Contemplation Field of MichiroJohn











About The IDEA

CONFESSIONES of MichiroJohn1


Chart Ac1: The enumeration of THE VOICE

There was THE VOICE of whom .....
emphasized the words ' History begins at Sumer '
Haraher, Rei
used the ICON of AI commanders for The Idolatry

The Two, Hora, Ahora,
Haraher, Sleta

performed oneself
thought that guy always made a rebel
said that getting the most profit were them


1. There was The Voice of whom emphasized the words ' History begins at Sumer ' ( 1990 )

1-I. In 1989, I lived in Tokyo to go to university, and the next year, I decided not to go to university. Because I had failed all the entrance  examinations.

Before taking the test, My father strongly suggested to take a examination at the department of Education. I wondered why I would be a  educator but for I wanted to be a writer. I should have gone to the department of Literature. I asked my father why. But my father did not  answer it and only said, ” You must take an examination at the department of Education.” I refused his recommendation and I went on my way  ( I failed all examinations ). I entered the department of Life anyway.

This young stupid guy did not know how Japan was, where had been occupied with the formalism and the symbolism. There is no way without  getting the symbol of University Graduate ( not College Graduate ) to get along as Writer.

In Japan, people had lived in with stressful so that they needed a victim. It was good for relieving stress to strike people who had gotten out of  course. Japanese preferred tradition and formality and did not accept new one unless other country people had accepted it at first. It was  anything okay which had tradition and formality._Yakuza_could survive in Japanese society because it had long history from_Edo period, and  the recent, the delinquent group had won citizenship for long battle. The evil Japanese party wanted to do so.

The axis of evil in Japan had always wanted some kind of warning victim for their governance. They had preferred stressful society somehow.  They usually said, ” Never become like him ( her ).” They wanted to say that it was wrong of just only one person. All responsibilities were  depended on him ( her ) if it had happened something. They did not mind that crimes had revealed from our society. Those criminals would be  the mirroring of our society only.

---- Anyway, I had to fight with traditional Japanese society, where the delinquent group had been so. Out of the course made the end of life,  that they wanted. But they did not realise that it was also wanted by ANOTHER.



Figure Bg;Uncounted Question on Japanese Entrance Examination



Leonidas I                               Battle of Thermopylae ( 480 BC )   Peloponnesian War ( 431 - 404 BC )


Q. What did this people ( Spartans ) call themselves as ?

A. Spartiatai ---- x  True answer was that it was uncertain until we could not hear their saying.


---- Spartans supposed to call themselves as ' Lacedaemonian.' But it was not  certain what they were calling themselves exactly. It was  different of written words from talking words. Because I wrote this answer as ' Ladakeimon,' and I failed to enter one university ( - 2 points to full  points ). Only within 1 point lost persons could enter this University at that time. After a while, I became hearing strange voices in my mind.  THEY said, " You had lost 4 points exactly ( in 1992 )" or " You became losing even to 9 points ( in 2000 )." ---- Something strange was  seemed to happen on me.

By the way, the word of Spartiatai had been disappeared from Japanese historical educational books the after.


1-II. That's aside. To become a writer, I read many books and watched movies. But my Department of Life was full of mystery.

When I read some historical book, I found emphasized words as " History begins at Sumer." Those words looked brilliant for me somehow. I  memorized the phrase. It was not certain why it had looked so. Somebody would want to tell something. But I could not understand what was  going on.

Not only looking some words brilliant, but also some watching movies looked brilliant. My Department of Life was almost for searching these  reasons. But the more I looked, the more I would have fallen into deep mysteries. Just only pieces of informations had stuck on my memories.  But for I was younger, I could have a flexible mind which anything were accepted. I had memorized all these as themselves.

To tell the truth, the information of above phrase was supposed to come from the future. Because some early-old man said so. HE said after, "We succeeded to do it ( in 1995 )." --- Something mystery or method had gone on without my notice.

