Contemplation Field of MichiroJohn











About The IDEA

CONFESSIONES of MichiroJohn7


Chart Ac7: The enumeration of THE VOICE

There was THE VOICE of whom .....

said, " Know your enemy, know yourself, and you shall not fear

a hundred battles. ( Sun Tzu )"

The Spellbound  

said, " We'll make your wish come true. What do you want ? "

The Rear


32. There was The Voice of whom said, " Know your enemy, know yourself, and you shall not fear

    a hundred battles." ( 2019 )



In April 15, Notre-Dame de Paris had burned down by a short of electrical wiring. Before this, The Benevolent Lady-like had been activated by  somebody, and IT had called The Earth people for harmony. THEIR harmony meant that THEY would do with THEIR own favor. Maybe Notre-Dame de Paris had burn down by IT, and Al-Qaeda had been activated. My Guardian went abroad to see the situation, and SHE could get  THEIR excuses as saying, " You are wrong." ---- THEY seemed to dislike the prophecies of Michel de Notredame. If was it, it was a terrible  misunderstanding for that THEY could not distinguish Notre-Dame de Paris with Michel de Notredame ( It was as like misunderstanding of  Japanese ). But for THEY had already lost THE POWER, anyone would give THE POWER to THEM. The Yoshua said, " I did." HE added the  words as saying, " You Japanese are wrong. MichiroJohn have not succeeded as a writer nor become a famous man like whom is picked up by  media yet. And tell the more, his describes are about to become as non-existent. I will take sanctions against the non-existence of MichiroJohn."  The Afterlifes of The Earth sent ambassadors to The Yoshua, but HE vanished. HE only left a message as saying, " The prophecies of Michel  de Notredame were mistaken." The Ambassadors explained to THEM, " He have not finished writing yet. And it was hard for him to become awriter because many intruders and collaborators have tortured him and he had also disliked them as THEM. They divorced."  THEY could notrespond it.

It was nothing but HE forced us detoxing whereas HE was poisoning. In April 27, The Kyuar force sent their fleets to the space area of The  Malis. The Kyuar force had still kept 10 armies and more, The Malis had kept a few planetary systems where The Zero people had lived. Their  main force was The Diving Force which was spread on time lines ( The amount was unknown ). The Malis had abandoned The Zero people and  ran away. THEY seemed to be eliminated in April 28. The Kyuar had killed The Malis again as same as their real history ( It seemed that they  did it in several times ).


By the way, one of THEM saw the article about_Michel de Notredame_and said, " It was Catherine actually." ---- Maybe HE said about_Catherine de' Medici. According to THEIR words, Tambar1 had named HIM-self ' Kyasarin ' at first time as The Android. HE named HIM-self '  Sara ' the after. I only called HIM as Tambar1. The original of Tambar ( Tambar 0 ) seemed to be a person of Fuji people ( The Jippon ).  Catherine de' Medici as she was resembled the much nearer to Yuu0. And The Zero did not seemed to have the way of ' th ' pronunciation like  English language. The pronunciation of Andra people seemed to sound like Japanese language somewhere.


32-II. THEY had to find a new patron for invading. THEY never gave it up. In the latest April, THEY activated Mogran Species who had lived in  the direction of Leo constellation on 50x108and more light years away. Once they had realized the power of The One and decided to keep  hiding under the underground of their planet. But they had a relationship with The Zero people, they had been occupied by The Zero ( native  Mogran people were all seemed to suicide ). On the other hand, THEY had contacted with Lynx Species who were the heirs of D-countries.  They were The Mechanical Species like The Kyuar. They refused to collaborate with The Zero. They seemed to choose the New World with The  Kyuar. THEY had to fight with The Kyuar by Mogran Species only.

In May 5, Virgo Supercluster Expeditionary Force of The Kyuar had surrounded on the planet of Mogran. Next day, Mogran Type Zero people  had surrendered in condition. THEY held out the data of The Yuu, The Sal, The Akiko, etc. Because Euron's E-countries had operated THEM  behind, E-countries Expeditionary Force of The Kyuar destroyed the core of Euron's planets completely in May 7. Tambar1&4 were supposed to  kill again by this attack. After investigations, The Kyuar had also destroyed the core of Zero's Mogran in May 8. It was a retaliatory action for  THEM to refuse conditional surrender of native Mogran's people.

To lose the core base, The Zero Species had come to begin_Kamikaze attack_( ramming tactics ) to every Universal Species. THEY seemed to  need new base where THEY could move by The Vertical. Because it was a problem to lose THE POWER of The Future. The core of The Future  had still been kept by The Aas Species. THEIR programs ( AI commanders ) had continued making wars and disasters irresponsibly, and THEY  felt comfortable to keep such miserable situations. THEY never admitted the wrong programming on THEIR mechanical society. THEY only  accepted to justify THEIR fault. It was the end of whom could not admit own mistakes. It was only good for us not to be invaded directly  because THEY were as same as being in a dream. THEY were not supposed to reveal on the real without The Receiver.


