Information about A-Country

The Name of The Rose ( 1986 )

The Name of The Rose ( 1986 ) Main Actor ; Sean Connery : Based on the same title of novel by Umberto Eco

For Future Earth will suppose to send the agents to A-Country, they brought a lot of information about A-Country. To get these information, The Afterlife of The Earth become little excited. But most of them have been already heard by THEM. The issue of discussion is concentrated on whom had made this coronavirus pandemic. It did not seem to exist on the original history ( but second original history ) of this Earth. The agents said Eeko did it in the past.

Eeko ( A子;A-girl ) — It was a code name which I named for her. Because THEY said so.

She looked very hysteric so that all of THEM disliked her. She was supposed the final style of A-Country’s CCU ( Central Control Unit ). Her true name was supposed ‘ Rose ‘ or ‘ Loose.’
In THEIR world, the lady who called ‘ Rose ‘ looked like Raad, who were the previous style of Yuu. It was a mystery who was The Rose in 1994 for me ( and The Afterlife of Japan ). There was supposed to exist very complicated story which had a lot of behind-the-scenes. It meant Rei people involved this matter ( their accomplices ).

It was supposed to be danger to know it, but Rei people allowed the freedom of speech ( they always did not hide anything ), so we could talk. It was only seemed to be danger for wrong use of THEIR knowledge and technology ( ex. USE and TALK ).

A-Country was supposed a planet which had existed on Sloan Great Wall. To see from C-Country, it could have been seen as a very old galaxy filaments which existed for more than 130×108 ago. Rei people once tried to find the new intelligent life in there, although they failed it. They could find them the after by the way of catching The Vertical Movement ( Most of intelligent lives were found by this way. So we should be careful with time travelling ).
The world map of A-Country only supposed to be same of this Earth. But there were not supposed new continents ( North America South America ). And there was no Russia-like country, Japan-like country and China-like country. Their history was supposed of that German-like country conquered the world. And they divided the world with India-like country ( Great Japanese Empire-like ). England-like country was against for their domination to the end. A-Country had a habit to become people of England-like. I called them ‘ The Anglerfish.’ Because THEY said so and some of THEM introduced themselves as ‘ Anglers.’
The Anglerfish were one axis of evil which was supported by Eeko ( CCU ).

By the way, their domination was supposed to end as like Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Anyway, Rei people found A-Country after they had turned to The Android’s society. Tambar-2 and Alii ( Alii-0 ) were already in there. They had supposed to establish ‘ The Schloss ‘ and enjoyed manhunt. They called it as ‘ rite of passage ‘ or ‘ initiation.’ It was an unformal ceremony which ordinary persons could get the eternal life and get into upper class. They came to have two rules — legalism and the rule of Android’s society, the latter was just only custom law. It was very violent and powerful persons could change the rule. People who were mortal could not do anything but seeing the battles. They caused double standard and moral hazard.
In the process of communicating with Rei people, they were likely ashamed of their society. They decided to do self-extinction. Tambar-1 once said ( in 1994 ), ” We should die,” then Dalk said ( in 1995 ), ” We should die.” — Their self-extinctions were supposed to occur twice.
The first extinction was supposed to do by powerful persons, they were extinct for the way of drawing into intelligent lives. It was that they thought it appropriate to die as new intelligent life. They intended to make new intelligent life become good, but it was just another name of The Peaceful Invasion. To prevent from the new society bad, those whom they regarded as foolish persons were left behind in their planet. They said fool for these persons as which they could not go to new world. They were hierarchical people who thought themselves higher. People who were left behind changed their planet with own favor, and started revenging on those who oppressed them. It was the beginning of ‘ THEM.’
As they were a group of notorious politicians and militarists, they were superior to negotiation. THEY succeeded to persuade Rei people, THEY established the present style of The Peaceful Invasion. Those who said fool for them had also supposed to ride on this way nowadays. Haraher accepted it to say that, ” Somebody must be going to be like this.” — A-Country was abandoned by Rei people.

By the way, THEY ( Dalk Party ) were supposed to be extinct for causing Time Works War I. The remnant of THEM chose self-extinction.