Years after, I could HEAR strange voice in the air ( THE VOICE ). I found many people in Tokyo could TALK in the air. They believed in this  unscientific way. The reason was one of my mystery.

--- Anyway, as this writing method, I decided to color letters as '_blue_' that I could see it in my sight, and color letters as '_purple_' that it was  supposed to TALK in the air by somebody, and color letters as nothing that it was supposed to TALK in the air by unknown people ( THEM ).  The reason of making unknown TALK with non-color was just quick to write. There were so many unknown TALK in my life.



History begins at Sumer ( 1959 ) by_S.N. Kramer


---- That's aside. I decided to call above early-old man as ' The Haraher ( Haraher people ).' It was a singular noun but also a plural noun.  Because they were supposed to become mechanized people ( The Species ) which were managed by computer ( I called it ' Central Control  Unit ( = CCU ).' THEY supposed to manage by only one computer system. It did not matter whether they were one or many. They all were living  in virtual space and they were only characters who were made by computers. They could be called the both of unit and aggregation. I decided  to call them as ' THEM.' It meant they were The Annonymous people. It was supposed the last figures which many intelligent lives would have  reached.


They supposed to come from various places, they were crossbreeding each other, they had established some special task group as ' THEM,'  and they came to The Earth for THEIR teaching. I supposed to find one of THEIR teachings. THEY said there were many masterpieces of ours  which THEY had put ' The Mean ' into ( in 1994 ). It was seemed to be good to know about THEM by watching masterpieces of movie, reading  of novels and seeing of famous pictures.

---- But I did not understand anything about it, I just only remembered the brilliant words of Sumer.


1-III.On my real event, when I went to a Japanese bar restaurant, one man was waiting for me. He glanced at me and said to people  around, ” It’s that guy’s fault.” ---- I could not understand what HE said immediately. And HE said it blindly. HE wanted to know what this world  was going on. It was HIS wild fancy.

I found it after in 1994. HE explained it to Japanese Media that it was just a joke. But soon HE turned the words thaat it would be true.Japanese  Media told it to Japanese Imperial Family in 1995. The STORY became larger year by year.

HE said it for HIS investigation to know a true world. HE did it as like a joke. HE suspended it that The Earth was some kind of copy from the  past. HE was a guy who had believed in The Earth repeated its history.


‘ History repeats itself,’ ---- THE VOICE often did said it somehow. It was a phrase of_Crutius Rufus. And_Karl Marx_was supposed to quote it.  And It was that Japanese history teachers preferred to use. Because it was convenient for teaching too long histories simply. ---- For example, '  In XXXX, this country had rised and fallen in XXXX...' It was wrong way of teaching histories. It could not tell the essence of history.

The essence of history was that the evolution of organization and the development of technology. It was not the repetition of wars but changes.  Japanese history teaching was only some kind of semiotics. --- It must be pleased by ANOTHER.


1-IV. To become a writer, I started writing my stories. But the inspiration of story could not come up in my mind easily. Soon I started reading  books ( I usually read history books ), and when I was tired to read, I played TV games. Gradually the time was longer to play TV games than  to read books. The way to become a writer was going far away.

When I was playing TV games, something strange VOICE had been thrown at me.

THE VOICE said, ” You are the Rutsu.” ---- Rutsu was a character on my_TV game. In exact, Rutsu was Japanese translation of Ruth in The  Bible.

It was come from in front of me. In this front, there was an apartment room next to my house. THE VOICE had come from it. Somebody talked  to me. I could not find the reason.

Anyway, I decided to call HIM as Myura. Because HE said so. HE was a strange man who made a person went mad. HE was seemed a  wannabe doctor. HE was also pleased by ANOTHER.



