On my event, THEY had reached to say the conspiracy theory.Some small-built man said
that Me or some person would try to make a rebel.When or to what was unknown. THEY
would say The Original Sin. But my original sin is just not to go on to University ( At teast
The Japan said so ).
But the story was sounded with quite unreal, the saying of the small-built man would been
changed one by another.
" He would make a rebel soon."---- Long-haired lady asked to HIM, " Why could just a
ordinary person make a rebel ? "
" He had made a rebel the past."---- Long-haired lady said to HIM, " That was no
relationship with him."
" He was a character to make a rebel."---- Benevolent lady-like said to HIM, " You are fool."
---- THEY would have seen just a person like me as something like God. The old lady-like said,
" He have deleted all own data ( in every planet )." --- THEY wanted to say that me or some
person would reincarnated on many planets. It probably seemed difficult to delete such data
in every planet.
---- It should be better to think opposite. THEY are The Aliens. Because THEY are liars never
to tell the truth.