While they had existed, they seemed to try to change the history of other intelligent lives.
In the beginning, they believed it for the best way of evolution for intelligent life. They could explain the way of interference to newer intelligent lives. But for it was including their intruding to newer intelligent-lives’ society, gradually newer intelligent lives would claim for it. Because their wealth would be stolen by them. All newer intelligent lives maintained The Vertical Force to A-Country and destroyed them. At this time, A-Country supposed to realize that they should die. The voice of Tambar-1 was done in this time. However, Tamber-1 was supposed a person of The One ( Because her treatment was wrong by THEM ), it might have expressed wrong history.
Actually, their computer ( The CCU ) had not been destroyed, then it conspired to revenge those who would fight them. Rei people did not destroy this computer because it had a lot of human data. As A-Country’s people had already vanished into their computer, so they supposed to rescue them in first of all. From skillful persons were escaped from this computer system in the name of intruding, to the end, there only existed bad guys. They helped their system with own favor. While fugitives had intruded to newer intelligent lives, they also intruded there, then they changed the history of newer intelligent live. The CCU became hysteric which figure looked like Eeko. Soon she destroyed, but Dalk’s figure replaced on her mission. Dalk and her fellows ( Dalk’s Party ) were seemed to be good at political bargaining, they could survive for a while. Rei people did not suppose to destroy them because they were one of human data. But for they conspired same things of their CCU, they repelled from their systems. After this banishment ( their paradise lost ), they had to live as like primitive people, then they chose to suicide.

Some of THEM insisted on the survival of their CCU, however, I thought it wrong. We only could SEE the interference of their system from the past.