32-III. In May 11, some Universal Species called a conference with The Kyuar to establish The New World. They met on the planet of Alakis.  The ambassador of Kyuar ( C-country ), Links ( D-country ) and Oltar ( E-country ) had attended this conference. B-countries ( Malis ) and G-countries did not attended this conference. They all decided to require unconditional surrender to A-countries. If THEY refused, they could  destroy THEIR base without warning. They had also talked about the existence of The Malis. The Kyuar said that they did not know well about  the society of Malis. They were once born a friendly Species who had lived in the same galaxy however, they gradually tried to surpass Kyuar's  power. After their extermination, they had come to reincarnate in the other galaxy repeatedly. It was supposed that they had made friendship  with The Zero. The Kyuar did not know well about The Yoshua. HE might be one of The Zero's people or just a victim to be killed by The Malis'  ruling class. It was certain that The Yoshua and The Malis could do time traveling.

The Kyuar asked for The Olter's state which had accepted The Zero's people. The Oltar answered that they had kept THEM as the past data.  They explained that they could not be against A-countries not to know about Zero's people well. The Links put words on their argument as  saying, " We are bad people. We are influenced bad by The Duum." The Kyuar answered, " We know. You can have hidden enough to deceive A-countries." The Links replied laughingly, " We could attack Alakis from THEIR behind." Both of The Links and Oltar supposed that they could not  win to fight with The Kyuar.

My Guardian was allowed to attend this conference and given a chance to state a policy. SHE told a statement which had been argued with The  Afterlives of The Earth. SHE said, " We don't have any relationship with Zero. We make them live out their natural lives." ---- According to The  Yoshua's words, THEIR invasion was mostly owed by THEIR miserable lives. Dalk0 was a prisoner under sentence of death, Tsuzuki0 was a  murderer of his son, Ozaki0 was a street killer, Gips was just a bullied boy as Otaku ( freaks ), Akiko0 was a killer of The Romance, Tambar0  was a serial killer of The Marionette Master…etc. The Yoshua said that they could change their own lives if they would finish their lives  meaningfully.

" You said like Yoshua," The Oltar said. " If THEY could get social restoration, another character would occupy in HIS position. That's a damn  program of A-countries. No one could have changed this program. THEY will betray you."

---- Never mind. THEY had already betrayed us. It was just only supposed not to change anything in this way. But for My Guardian had joined  this conference as a representative of The Afterlives of The Earth, SHE only declared the way of The Earth. " In exact, it is hard to detect The  Intruders. Indeed, we have many promoted persons as The Intruders. They behave as like The Intruders or The Collaborators. And there are  some Intruders who are pretending for The Collaborators and likely supposed to pretend for ordinary person completely. We cannot distinguish  them from THEM only by your VOICE. We will just restore their lives only."

" Sure," The Kyuar said. " Go on your way."

The conference was finished.


32-IV. THEY had to find a new patron for invading again. THEY never give it up exactly. My Guardian proposed for THEM to redo THEIR lives,  but THEY refused it. It was ended in vain to say an invading program. In May 15, THEY succeeded to persuade The Five to borrow THE  POWER, THEY started invading to The Earth. My Guardian had once recommended them to redo their lives however, as they had already lost  their social infrastructure, they could not have rebuilt their society. They accepted THEIR recommendation. In May 18, because The Five had  little changed Time Works of The Earth, The allied Universal Species' force surrounded the planet of The Five. They recommended The Five to  surrender. The Five realized their fatal deaths and only responded, " Kill us." The allied force exterminated them completely. The Five was one  of enemies whom every Universal Species had a passion of the past years. In this battle, Yuu1 was seemed to destroy.

THEY were surprised to be exterminated The Five. Because they believed that no one could be exterminated such a little thing. But THEY never  give up The Invasion.

In May 19, THEY activated The Jippon country in The Shiiba. There was a place where implanted Huji people had survived even now. They  could move to Fuji Base in The Earth easily ( Hot line would be made ). The Kyuar Force destroyed the core system of Jippon by shot  immediately. By this shot, THEIR POWER had almost be lost. THEIR movements of The Invasion were increased by The Vertical, which were  come from The Future. The Future's movements needed The Receiver and THE POWER was weak. It was happened to remove The Vertical  connections and it was there in Fuji Base.


The representative of The Afterlife of Japan called a conference with Huji people in Fuji Base but THEY refused. THEY only said a same thing  that THEY asserted the right of existence after THEY threatened native Japanese of The Afterlife as saying, "Won't you believe to live safely  after you would remove us ?" ---- It was not acceptable because THEY would make a lot of wars and disasters with own pleasure if we would  have yielded to THEIR threat. We would see terrible events which happened in a routine.

THEY seemed to have confidence to win the battle with present The Earth. THEY could not realize THEIR lessening situation and see the future.  THEY only believed in that THEY could justify The Invasion if THEY would lose this war as it was ' THE GAME.' That was a childish game which  many people would be died. But THEY firmly believed it in The God's judgement. THEY used THE POWER to judge people while THEY never  used it for own defense. The first thing that THEY should do was to make a planetary defense system. It was as same as to enforce domestic  laws not to establish the security of country. It would become under internal war soon. And THEY did so. That was our delusional world, THEY  had continued death survivals eternally. No one believed such Gods.

