delusion Rule

Any person does not allow to act with reality. The offence of this rule is executed by deleting the data. The case of deceiving new species is out of this rule. What a trickery is.


4. Liar Rule

Any person does not allow to tell the truth. It must be found by new species own. The offence of this rule is deleting the data. But it is no problem to tell the truth as a lie. It is also okay to tell the opposite of truth. Those are  allowed to tell if new species cannot understand the truth at that time. Liar is useful for some time.


5. PLAYER Rule

Any person can excel mechanical species to know everyting. But no one know certainly the beginning of The Universe. It is okay to be superior to the opponent about The Knowledge. It is a way of remove the mechanical  attack. It is a war treaty of the mental. The excelled power can be chosen by the winner. It depends on you what the world would goes to.