In my memory, I could SEE something faceless woman mentioned it calmly ( summer in 1994 ). It was that they would lead the culture and technology to good way. The Representative of The Afterlife in Japan watched it calmly. His close advisors said it became the power of Japan. Then THEY praised The Afterlife of Japan to say that, ” We’ll show you the greatest things.” — The effect was Great Hanshin Earthquake ( 1995 ).
Before it occurred, people who supposed to live in The Afterlife became noisy, and tried to destroy something system. But they were subdued. It might have meant that THEY had already intruded on Japan, or there existed people who knew the future, or something like schedule had been gone ( The Repetition of The Aas ). In the hand, THEY had seemed to TALK with Japanese Imperial Family, The Representative said to me disgustedly, ” He’s fool.” Then He repeatedly became saying, ” They are V.” — V was an American TV drama which aliens invaded on The Earth with pretending for friends. His advice was often cut off by THEM, instead, THEY announced their victory to say that, ” He’s deceived.” In the same time ( Autumn 1994 ), suddenly Eeko revealed with being bashed. Some of THEM said to us, ” She looked mad, you know ?” Few days after, she revealed again and shouted, ” Kill you ! “
To see her, some of THEM ridiculed on this way. THEY asked, ” How do you think about your disasters would be increased the time by time when new intelligent life had come ? ” — THEY mentioned about Universal Domino Theory. Previous intelligent life would invade on new intelligent life by the reason of losing THE GAME. By repeating it, there were the more intruding and disasters would be happened on new intelligent-life’s society than the previous intelligent-life’s. Eeko did not answered it but Ahora Type lady answered it, ” ( It’s okay because ) we will reduce them to a single.” She mentioned about something schedule of disasters and wars.
After Great Hanshin Earthquake and Tokyo subway sarin attack ( 1995 ), THEY showed their nature. THEY said, ” We could change natural disasters freely.” — They had already insisted on the sane evolution of life needed a certain number of disasters, then THEY said so. It was a threat for Japan and The Earth. We might have lived in such accelerated world of disasters and wars. THEY said with laughing, ” There needed World Wars twice.” But some of THEM mentioned about necessary number of world war the after ( 2018 ). THEY concluded it needed only one. — We had to take their lies off.
In the hand, The Afterlife of Japan blamed Tambar-2 for that she was alien, then she admitted it ( in 1995 ). Some of THEM said, ” She is a living statue.” — But I could not have any convince, so I only wrote a parody which described about MJ-12.
In 2001, September 11 attacks occurred. The Industry explained it owed by me somehow. The Pentagon ignored it. I was busy for the study of care worker at that time.
In 2003, Haraher praised me to find THEY were aliens. He said, ” Give you THE POWER.” The Afterlife people advised me to beware of it. It was a trap to make me USE THE POWER. Most of Rutsu Type men seemed to suffer this trap. But I accepted it because My Guardian Spirit told me that it was a chance to restrict THEIR POWERS. I declared to allow to USE THE POWER only for peaceful purpose. Some of THEM objected it for you should have prohibited to USE THE POWER all however, but I refuse it. Because it was not realistic for that THEY always USE and TALK. I persuaded them to start from getting the restriction to expand it for the prohibition. But THEY did not accept it. THEY only expect to get the allowance to USE THE POWER freely. It was beginning of death match with THEM.
In first, it started with tongue-in-cheek battle. C-Country threw the words to me, ” Why do you believe The Earth repeats itself ? Don’t you think about time traveling ? ” I answered it, ” Time traveling was often seen in SF but, could you prove it in science ? ” He did not answer. To make sure, I questioned to My Guardian Spirit. He answered it, ” You go for it.” He did not say much. So I regarded it The Earth repeated itself. He explained it people around for that it could do by this way. — He predicted my future. People in The Afterlife were always interfered by somebody. The saying did not come from their own ideas. We had to pay attention for these interferences. But it was good interference. I realized it the after.
In 2005, Amagasaki Derailment had occurred. THEY owed the responsibility to me again. THEY misunderstood people who lived in Fukuchiyama were all dead ( The Androids ), THEY believed to do anything on there. But after THEY realized the truth, THEY tried to kill people in there by typhoons ( but the most severe damage had occurred in 2004 ). This strange way was changed the target to me after 2011 Tōhoku eathquake and tsunami.
While THEY attacked on Fukuchiyama, The Afterlife’s people complained of danger on Tōhoku region ( 2007 ). My Guardian Spirit accepted this request, then he went to this area. But nothing was found. He reported Mt. Bandai-san Base was still broken ( Chapter 12-VII ; Figure Bc ). It was supposed that they knew the future or THEY had already intruded on this region or something like schedule had been gone on.
In 2011, some of THEM invited My Guardian Spirit to some imaginary hole. The hole had the width which a human could pass through, there were stones on the edge. The hole was colored dark, it could not be realized the distance. To show it, THEY were laughing. Two days after, 2011 Tōhoku earthquake had occurred.
In 2015, Euron and Alii made in trouble with Kinugawa River flood. But THEY did not seem to satisfy the result.
In 2016, suddenly some of THEM revealed on me, and forced to go to my mother’s death ceremony. The ceremony would be done a month after. But THEY did not accept it, Kumamoto Earthquakes had occurred on my mother’s death day.
After Kumamoto Earthquakes, The Japan thought it capable to get THE POWER by using The Aliens. They chose the supposed Dalk, and made her PLAYER. She behaved as like Dalk. In exact, she was supposed one of Dalk, but THEY gave the punishments to The Earth. On June 12, Orland nightclub shooting had occurred. Once Dalk emphasized the movie of Orlando, THEY showed it the harassment to The Japan. It was not certain whether THEY mind-controlled or not. But The Japan could not realize the mean. On July 26, Sagamihara Stabbing had occurred. It was a crime which the criminal was influenced by the thought of Hittler. The Japan allowed to express Nazi matters positively ( The HJ had power in The Japan ), so that Nazi hobbies were often seen in Japanese Media ( ex. Girls und Panzer ( 2012-2013 ). But they did not reflect on their attitude, they shifted the responsibility to me somehow. It became the beginning of their self-performance.
