Contemplation Field of MichiroJohn

Chapter 1

T.The beginning, or the ending





Augustinus of Hippo_( 354 - 430 AD )



It has been 30 years passed when I had been contacted by the extra-terrestrialintelligence, who has not declared the name or the address. THEY only haveapeared in my mind, just using something like telepathy, but never revealedTHEIR natural figure. Where THEY have lived, what is the purpose of are theriddle or the game, just like trickery.

I have named THEM as Mutopian or Mutopia people. I heard the existence of  Island Mu (or Muu), where had been located their international organization. Therewas many pilot programs had been carried out for their societies. These storiesare very interesting for our the Earth people, too. It supposed that the change ofthe their futuristic societies may be the same or similar way of the Earth's. And itsupposed that understanding the change will be kept a lot of knowledge for us. Itcould be the begining of the new world, or the ending of our world, however.