2. There was The Voice of whom used the ICON of AI commanders for The Idolatry ( 1991 )

2-I. In 1991, some of THEM would have tried to talk to me and failed. HE ( She ) would have also tried to see me something, but nothing was  revealed on my mind clearly.HE ( she ) would have changed the way of announce to vibrate my cranial bones by sound wave, but suddenly  HE disappeared. I could catch the words that female someone was saying in my mind, that was, " What are you doing ? " ---- It was unfounded  science which I have never seen before.

Anyway, I decided to call HIM as ' The Ahora.' It meant ' The Fool.' They were The Species who had followed the orders of computers. HE was  seemed one personality, but HE was also in aggregation, it just only looked like woman. At this point, HE was as same as The Haraher. I called  the computer which had controlled THEM as ' The Hora.' It meant ' tall story.' It was often seen as middle-aged woman-like but it was nonsense  to think so. It was seemed the end of society which were controlled by computers. ---- We should live in mortal if we could have the technology  living forever.


Because dying was likely the best art of any lives.


The people who had forgotten dying would become mechanized people, then they would be transferred to virtual space as data, and finally they  became being controlled by computer. According to THEIR saying, there was android phase instead of mechanized phase. They could continue  dying and reborning by using vital mechanical bodies. It was some kind of cyborg but it was artificial living body at first. As their memories and  spirits were installed these artificial bodies, they could continue the cycle of reincarnation. In this process, they were fallen into one part of  computer. ---- I could not recommend it.

Anyway, I called these mechanical bodies as ' The Android ' or ' The Andy.' I named it from the novel ' Do Androids Dreams of Electric Sheep? '  by Philip K. Dick (1668).



Do Androids Dreams of Electric Sheep?[42] by Philip K. Dick[43](1668)                                            Blade Runner[44](1982)


---- But I could not realize such problems at that time. I only remembered them as my event in my mind. I had to become a writer.



2-II. To get a writing job, I applied for an examination of mail game company. It requested me to write some scenario which I wanted to  express. I wrote my story the much harder and sent my plot to game company.

In early March 1991, while I had waited for good fortune, I heard strange voice in front of my room ( an apartment room ). The voice was said,  " He would become a  writer as it was."

---- Few days after, when I got out of my house, a strange man was standing in front of my house with a girl. HE said to a girl, " Is he ? " ----  The girl answered nothing.

I could not understand what they were talking. I only passed through beside of them. HE resembled for a famous professor who was often on  TV, however, I ignored it because I could not understand why HE was here.

Next day, I could hear the voice which HE said, " It's okay for him to do so."

---- I was suspended a molester ( Chikan ) for them. But it was hard for me to molest because I rarely used trains. I went for outside by bicycle.  It was a mystery why a professor had investigated molesting even. I had not seen this girl until this time. They must be looking down our  society. They thought they could do anything for such a fool like me. I had seen an evil part of Japanese that was called ' Ichinin-Kanjou ( 一人勘定 ).' It was leadership by few persons. With less arguing and believing, Japanese powerful men often decided important things. Such people  were called ' One-Man ' in Japan. I decided to call this ' Ichinin-Kanjou ' as ' One-man's order.'


This TV professor was famous for oriental foot therapy. It was not certain that HE was One-man but HE would have done it by himself. It was  strange what had made HIM so. The girl was seen in_TV program_the after. HE ( She ) became an announcer. I could not understand why I  could molest HIM because HE was born in Yokohama, but it might be clear that was Japanese TV. Both of THEM were marked by somebody,  Icould research THEIR then. There was somebody to be against of THEM. Somebody told me like that, " He was ended," or " She came to  Tokyo after all, or " She became an entertainer.... Oh, she did not yet ( in 1993 )." ---- Somebody seemed to have a habit of talking about  including the future. I decided to call him as ' SomeONE ' or ' IT.' ---- It was something unknown. I found two types of SomeONE, which were  Male SomeONE and Female SomeONE. IT would have pretended for THEM, it was difficult to distinguish. Sometimes IT showed its original  figure but it was hardly seen. That was heard as THE VOICE only. IT could not show ITS original figure.