In May 21, My Guardian called surrender to THEM. No one responded it however, THEY were seemed to scare. But THEY continued resisting  by shutting in Fuji Base. The Allied Force had cut THE WATER lines from Fuji Base to outer space and isolated THEM. They said, " A-people  had been pushed into The Earth." THEY said, " We must have redone our lives from the first." ---- THEY still seemed to believe that THEY could  reincarnate repeatedly. THEY would have kept security of laws to enforce The Reincarnation Rule.

To get back THE POWER, The Future have continued attacking to every Species. Japanese bases had also suffered THEIR attack. But those  were not severe like when The Dalk had raided on Tokyo in 1993 to 1994. In May 22, The GHQ moved to Rutsu Base and sent Helas' Ground  Cruisers to Fuji Base. Those were Mini Cars which My Guardian had kept in secret. To get support of The Allied Force, The GHQ attacked Fuji  Base and Tokyo points in the night of May 22 to 23. THEY slept in night. THEY were strange computers not to be activated in night. The GHQ  occupied THEIR base easily.

The core of Fuji Base was just a minimum space which could show only one or two persons. From my delusional sight, its image had been  revealed on the center. On this around, same images sometimes stood up or vanished. These were supposed human-linking connections which  had established ' IDEA field.' Human images could move on each point freely. As THEIR bridgeheads engaged to these points, any aliens could  revealed on as like The Earth people or Gods. And THEY connected to native people, THEY heard their thoughts and assertions. Their minds  were abused making wars and disasters. THEY put ' The Trigger ' to make wars and disasters on living humans ( maybe The Intruders ) and  helped them doing freely. The person who had The Trigger became arrogant and enforcing own rules in selfish. To see that, THEY were  laughing and said, " You are wrong." THEY were quite a devil of The Total Depravity or self-performance.

THE POWER of making wars and disasters did not pooled in Fuji Base, it would be sent from The Supply Base by through THE GATE (  bridgeheads ). But for those Suppliers had already been destroyed, The Triggers ( persons who had The Trigger ) had to make wars and  disasters by their own. As The Triggers behaved as like living persons who could TALK, the programs were in sleep mode when The Triggers  were sleeping. The images were vanished from IDEA field when they fell into sleep.

My Guardian picked up such data and threw out. Dalk1, Yuu0, Tambar1, etc. had destroyed on The Earth completely. And SHE also  recommended a complete destruction of The Vertical Receiver on Fuji Base however, The Afterlife people refused this idea. They were afraid of  being isolated and lack of THE INFORMATION. They were seemed to poison by THE WORLD. ---- We should die if we would be isolated. It  would mean that all Universal Species had disliked us. The Kyuar had survived not to depend on The Afterlife and all Universal Species  expected us to do that. ---- My Guardian explained that, but they debated this idea, " But you have had THE GATE. You can go to The Malis  and recently you can become going to The Olter. You have used THE WORLD rather than us at all." ---- THE GATE was opened one-sidedly  and My Guardian knew it enough danger. The Realm of Malis and Olter stood next to death. ---- To the end, they did not want to vanish into  The Afterlife of The Afterlife ( The City of God ).

When they were arguing, Yakob Type man had revealed on Fuji Base. HE was the original of The Yakob. HE supported to rewrite the system of  The Afterlife. HE would be a good man originally. HE seemed to live in The Links as the character of D-country. We could reinforce the security  of Fuji Base. THEY became hard to change Time Works on The Earth.



For this battle, my delusional war was about to reach the end of lines. As THEY said to us THEY would rise up the level of danger however,  obviously THEY had lost THE POWER. The Japan became hard only to TALK.


32-VI. After The GHQ had gone,The Kunai had visited me again. HE was bringing The Chucky. THEY were sitting in front of me and laughing  slightly. THEY sent winner's smile to me. But THEY did not say anything.

At this time, The Kyuar had found data of Klam in The Realm of Olter. HE had asserted the risk of one biggest hegemony. HIS backup datasucceeded to became a political asylum. The Kei was not found in there. The Olter had seemed to accept HIS assertion. But for realizing The  Kyuar's inspection, The Olter started excusing for that was only data. It was supposed that The Malis did not become same as The One, but in  30x108years ago, The One had not supposed to become same as The Zero. THEY were calling it The BSE ( bovine spongiform  encephalopathy ).

To reach June 6, The Malis had surrounded The Realm of The One and called out for cooperation to The Olter. They seemed to delete The One's data immediately. Next day I could see Yuu1 had admit to lose the war. The Malis had seemed to detect the location of The One's Realm  from giving THE POWERS to The Earth's Intruders ( The Kunai etc. ). The Malis had stood on a policy not to allow to interfere living Species in  excess. They said that The Living had a living way and The Dead had a dying way. They turned to be against The Dead people by using THE  POWER. The weak bodies were exterminated in The Afterlife ( But strong will and kindness were seemed to regard as ' strong ' in their world ).


In June 9, The Noa admitted the independence of The Earth on The Helas. THEY had almost lost THE POWER completely. HE came to regard  The Earth as the side of B-Country. HE behaved the president of Helas however, Helas people suddenly made a revolt and repelled HIM. After  this event, The original man of Haraher had appeared on THE GATE and said, " HE was not our representative." We congratulated on each  independence. The Time Works War IV was likely ended on this day. The Japan was supposed to lose powers violently.


