Contemplation Field of MichiroJohn







Ikki-gake ( 一騎掛け )

Running through or assaulting onto enemy's front by one cavalry.


In Japan, it was called Ichiban-yari (_一番槍_) or Sakigake (_さきがけ_)  commonly. These were appeals of samurai's bravery. It had high  casualty rate.

In Europe, such bravery was tended to prohibit as naked valour.

In China, a single combat had been seen in_Three-Kingdoms period_(  3rd AD ). But they were doing mass combat in primary.

Nevertheless, such naked valour like Ikki-gake was often seen even  in Europe.


Waterloo_( 1970 )  by Sergei Bondarchuk




Ikki-gake ( 一騎掛け ) of the world


Alexandros III_( 336 - 323 BC )

In_the siege of Mallian town_( 325 BC ), to inspire the morale of his  soldiers, he raided on Mallian town by himself. He could kill Mallians'  leader, he was severely wounded at this battle. He did it by walk.


・趙雲 (_Zhao Yun, ? - 229 AD )

In_the battle of Chanban_( Three-Kingdoms period in 208 AD), he ran  through this battle field by one cavalry, he rescued the son and wife  of his warload. This achievement would have made_Cao Cao_the enemy's warload said, " I want him."


・前田利家 (_Toshiie Maeda. 1539? - 1599 )

One of survival warloads in_Sengoku period_in Japan. To serve_Nobunaga Oda_again, he seemed to do Ikki-gake. He could serve  Nobunaga for this achievement.


Napoleon I_( 1769 - 1821 )

In_the battle of Arcole, he tried to cross over the bridge of Arcole.  Above the picture was it. The story was told that his follower was  shot down by Austrian army, but he survived. His officer_Marmont_told after, " He was stopped by officers in front of the bridge."  Anyway, He could become a hero by this battle.


Che Guevara_( 1928 - 1967 )

He developed guerrilla wars. He never did Ikki-gake however, whole  his life was Ikki-gake. He said, " We have known well that the trend  of battle is decided by bravery of one hero." --- He had found the  effect of sudden strike. But he prohibited naked valour formally. He  explained the necessity to expand from one small combat to mass  combat for revolution.