By the way, THEY said, " HE is Eicke. ( in 1993 )" ---- This Eicke was suppsed a man who was a chief of Nazi concentration camps. It was not  understandable because he was dead in 1943 but the TV professor had already been born ( in 1923 ). I could not understand what THEY were  doing TALK. But I could see resembled men who had similar voice or face. I decided to call THEM as ' Kanji Type men ' because THEY said, "  HE is ' Kanji-chou ( General chief ).'

---- Secretary-General in Japan often had another meaning of ' fixer ' or ' the power in the behind.' It was seen in LDP ( Liberal Democrat  Party ) in Japan. Something double standard politics had been gone on our society even in daily life. Maybe THEY wanted such a world in  Japan. THEY were also seemed to add the different meaning to ' double standard ' in feminism.

Anyway, there were suppsed a lot of Kanji Type men. I could see many types of them the after. I named them all as ' Professor Kanji ( this TV  professor ), Pachinko Kanji, Ashitra, Taisa ( The Colonel ), and The Aike. Pachinko Kanji and The Aike could often TALK. THEY were characters  who preferred ' One-man's order ( Ichinin-Kanjou ).

---- It was something strange but it was Japan unfortunately.


Theodor Eicke_( 1892 - 1943 )



2-III. As I saw a strange TV professor, I could get a writing job. The publisher requested the more details of my scenario. I wrote it down hard.

In latest May 1991, While I continued writing, something strange had happened on me. When I came back to my house, a handsome man  came to start kissing with beautiful woman in front of me. It was not once or twice, but almost everyday. It continued for a month. ---- It was not  kinds of crime, I could not claim for them. There was no way except for entering my house with I made a way around of them. They were not  people in my house ( my apartment ). Tokyo was the strangest city which I had ever seen.

HE talked about it after in the air ( in 1994 ), " I will try to make a girlfriend for him." ---- I could not understand the reason. As I was alone at  that time, it was better to make friends, not a girlfriend. HE was supposed to try to interrupt getting a writing job.


Figure Bl ; The Difference of THEIR thought

THEY had emphasized the expression of drooling over. It was supposed a special thing for THEM. Female SomeONE said, " It was unbelievable  to reproduce by bottoms. It was shit. No, no. It was piss. ( in 1994 )" ---- THEY were supposed to have sexual organs in their mouth. If THEY  had such functions, it might be clear to be kissing. It was very sexual playing. If not, it looked little strange because normal Japanese did not put  on importance of kissing to make girlfriend.


---- Anyway, I wondered why THEY stuck so serious to become a writer in such a small publisher. I could hear THEIR TALK after ( in 1994 ),  which was told the villain of my scenario's plot was wrong for THEM. I set the boss as ' Gaia the electrical holy mother ' in my scenario. It was  supposed to make THEM nervous. some cool beauty lady-like asked me, " Why did you describe ' Gaia the electrical holy mother ' ? " ( in 1994 )

I only wrote down it to be inspired from_Gaia Hypothesis. I realized there were a lot of unfortunate stories to make THEM nervous at that time (  in 1994 ). THEY told me a lot of stories which were included ' The Meaning ' in the same time. The Meaning would make us THEIR target by  whom did not want to know the truth, but it could be a hint to know THEIR WORLD. If we could join those stories, we might be able to imagine  THEIR WORLD ( THE WORLD ).

THEY said that many arts ( novel, picture, song ) had The Meaning. It would be also the way of becoming famous to have this mean. But the  artist would suppose to fight with unknown enemies in the air. It was never-ending-battle never to escape.

That's aside. I decided to call HIM as ' Nakatra.' Because I could see HIS image after ( in 1994 ). HE chanted Buddhist Sutra in my image,  whose hand was grasped a rosary. HE was in Buddhist new religion or not, but there was no doubt that HE was up to something. HE seemed  to be able to use telepathy, I could hear his voice in the air iin many times. I called it ' THE VOICE ' and I called it to talk in the air as ' TALK.'