In June 25, B-Countries had destroyed the planet of The Hool by the reason of making weather terrorism on The Earth. They sent an image  that some planetary was torn in pieces. As there was not seen any explosion, it was supposed to tear in pieces by huge gravity energy. They  added a comment as saying, " Look at the stupid end of The Hool."

---- It was supposed the end of THEIR bullying to The Earth ( and the end of Time Works IV ). A-Countries had only supposed to remain the  planet of Alakis 3 which had been conquered by The Allied Forces ( C-country and The Links ) on The Real World. THEY had reached extreme  confusion and shouted, " We cannot TALK ! We cannot USE ! "

Next day, THE WATER association restored The Human Linking and THEY could get back calm. After this, THE WATER Association made The  Realm in my brain, and The Intruding Historian ( The Haraher ) had revealed in my mind. HE said, " You had kept a large place." ---- HE said a  sarcasm. We could not have made any parallel world ( The Realm ) on the real yet. But HIS saying was supposed to indicate THEIR severe  situation on the real. The Future MichiroJohn had revealed in my mind and said, " We could restore it soon if you would destroy." ---- The  Haraher disappeared.

A-Country people cursed B-Country and said, " Why don't you kill us ? " ---- Maybe B-Country realized they could not destroy THEM completely.  Once I Heard some Universal Species said, " You could minimize THEIR powers. ( 1994 when it was No.6 )." B-Country likely knew it andconsidered to use THEM for another purpose. It was for their believable The Cognition which was tried to exchange the establishment time of  The Android society for controlling space-time energy. A-Country people went mad to establish The Android society faster than controlling space-time energy. In exact, B-Country also had same tragedy. They wanted a bad example.


It was supposed to reach a limitation of destroying THEIR invasion. A-Country had still supposed to make The Realm by using The Automatic  WATER Liner and hide THE POWER in this parallel world. B-Country announced to A-Country by using The Seliina who was saying, " You  should keep The High Sea Law ( The Telecommunication Business Law )." Any A-Country people did not respond it.

To tell the truth, the hidden powers of A-Country were seemed to argue among B and C-Countries with fear in long time. They thought A-Country force would be hidden in The Realm. But they would gradually realize THEY did not have any force but The One had kept A-Country  Force. The Zero did not have any force because The Jippon had lost war with The One ( Andra ). They could know the history of A-country  enough to see The Repetition of The Aas. The beginning of The Realm was just only a haven to escape from bullying of THEIR ruling class (No.4). This characteristic was seemed to keep even now. The One never gave real powers to such defeated country and people. The One  regarded THEM just as strange. THEY could do USE or TALK only.

THEY justified THEM selves as saying, " We have just given a place that anyone can USE (No.5)." THEY established a huge universal network  and still survived. I called it ' THE WATER Association.' This chief of staff was often seen as the character of The Sal ( HE usually stood beside  of THE GATE ), but this organization was supposed to manage by The Anonymous so that it was not true actually. THEY managed this  organization following by The Telecommunication Business Law and established the universal network following by The High Sea Law. That was  guaranteed to move between any planets if you had known THE WORLD well. There were the both cases when The You-Don't-Know Rule  enforced to such travelers and not. It was not certain which case would be enforced because THEY would make actions by custom laws. THEY  were the organizations which had been lost a frame of country. Some Universal Species seemed to get along with THE WATER Association  well, sometimes they both were seen standing on same IDEA field ( mine or others ). But needless to say, The Universal Species did not trust  on THEM, they made universal network by their own. They crashed The One's fleets by using it.

THE WATER Association and some Universal Species had seemed to separate to live by the purpose. These features had been existed while  The One had still kept powers and it would be supposed to inherit on The New World.


Chart Bf ; The Separated Purpose of The Universal Species


A Country

( The Zero )

Center of

Great GRB Wall

THEY were supposed to remain as THE WATER Association.

A Country

( The One )

Center of

Great GRB Wall


B Country

( Malis )


They were supposed to separate some departments.

But they had The CCU.

C Country

( Saifel )


They were supposed to separate some departments.

They denied using The CCU.

C Country

( Kyuar )



Real Force
B-Country's Force was supposed under their commanding.

D Country

( Duum )


They seemed to decide that they did not have any forces.

They supported D Countries.

D Country

( Links )

The Demarcation

of D Countries

Real Force

They seemed to do The Repetition of The Aas.

The people were the mixtures of A & D & E Countries.

E Country

( Oltar )

MACS J1149+2223

Afterlife &

Real Force

It supposed to occur concentration of powers because they  behaved

as both of God and human being.

G Country

( Jiin )

CIG J2143-4423



They were supposed to reborn from Meteor Strike by THE POWER of

The Future.

A Country

( The Hool )

Center of

Great GRB Wall


They seemed to repeat being exteminated and reborn in several times

under the power of A-Country.


32-VII. In August, The Japan had still shouted that I was wrong. It would be true that a part ot responsibility was owed by me. But THEY  continued insisting that I made somehow a lot of car accidents by writing this story. Those were made by THEIR group hysteria which THEY  were afraid of new owner ( B-Countries ). THEY did not realized that I had already lost THE POWER by the defeat of The One. THE RULE had  been changed. But THEY still wanted to believe that THE POWER of The One was still alive. To want to convince that, it was supposed that  Kunai and Chucky came to see me ( 32-VI ).

