There were different two types of the riddling, that wasthe way of ' Zero,' and another was
the way of ' One.' The Zero Riddling was for searching thetrue AI commander, if failed, it
conditioned The Kill Reason. The One riddling was todetect The Zero Riddling. The examiner
would question like this ---- " How many men are you ?" The respondent would say " the
one " was wrong. The One Riddling had been seemed tostart at first when The One had seen
The ZERO Riddling, and after the time passed, it would beused for making a hierarchy or
making a barrier.
And there was the other type of the riddlings that wasquestioned about " THREE or FOUR."
It would be questioned about the numbers of the pastgreaters. The Zero, The One, The Two,
The Three ---- four species were there. But The Zerohad been all dead, three species were
also correct. " Both are acceptable," The Three said. Butfor tremendous time passed, The One
was also seemed to be in dead, this way of The Riddlingwas out of date. The Numbers people
who rules THE WORLD were seemed to count sixspecies. The Haraher said, " There aren't
more than six. ( in 1995 )" And The Two was seemedweak Universal Species who had been
captured in the world of SomeONE, and The Four seemedto be exterminated by The One, so
there had remained The Three, The Five, and The Six.The Riddling to count The Numbers was
seemed to answer as " three." ---- That was up to datehowever, it is no doubt a typical
nonsense. To be suffered this riddling, we should throw the word " three " to THEM. It would
make no change of your situation however, it might stopyour situation getting more worse.