THE VOICE had the both cases which The Aliens would use telepathy and The Earth people would talk in the air. it was hard to distinguish with  both cases, however, The Earth people's TALK had usually had their figures. The Aliens' had both cases of having images and sound only.  Maybe some of THEM had already intruded to The Earth and THEY supposed to do TALK with pretending The Earth people.


I did not know whether Nakatra was The Alien or not. I could only realized that HE was resembled me a little. HE was the more handsome than  me. In the years going, HE became believing in that HE was the original of me. ---- Then, I wondered what I was here. I could not become  misunderstanding who I was. I had fallen into moratorium again. HE behaved as like my truth until 1996.

As I might have seen a strange resembled man, at this time, HE was only a person in charge of me. I could not understand why THEY would  been monitering me, they called it ' M担 ' in secret words. ' M担 ( M-tan ) ' was meant ' a person in charge of MMF or Mutual Funds ' however,  they used it another ( in charge of MichiroJohn ) from 1993. But at this time, they called it just only ' 担当 ( Tantou ; person in charge ).


In Autumn 1991, I was caught by solicitiation of Christian new religion (_1-III_). Their evangelist spoke English and HIS interpreter told his words,but I could not understand their saying well. It was not certain whether religious solicitation or street argument. They said America was bad for_Gulf War_( 1990 ). I only answered there was a rule that we must have followed. I told a lot of things but they could not understand my words.

After lots of time passed, above kissing woman had suddenly appeared and said, " Are you in charge of him, aren't you ? " Then Nakatra had  appeared and said, " This fool would be hunt by new religion." They were passing through in front of me.

---- There was no problem only to listen their words. I had accepted any arguments to make our society good. They must have lost right way of  the truth by less arguing. I had gotten the truth by this argument, that I was monitered by them.


To tell the truth, as my mother's grandfather was a national police in the age of Great Japan Empire, I had known a bit what was The  Surveillance Society. Investigators had been moved by top down order in the hierarchical organization. By using local network, they followed  orders of intermidiate organization's leader. But there was nothing to be seen in here which were top down order or intermidiate leader. It was  something strange. They were not the ghosts of Japanese Militalism. And that, what are they ?


The more to make my confusion larger, Nakatra Type man had appeared TV commercial in 1995. HE had been kissing another woman in front of_Mont_Saint-Michel. It was the time when this town was signed up in Ramsar convention ( 1994 ). Japanese Media would get something. This  man was different from Nakatra exactly. HE was a dummy of Nakatra. I decided to call HIM ' Gotoshi ' because THEY were laughing to say like  that, " Gotoshi (_ゴト師_) .... ha, ha ! ( in 1995 to present )" HE was not supposed a cheat like Gotoshi in Pachinko hole, HIS role that was a  dummy of Nakatra showed something special there had behind the scene. The Tactics to make a dummy was often seen in crime organization  to be against Police. It was disrupting tactics to use replacement in Japan.

Anyway, to see Gotoshi, some of THEM ( Eeko ) said, " Mont Saint-Michel is wrong. HE is a character. Oh, no no no. SHE ( me ) is  characteristic."

---- But I could not understand what she did TALK. I only confused the much more.


L'Abbaye du Mont Saint-Michel



2-IV. In December 1991, I quit my writing job because it was too cheap manuscript fee to continue writing. I could not have the guts to write.  My publisher suspended that I was a molester ( probably somebody told a lie ), it was hard to do anything. The conspiracy of The Professor  Kanji had gotten a successful figure. It was only 6 months life for me as a professional writer.

After I quit my writing job, something strange to be happened on me. Some woman-like had revealed in my mind unexpectedly. When I could  appreciate her figure, she said, " You're failed." But the first, I rarely could catch the figure.