There was no concern with these, a lot of car accidents had been ceased by stopped reporting car accidents. They were victims of wrong way  of reporting by Japanese Media._A car accident_which had happened to happen had killed a lot of innocent Japanese. They were victims of  Japanese Media.


However it was, The Japan never gave it up and THEY came to say that the existence of The Afterlife was wrong. THEY insisted that it was not  natural because The Aliens had made it. It should be destroyed. ---- It was eyesore for THEM to exist the owner of The Afterlife. B-Countries was.

THEY might not have realized that we could survive when someone put us even on The Schrödinger's Cats. Whether it was okay because The  Schrödinger's Cats were made by THEM. Anyway, THEY asserted it to the world. The world people were seemed to involve this argument.


In September 4th, after this argument, The City of God organized a spiritual force on The Earth which was called ' Self-Defense Force of The  Afterlife of The Earth ( SDFA-E ).' The name was come from My Guardian's force but the main purpose of this organizing was put HER under  control by them. They had put The GHQ on a branch of SDFA-E in Japan. The GHQ and My Guardian followed this idea. They needed to stop  conflict with THEM. THEIR group hysteria might make new victims.

---- The incident had happened two days later.


SDFA-E suddenly called My Guardian up to London Tower. The Realm of The Tower was called ' The Catacombe.' ---- Anne Boleyn worked for  secretary there. We could see Thomas More. To get in there, an American militaryman was waiting for My Guardian. SHE said, " A serious  violation of territorial space had occurred." To connect an image, My Guardian and I could see three space ships sailed on some space in  column. SHE ordered, " You ride on a space ship and destroy them." My Guardian objected it and said, " Anyone could manuever the space  ship." But SHE said, " You had an experience to maneuver it. You should go." ---- My Guardian sent to their space ship.


The situation was critical. Three space ship which were supposed B-country's were on offensive to our space ship. THEY had already detected  the location of our alongside asteroid and sent us a message, " Let us exercise." It was not certain what THEY wanted.

My Guardian had an experience to maneuver Helas' ship but it was Kyuar's. AI navigators replied " Hello " with unworried when My Guardian's  data had dived into this ship. Our force was just only this ship.

" Launch out. Reverse slowly," My Guardian ordered. ---- " Good-bye," a message was sent from alongside asteroid. Some Holywood star had  already seemed to dive into this asteroid and sent a message.


The Battle of Proxima Centauri

32-VIII. In the afternoon when The Battle of Proxima Centauri had occured, B-Country turned their attitude heavy-handed. THEY demanded the  handover of members who had joined this battle. THEY hoped to get lives of My Guardian and The American Militaryman especially. The  representative of The Afterlife of Japan was worried about THEIR changing mind but My Guardian volunteered this handover. SHE was a man  for sacrificial pawn when we lost the war. It was just only that SHE did it on HER own ( The Ikki-gake ( 一騎掛け ) ) again.

B-Country explained it as saying, " It's not allowed that living person was not in the dead. Bring HIM. The American Militaryman, too."


After a consultation, SDFA-E ( Self-Defense Force of The Afterlife of The Earth ) handed over the identity of the people involved next day. There  were My Guardian, The American Militaryman, A Hollywood star, A Greek Historian, A French Mathematician, A Young Muslim, etc. They all  sent to B-Country. The Cheif of SDFA-E and The Representative of Japan were excluded for this handover but THEY were satisfied it. THEY  only wanted to see the soldiers who could fight evenly.

My Guadian and HER fellows were put on a truck and taken around in THEIR WORLD. Many planets of THEM had already seemed to turn in a  dream only, My Guardian's were forced to act as THEIR hostage. THEY looked same as us, but most of THEM were supposed The Draconians.  THEY said each other terribly, " Monkeys !  Monkeys ! " Some of THEM abused, " Monkeys go back to mountain ! " ---- Monkey was seemed  the object of fear for THEM ( THEY could make a lot of horror movies which monkeys pounced upon THEM ).

The American Militaryman apologized My Guardian, " I'm sorry for involving you...." My Guardian answered, " You did not mind it, sir." AHollywood Star tweeted it, " It's our spellbound." A Greek Historian said, " We must find the way to tell this." ---- They all agreed.

---- I could see this scene and found young Taga chasing after them. HE was seemed to treat as a child in B-Countries. HE tried to tell this for  The Afterlife of The Earth however, HE was only running among THEM. This information was supposed to send by C-Countries mostly. My  Guardian could see The Holm ( one of The Zero's scientist ) after, who could keep dignity. HE looked old.


When it finished taking around, My Guardian's were put into jails separately. The prison officer of My Guardian could speak Japanese  frequently. HE said, " You looked hard." My Guardian did not answer it. HE did not tell where HE came from and why HE was here. It was  supposed that A and B-Countries were exchanging each other. Or HE was a fugitive from the oppression of The Zero. Several visitors came to  see My Guardian ( one of THEM was The Holm ), the last visitor sent My Guardian to a special room.

