Contemplation Field of MichiroJohn

In late 1995, The Sal had found a crisis, HE startedinvestigating deeply. The original of

HIM was seemed evil ruling class of The Zero ( HE wasoften called as ' Yas ' or ' Saru ' ),

but there were seemed a lot of copies of HIM, and mostof them were gate keepers of

THE WATER. THEY were established an informalorganization by The Zero. I called it as

THE WATER Association. One of The Sal might havefound abnormality of data.


HE said, " Hukushima is OMG." ---- I did not understandthe meaning at that time.

HE also said, " Twin Peaks is OMG, too." ---- I did notunderstand the meaning, too.

The Sal said itwhen HE saw Ookura type man murmured," We must make him to meet him."

The man seemed to try to make me a relationship withOsama Bin Ladin somehow. It was too

far for me to meet him.

The One said, " He was resembled for The Five. --- ha,ha ! ( in 2018 )"