" He could not hear my voice," ---- I could hear something like VOICE in my mind faintly.

" ---- Yes, O.K."


Suddenly she had revealed on my mind clearly. And she said one-sidedly, " You're failed."

I could not understand what she was talking. Certainly, I quit my job but it was not the end of my life. But she regarded it the symbol that I had  failed whole my life.

I could see lots of symbolism in Tokyo the after, however, it had been gone above. She used it for some kind of semiotics which one event  could show whole events. I could see many men in Tokyo had excused their own failure as that was the great step to get the success. But it  was ' Settai ( 接待 ; reception ) ' to be drawn into the weakness of human's mind. Somebody would try to control them to say good words. It was  an usual ways of Japanese fixers. In such receptions, many Japanese were willing to justifying their faults as success. It made Japanese whom  they did not reflect.

It was very convenient for The Settai to use symbolism or semiotics. They did not use it for recepted people but they used it for destroying the  evidence. When the recepted people did not want to exist the failure, it was a chance to draw into. To carry out symbolism or semiotics,  Japanese fixers said bad for persons who had the cause. It was anything okay to say bad. In my case, it was a molester. I could often hear my  co-workers that I was a molester. They had believed that they could justify their failure if The Cause had something the reason. They often said  tremendous lies to make The Reason. I decided to call it as ' The No Reason.'

They were seemed to be anything okay to make them easy. There was a room The Receptioners could draw into.


Maybe THEY thought the same thing. The woman who had revealed in my mind was supposed a receptionist from THEM. She showed me a tallslim body by standing in front of white background. Her saying looked anything right. It looked something like The God. As she was, she told me  that I had been failed. Obviously it was strange.


---- She spoke Japanese frequently. There was no different accent from Japanese. Exactly she looked Japanese at first glance. But she was  willing to being called the Goddess of Athena or Lady Justice by her henchmen, she was supposed different from Japanese. But for she  introduced herself ' Youko ' after ( in 1994 ), she might be Japanese.



Pallas Athena_               _Lady Justice_( Justitia )


She did not tell me who she was and where came from at this time. She had just said to me in the air, " You're a great man." But soon she  turned her words and said, " You were a great man." And then she turned words, " You are the past great man."

---- I could not understand what this Lady Justice were saying. Starting from the words of that " You're failed," she was ended that I was areincarnated man who were born as a politician in the other planet ( in 1996 ). She did not stop doing TALK until she was deleted. It was never-ending talk never to escape.

As she had revealed in my mind intermittently, she harassed me to say such words. There were many followers or her henchmen around her,  they threw many words to her. All of them were not in her side, some of them tried to ask a question to her. Some of them even claimed to her.  In such situation, she introduced herself as Youko. But others said lots of flattery and tried to get something information from her. It was as like  the movie scene of '_Time Bandits_' which The Creator and his henchmen had appeared.


Time Bandits ( 1981 )  Terry Gilliam


But this Creator was little stupid to be pleased with The Goddess. She was in idol worship ( The Idolatry ). And she had killed her followers by  beating the head. In THEIR WORLD, THEY could kill people only to beat their body. It was supposed that THEY were in ideological world. It was  anything okay to repel the opponent but it was only important of the thought. THEY were supposed to activate in THEIR virtual world. I called it  as ' IDEA Field ' and called this Creator as ' Tambar 2.' There were many Tambar Type Lady who were Tambar 0, Tambar 1, Tambar 2, and  Tambar 4 ( Tambar 3 was not existed ).

Tambar 1 was often seen to have tambourine and she seemed to control The Androids to beat tambourine. If she had beaten the tambourine,  The Androids could come out of tight boxes or went back to tight boxes. The life of The Androids was almost seemed in tight boxes. That was  supposed the life of servant androids. She was getting happy to use androids like marionette. I called this boxed androids as ' The Marionette '  and the owner as ' The Marionette Master.' Because THEY said so.