It was a red-colored space where was nothing without a space. It was supposed The Baal's room but Lord of The Frai was not in there. Instead,  several bust figures had appeared in front of My Guardian and said a lot of things by turns. THEY were supposed the originals of The Malis  which was turned from the lost hegemony in the planet of Toor.


Cross of Iron_( 1977 )  by Sam Peckinpah


THEY had interrogated them separately. French Mathematician blamed THEM loudly but THEY ignored it. My Guardian must have answered to  THEIR questions on both knees.

THEY asked My Guardian where came from at first. THEY did not know Yamaguchi prefecture in Japan. Suddenly Haraher had appeared and  talked about my home town. HE said, " It's famous for_Monkey Show." THEY asked HER, " Is it ? " ---- My Guardian answered it, " Yes.  My  home town is top 2 for Monkey Show." To hear that, THEY looked each other and nodded in silence. THEY seemed to get convinced something.

THEY turned attitude and praised My Guardian who could have fought with THEIR fleet evenly. My Guardian did not say anything. After a while,  THEY recommended HIM to cooperate. THEY said that My Guardian and I could get THE POWER the more to cooperate THEM. ---- This TALK  was connected with me and THEY implied me to answer. ---- I refused it. ---- My Guardian answered, " That it is. The cooperation with you was  after a consultation of our Afterlife." ---- THEY grinned.

While THEY seemed to talk with HIM the after, but it put under classified by THEM. After that, My Guardian sent HIS last message. It was said,  " Good-bye." ---- The message was deleted soon. THEY did not allow that living person had a dead body.


Apocalypse now_( 1979 )  by Francis Coppola


32-IX. In December 26th, I could see an image that The Yuu was afraid of something. HE seemed to board a spaceship. HE asked HIS  captain,  " Can we win ? " The captain ( AI admiral ) replied, " I don't know." The Yuu had seemed to maintain space fleet. But their  conversation had already been catched, it was supposed that THEY would be lose the battle soon.

After a while, The Seliina said with surprising, " An amazing thing has happened." And also said, " You have done it ! " ---- I could not find what  was happened. Even in The Afterlife, no one could seem to grasp the situation.

Next day, suddenly Tambar 2 had appeared in my mind and said, " I'll never forgive you." The message had been disappeared soon. Although  Tambar 2 had not already forgiven me, it was seen like emergency call. THEY usually said such disgusting words before THEY were dying. It  was supposed that THEY would escape to The Vertical before THEIR death. THEY were nasty creatures who could not lose the game.


Starting from 2020, The Kyuar said, " We change our name back to The Voog." ---- It must be occured a political change. They did not become  being afraid of The One. It meant they had withdrawn from THE GAME. The members of SDFA ( Self-Defence Force of The Afterlife ) came to  go abroad to grasp the situation.

The situation was that, according to Voog people, The Saifel police had attacked to Benevolent Lady-like house in December 26th. They used  live bullets without using stun guns or mind controllers. They shot The Yuu's head to stop contacting with their fleets at first. HE was under  meditation sitting on a chair. At this time, Benevolent Lady-like drew something like a handgun, they shot down HIM, too. Others raised hands  and arrested. The Yuu had tried to control The Saifel space fleets, the time when B-Country fleets had surrounded their fleets and they were  about to destroy. The saifel governments would have decided to remove the influence of AI Commanders.


Cross of Iron_( 1977 )  by Sam Peckinpah


Benevolent Lady-like and Yuu were dead, but Tambar 2 was disappeared from this real world ( HE supposed to escape into The Vertical  world ). Others were arrested and put into the jail. The Saifel governments ceased firing with B Countries immediately, and they prosecuted The  Hool's authority for murder. The Hool ( Hiil ) refused this testimony and only answered, " Nuts." THEY had deleted THEIR memories about it.  Saifel jurisdiction prosecuted over to The One's authorities who had intruded into The Voog in the past. As they realized it time to die, they all  vanished. Some of THEM might go to other planet to reincarnate as new one, others of THEM might escape into The Vertical world, that were  not certain. It was just certain that the powers of B-Countries had excelled the powers of The One because Malis Force could surrounded C-Countries. Future Species must have done politics in such uncertainty.

In 2020, Voog people had started changing politics without The One. They changed their own name at first. The influence of The One was  supposed to repel one by one. It should be supposed to be better for The One to surrender, but no one had revealed to surrender. THEY were  still seemed to continue fighting and doing THE GAME.


In January 28th, The Haat and Haraher had revealed from The Afterlife, They signed a surrender document. Haat explained it by the reason of  no chance to win. HE signed it in silence. To see it, Haraher said a habit, " It's a natural result." ---- As They were not representatives of The  One, A-Countries were surrendered perfunctory. But THEY could not supposed to survive without the supports of B-Country. THEY all were put  under control of Malis.


Waterloo_( 1970 )  by Sergey Bondarchuk



32-X. The surrender of A-Countries seemed to make other Universal Species activate. They came to Japan and checked the bullying of  Japanese. The Afterlife of Japan got busy to take care of them. They thought that it started a new policy under Malis' control and they needed  to get much information about the present way of The Bullying. Because THEY would survive as vanguards of The Malis. The Universal Species  had to know about the battle orders of The Bullying. They had gone around Japan to say, " That's The Law of Civil Non-Intervention," or " That's  Bekken-Taiho ( 別件逮捕 ; The Another Arrest ). They went back after recording these.