While these occurred, there were a lot of terrorism occurred which IS supposed to involve ( ex. 2016 Atatürk Airport attack, July 2016 Dhaka attack, 2016 Nice truck attack, etc. ). They watched them as their own somehow. In America, there were a lot of struggles between policemen and people however, they did not mind it. The Japan judged Dalk insufficient for the role, they chose Haraher for their leader. Because they SAW he was recommending me to write this story. He agreed it somehow, but to see 2016 Berlin truck attack, he resigned. Then suddenly Eeko had appeared and became their leader. But a week after, Tu154 crash was occurred in Russia. She vanished in silence. — She might be a person in this time actually, or she had some relations with B-Country. Haraher supposed to have some relations with Germany. Nonetheless, The Japan was a strange group to try to get THE POWER although they had the power to call THEM.
In 2017, Dalk had come back to The Japan. But this Dalk was not real Dalk but was in the delusion. She was afraid of something and kept silence. THEIR system supposed to attack THEM. It seemed to get severe attitude for THEM to become PLAYER. The Japan supposed to realize it even in summer 2016, but they did not change their attitude. Dalk SAID to them, ” You should shift the responsibilities to him ( me ).” But The Japan ignored it Because they did not feel any responsibilities even though they repeated above social examinations. It was their tradition starting from 1994 ( Chapter 7-VI ). Japanese Media did it at that time.
In the hand, I started making this sight at the time of my 46th birthday. It was also the 24th year from when Dalk said it ended only for 30 years ( in 1993 ). I wrote this story carefully because I could not find how far I could write. To SEE THEM, as Tambar-2 was said a fool, ( she was called when 2016 Nice truck attack occurred and blamed by THEM ) so I wrote about her in first ( Chapter I-1 ). Then I wrote about Haraher ( Chapter I-3 ). He was also okay. To mention about THE GAME and The Peaceful Invasion was okay. I could SEE that Haat explained it deeply. THEY self-intoxicated with THEIR world. Anything was supposed okay to show THEM greater. I got a lot of information to praise THEM. In 2017, Japan became peace because THEY concentrated to make me bankrupted. There was a strange rule for THEM of that a person who wrote about THEM was driven into suicide, then THEY carried it out. But THEY did not become doing anything except for it. I found THEIR lines which came to The Earth were few because THEY were supposed to control only one system ( The CCU ). To SEE others, THEY were not good at multi attack. To suffer multi attack, THEY were often defeated. It meant that we could scatter THEM if THEIR supply base was destroyed. Haat said it ragged. But it was hard to find it. It needed the support of aliens to be against THEM.
In May 2018, I wrote about The Repetition of The Aas ( Chapter 11-XI ; Chart Bk ) — At first, I wrote this. It was a story of a strange Media man who shifted something responsibility to me ( 1990 ). Japanese Media called him and asked why. He excused it just a joke. They all concluded it just a kidding. They denied The Repetition of The Aas. I agreed it, too. It was a lie to hide THEIR intruding.
In June 2018, Haat suddenly said, ” I’m sorry we cannot make you win.” Two days after, I SAW The One who pretended Haat shot lightening spear. It caused 2018 Osaka Earthquake. I rode on a train at this time in Osaka, but I could not see something lightening. Only my train was shaken slightly and stopped. It was the same time lag when 2011 Tōhoku eathquake and tsunami had occurred. Events happened hole a day after from the declaration. It was supposed THEIR distance to The Earth. My Guardian immediately booted the defending system then any earthquakes did not occur on Osaka. He kept face to face with Haat. Ahora threw her hand in several times on his back. It was not certain their Manual Handling or imaginary expression by THEM ( both were supposed ). But for he took the blame for this responsibility, he abandoned Rutsu Base and moved to Yoshino-yama. Then Dalk Party came into Osaka and reconstructed Maya Base. They could not find Rutsu Base.
” Hahahahaaa ! You abandoned MichiroJohn.” — Suddenly Haat threw in the roast. A line precipitation zone came over to West Japan, it caused 2018 Japan flood. Many regions were in flood, I HEARD THEIR laughing. My Guardian immediately move to Maya Base and overwrote THEIR data. They did not put any instruments on there. He sent mini cars from Daisen Base to Mt. Hakone point. THEIR agents were hiding in there to be going to make Tokyo Earthquakes however, mini cars burned them down with high explosive. These events were the reason of Time Works War the after in 2019. My Guardian was captured and deleted by B-Country.
This war became lessening for THEM, Dalk Party got nervous. She insisted on my writing made disasters and accidents repeatedly. They caused mass hysteria. Most of them were supposed to have no relationship with me but, gradually, there supposed to happen the cases on some relationship with me ( ex. 2019 traffic accident in Shiga ). There also supposed that Yakuza suggested to offend the crime ( ex. 2019 police killing case in Osaka ). They supposed to USE THE POWER.
In 2020, coronavirus pandemic occurred. I asked B-Country to save us but they refused. They were going to tell me something, but the conversation was muted by someone. Instead, Buredoo said to me, ” You should pay the same victims as other people.” — It was the bad equalism which was often seen in THEM. This beginning was supposed to come from Rei people. THEY did not mind it to say that you were wrong of abandoning MichiroJohn. But the words had something including. B-Country said, ” We suffered it in 2003.”

Coming to 2021, Yoshua came to me. He said, ” We use MichiroJohn but they caused it before you come.” — Yoshua’s people will use MichiroJohn1 and he will describe the story of Mutopia better than me. Then they will escape from 2020’s virus pandemic. They became the most successful people ( reduced to the least victims by THEM ). But to see it, THEY will cause virus pandemic before I will have come ( in 2008 ). Before it will have occurred, Yoshua will call all people to cooperate. In this process, they will conclude The Repetition of The Aas just as a lie. THEY will be embarrassed with this conclusion, then THEY will think about some retaliation.
B-Country seemed to kick it out for just delusion, they suffered it.

We should have seen the behind-the scenes. Something schedule of God must have been gone on.

May The Earth in peace.

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