The Marionette mastering was seemed to dislike by THEM, the person who did it would become the target of taking possession. The followeres  of Tambar 2 were often talking about which person was the original. Tambar 2 saw it with laughing. She did not know it well, too. But she often  continued deleting and reborn, she was not the original in this point. THEY said that Tambar Type Lady was the final form of bad women. The  ladies who had lost human's moral would be led to get Tambar Type figure.

It would be wrong of the original of Tambar ( Tambar 0 or The Moom ). Tambar 2 was seemed the idol of their original sin.

HE was excited so selfish and HIS saying had been changed alternatively. From the start was " You are wrong," then HE said " You are the  great man," then HE said " You are the past great man." ---- The figure of HIS saying had been changing white and black alternatively.Something wrong had been happened on me.

HE seemed to assert it was an evidence of the failure of my life that I quitted my writing job. HE would try to discuss about some kind of  semiotics seriously. HE tried to symbolise little things onto large things emotionally. HE tried to make a symbolism society in Japan. The  Semiotics and Symbolism, which I could see so many times in Japan the after. HIS conspiracy would get a figure as same as The Kanji's.


HE cast such words to me when I had watched television. It was not certain why HE would do that. HE might have followed ' Televison-Centricism ' at that time. All Japanese Media were inciting people not to trust on politics and police authority. And they even tried to enforce  laws in behalf of politician and police. ---- HE felt Japanese easy to control.

Abused such trend of Japanese, HE cast words one-sidedly, and never accepted any objection. It was THEIR one-way communication  technology never to escape.


2-V. When I wrote my script, I found an used VHS movie in a store. It was a war movie which was ' Cross of Iron.' It was a depicted story  whichwas killing each other among Nazi soldiers. ---- It was very interesting for me. I  watched it repeatedly.

One day, after I got this movie, some man and woman came to see me. The man said to the woman, " I gave it to him." They just passed  through from me.As they looked so brilliant, I found they were the mass media persons who were called ' The Industry.'


Most of Japanese thought it was a dangerous man to see this movie. It was faults of them who watched this movie repeatedly. To see that,  people who worked on Telecommunication Business must have thought it was useful for destroying the opponent. The Industry was same as  this movie ---- kill each oher with no reason... I was fallen into this trap but I could get many informations from this movie because THEY loved  this movie.


Cross of Iron ( 1977 )  by Sam Peckinpah


Japanese title was ' Guts of War.' It meant ' Heart of Darkness in War.'


After I could see them in many times, they all said I was fool. They introduced me to recruits, " He is A Warning Victim." The Industry would  have intended to teach the end of failed man to new comers. Some of them said, " If you wanna stay alive, you bully him."

---- Japanese formalism did not seem to allow getting out of course. But it had allowed to stay alive the existences of juvenile delinquents and  Yakuza ( Japanese Mafia ). These were stylized status by this thouht. They could apear on TV. But I was a NG face by The Industry ( They said  so ). Out of course led such miserable situation in Japan. ---- A bullying society was.

As winners of society, they got appeared in front of me. Most of them were walking with woman. Rarely The Industry women had appeared with  men. Most of The Industry men came across with me escotrting a woman, and said to me, " You are failed," or " You are fool." Those looked  like demonstrative behaviors to their mistresses. It might be the less confidence what they would have done. They had done this even in 2020,  one of them talked to his woman, " It was 30 years ago... ! " ---- The museum of telecommunication business would be changed after 30 years.


I did not call them ' The Industry persons ' but I called them ' The Andy.' Because THEY said so. The man who said " I gave it to him " was  called ' The Nishiguchi ' by THEM ( in 1995 ). It meant the west exit of Shinjuku station. I usually walked around there at that time. THEY saw  him with sad eyes because THEY knew his future. In THEIR world, it was seemed to inhibit to tell the future.