In January 28th, the man who did personality attack (_No.10_) suddenly came across me and said, " You are Five."

---- I knew The Sixth ( The Voog ) but they did not take part in The Riddling. They accepted The One and The Hool by some reasons. ---- It was  hard to distinguish them from the originals ( They looked like the originals but their history and behaviors were not same. They behaved as like  natives ), ---- They were also fugitives from the oppression of The Zero ( The typical existence was The Hool ), ---- It was supposed to be good  for grasping the situations of The Bullying ( THEY only escaped to other planets if they removed THEM, and THEY continued bullying in there ) , ---- And the most reason was that they could not win to fight with The One. They needed The Human Sheild for surviving.

In short, I could not understand what he wanted to talk. The Japan was still supposed to be on The Riddling. But his voice was not whom  telephoned me with ridiculous. He was seemed a victim of The Another Arrest. He was arrested for seperated crime to be blamed for writing my  issue on Asahi Newspaper in 2019, and the after, he came to say a strange thing. ---- The result of The Another Arrest made such new crime.

When The Japan knew the truth, THEY excused to say, " We will wait for aging." ---- That was ' The Law of Civil Non-Intervention.' THEY would  interrupt anything to prosecute it until it came the statute of limitation. ---- THEY would destroy the evidence by all means and force police to  say the principle of civil non-intervention. Lies and fabrication would pass through, our society would go mad....


Next day in the dark, I saw Nakatra and Gotoshi were passing through beside me. Gotoshi shouted, " I'll steal your story ! "

---- It's okay to steal this story because this story was full of the offense of copyright law. I could not put it any charge to read this story. I  decided to feel proud for being stolen. I could become THEIR inspiration notes again. They would be said ' MichiroJohn's like ' if they would steal  my story. ---- " Go ahead. Glory horse's ass everywhere."


That's aside. THEY said HE was the man who telephoned me at that time. THEY said HE introduced HIM-self as Yamashita and added  personality attack to me though HE was not in Asahi Newspaper. ---- I supposed it wrong. HE also had different voice which I had heard. We  should remember that Computers which The Aliens made ( as THEM was ) often said a lie because Computers tried to answer which people  wanted to know. They even tried to answer what they could not know. And then they made lies and fabrication in the artificial thought. Be  careful to this thinking forward system. They had absolute confidence which they had known everything. That was A Trap of AI Commander.

---- The most reliable source was the human experience. If we could not hear any VOICE or murmuring about it, even if people talked about it  with TALK, it meant that the suspect had already not been here. He was dead or had gone to another planet. Anyway he was not in our  network. ---- I supposed HE was The Klaid (_No.14_). I heard HE suicided after HE had trespassed on my room. HE was a famous as ' Musashi.' Tambar-H4 would know HIM well.


32-X. In January 29th, the day when I saw Nakatra again, The Oltar had suddenly appeared and said, " We had come back." HE seemed to  constract a new base in his home planet. HE quickly enhanced THE POWER to The Earth, I could see that The Sasaki could do USE. HE was  the man who had said a lie to molest a girl in 1994 (_2-II_). HE got full of HIM-self to get back THE POWER.

The Oltar called on all Species to fight with B-Country. HE said, " There's no chance to be against them except for the time when they had lost  their fleets the most." ---- The Duum had heard HIS VOICE with troubled face. The Olter insisted on the necessity of keeping power balance, HE  got The Duum's fleet. It was supposed a self-performance of The Duum. THEY seemed to maintain new fleets quickly but THEY did not find B-Countries had also maintained new fleets rapidly. D-Country did not remember the necessity of defend like The One.


In January 30th, SDFA-E attacked the home planet of The Mogran to borrow The Kyuar's fleets, they defeated The Oltar's fleet. HE screamed  and vanished, " They're too strong ! " It was not strength of SDFA-E but B-Countries however, they could get an experience how to fight on The  Universe. But we must have remembered that the more we have fought the more we had become similar to The One. It meant we would  become Fighting Machine. The last moment of Fighting Machine was also supposed to become his history gone mad. Because he had to do  Time Works War in the end. We should throw off such experience. We only did the fewest war which could bring the maximum effect.


In February 2nd, The Oltar attacked SDFA-E force to borrow Duum's fleets and destroyed them. The Oltar said a fool to The representative  ofJapan, " Look at that stupid face ! " THEY restored the power in E-Country Space Area. ---- A typical stupid power gamer could get pleasure  with this seesaw game. The war after war had collapsed power balance and came to cause chaos. It was the result of THE GAME by The Zero  and The One.

The Duum who was another typical stupid power gamer would think to do it within proxy war, but B-Countries justified it to do the war. THEY  released C-Country's fleets and moved their fleets to The Oltar space area. E-Country's fleets were crashed away. B-Countries' fleets continued  chasing over the remnant of E-Country's when they requested C-Country to attack The Duum. As C-Country had made peace with B-Countries,  there was no choice except for attacking to Duum. They had moved their fleets to Duum and crashed away Duum's fleets. But for Duum was  survivors in the age of The One, they had prepared a lot of evacuation routes to survive. They hid well in The Universe. To chase them, C-Country's fleets spread large.


