Contemplation Field of MichiroJohn

In my delusion, THEIR saying and behaviors gradually looked like The Arien.

They behaved as like The Earth people, it always looked strange. THEY said

different cultures from any Earth's ---- The Repetition of The Ass, AI

Commanders, The Riddling, the living way of The Androids, etc.


The Haat said with disgusting, " THEY have not mentioned about a certain

one thing."


Someone in The Afterlife accused Tambar2, and push HIM into my delusional

sight. HE confessed HE was The Alien at last.

But HE asserted the nececsity of The Repetiton of The Ass and The Riddling,

HE never change HIS thought. HE came to say HE would have led Japanese to

good constitution. For doing that, HE suggested to need a victim to order which

people could come back to past healthy society from future mad society. HE

said I was this orderer but it was a crime to offend bioethics so that I would be

killed. ---- I could not realize  whether it was true or not, I understood that

THEY could not do anything relied on The Regalism. THEIR countries likely could

not control  people. THEIR invasion must be started by this reason.