The Chako had suddenly appeared from The Octopus Pot and said, " They had separated. It's the time to attack ! "

---- Hidden D-Country's fleets had appeared to real world and started counterattacking to C-Country's ( THEY had seemed to misunderstand C-Country's as B-Countries' ). C-Country's fleets had fought well but they were defeated. They were veterans who could not be seen decoys by  anyone. They could have succeeded to entice all enemies out in exchange of losing their main force. By this battle, we had lost a chance to be  against B-Countries eternally.

After that, B-Countries' fleets had surrounded all D-Country's fleets and started attacking to them. They were crashed one by one until February  18th. In the end of this battle, B-Country said to me, " Cheer for the end of war." ---- Ookura Type man surrendered to B-Countries in this day.  HE came to me and said, " I only want to say that your demarcation is wrong." ---- Even HE tried to do THE GAME in the end of life.


32-XI. New colonavirus ( SARS-CoV-2 ) had appeared in late 2019, it started raging severely in late January 2020. I heard the news in the day  when I saw Nakatra again ( January 29th ). Japanese Media started suspecting me somehow. They were suffered group hysteria as usual  thing. As The Industry was supposed to sent this Aashi ( Asshii ) to me, I could imagine why they had believed in such wild fancy. Rei people  were good at bacterial weapon's attack ( nanotech weapons ). By using it, THEY had supported to defeat The One in Time Works War IV.

It meant The Industry were under circumstance to think so. Normal persons could repel such wild fancy easily. But they could not. They  continued accusing me in the air. I was only given the right to TALK by THEM, I objected their TALK in the air as saying, " There's no evidence  of THEIR TALK on its before and after. If THEY did it, The Third Parties would find it and send some kind of warning message to us. Or we  could catch THEIR TALK to do that on its before and after." ---- The skill to TALK was THEIR goodwill for giving an opportunity to object,  otherwise they had made up tremendous wild fancy one-sidedly again. But it was ended in vain. New tragedy had begun.


In February 25th, an infected person by colonavirus had come out from_Dentsu cooperation. It was the top company of telecommunication  business in Japan, which was once called ' The Industry ' in itself (_Someone said, " They are not individuals who are not ' Dentsu men.' ).  Present Industry which I had called ' The Japan ' was stimulated by this incident, THEY decided on retaliation. Despite this infected person had  denied the relationship with me, THEY carried out the plan to make this carriers in Osaka larger than Tokyo. THEY did not accept that Tokyo  had the larger numbers than Tokyo ( In exact,_Hokkaido_had the larger numbers than Tokyo's at that time ). THEY did not seem to mindpeople  would be died with no reason. It was important for THEM to keep the face.

The Industry men had gone to THEIR hostess bar and seemed to make secret conversation with Yakuza in the next day. THEIR usual way was.


In March 1st, I went to my enemy's land pretending for passing by. When I had come out of station, The Kamuro appeared with his mother and  said, " He's a wanna-be soldier." ---- Something strange. Two days after, there had appeared an infected person who was tested positive for  colonavirus from this area. As he was infected in February 15th or 16th, it was supposed no relation with THEIR decision, but THEY had already  disliked me from January 29th with assumption, it might be concerned with me.

Then B-Country had suddenly appeared and said, " We will decide to use this disaster for depending on your attitude." THEY were laughing. I  could see C-Country people were sent to The Earth in secret. They were supposed fugitives from The One but they seemed to expand this  disaster. One of them had come to me and taught the existence of Rei people. To join this information and Haraher's saying " You don't know  about 0 ( Rei ) people (_32-II_)" and Eeko saying (_6-IX_), I could make up THE STORY of The Rei. ---- But nothing had been changed. You-Don't-Know-Rule had not been enforced by my action.

B-Country told me, " We could not tell you this disaster in advance."


---- We must have fought with this virus by our own. We should ignore The Japan for surviving.


Tell the truth, THEIR You-Don't-Know-Rule could seem to enforce the law from its past to its future when it was certain in present. It would be  okay only to think. It was THEIR certainty in uncertainty. We would be only capable to find the greatful change or struggle in THEIR TALK. As  the issue of Time Works, IT made this history non-existent from the beginning or IT made this history only in a dream. Or nothing would be  changed. THEY said, " SomeONE decides it." ---- SomeONE would have vanished into the darkness of demension ( The Heart of Darkness ).


Dune_( 1984 ) by David Lynch,_Rogue One_( 2016 ) by Gareth Edwards,_Star Wars 4_( 1977 ) by George Lucus





Reference >>

ay.  ^  Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior 邦題 『マッドマックス2』

az.  ^  Joerge Miller

35.  ^  Blade Runner by Ridley Scott

36.  ^  Metropolice by Flitz Lang

37.  ^  STAR WARS Episode1 The Phantom Menace by George Lucas

           ^  book: 浅倉久志 訳 / フィリップ・K・ディック 作 『アンドロイドは電気羊の夢を見るか?』 ISBN-13: 978-4150102296