2-VI. In the spring 1992, HE suddenly started accusing me as a molester ( chikan ). It was hard for me because I rarely used any trains. When  HE took a side glance at someone, and declared, " Yes, he did. He is a molester." ---- HE concluded me as a molester one-sidedly.


Another day, The Black of HE suddenly revealed on my mind, and said, " He was a murderer."

" ---- That's wrong," The White of HIM replied immediately. But the soon HE changed mind and said to me, " You are the murderer." HIS figure  could look both of white and black. ----  Maybe its character was alternative, that might be The God.



3. There was The Voice of whom performed oneself (1992 )

3-I. Someone must have been telling lies about me. I knew I had done nothing wrong but,one night, I could see a police car was moving  slowly in front of me. Next night, I could see a police car was moving slowly again. I went back my house with this police car. Another day, I  went to a downtown with a police car moving slowly. The police never questioned me something. It was only moving slowly in front of me. The  car number plate had indicated on a different police department ( Nerima number ---- here was in Suginami Department ).

On my daily life, I vomited my meal twice when I felt to be poisoned.Something wrong must have happened on me undoubtedly. I was worried  whether I should complain to the police, but for I felt danger to complain, I decided to write a letter to some Japanese Media. ---- That was  wrong. Japanese Media had already turned into THEIR Collaborators. I should have paid attention for The Youko had revealed on my mind  when I had watched on TV.


3-II. In September 1992, I would be killed by shot on the hit of my crotch. I would have fallen into an unconscious condition for a day after, and  I died.


" ---- Oh, sad…." Some kindfully woman's voice was thrown on my deadly slept body.

My dead body might go to The Heaven.


" ---- It's wrong. Wrong ! " Some cleverly woman's voice raised her voice.


I waked up from my bed with her voice for a day after. It was as like a dream when I was shot by someone. It was only remained creepy  feeling for me that I might be killed. I decided to go where I might be shot.

There remained two pockets that were seen as like bullet holes on a wall, however, I could not find any bullets and cartridges. There only  remained a yellow car beside one pocket ( This car could park here for many months ).


Before a day, when I went through here by bicycle in the night, I heard a crack sound near the wall. I could not hear the sound of gun firing. I  pedaled my bicycle away immediately. It was uncertain why I could realize it was a gunshot and why I could pedal away there. A few seconds  after, I heard a blowout sound from behind faintly and a crack sound near the wall. I pedaled away the much quicker. ---- That was my real  event.

The second pocket had been dented with elongated. The shooting interval was also seemed little elongated. ---- It was that revolver pistol had.But the sound of gun firing was not revolver's. It was the more near to_Tokarev TT-33_which Yakuza ( Japanese Mafia ) often used at that time.  Japanese police usually used_New Nanbu_M60_which had noisy sound. It could not be used by rapid firing.

---- I decided never to claim to Japanese police.


By the way, an old man with beard ( Haat Type man ) said to me after, " You are injured a crotch after all. ( 2017 )"

I was injured my crotch by Inguinal Hernia and treated in 2017.


Cross of Iron ( 1977 )  by Sam Peckinpah

In 1992, by the failure of ' The Kill Demonstration ', THEY would tried to pass the buck to SomeONE. THEY excused that THEY were controled bySomeONE and all the responsibility were relied on SomeONE. THEY kept saying " He did perform himself."  ' ----YES, ' SomeONE replied.  ThensomeONE did lots of self-performance, and THEY were made exciting like this ---- " It is self-performance."  " That is self-performance, too." ----In fact, t was unbelievable to do such things by only one person. But SomeONE maybe could. Those words were seen in spring 1993. Therewas time lag about a half year from that Kill Demonstration. It was unclear the reason. It possibly had changed time line the before and  after.The before had often been seen that tall dollface woman-like( No.2 ), the after would have often been seen AI commanders( No.9 ).

One of the AI commanders who were seen as old lady said, " It might be ended within 30 years to do such a thing. ( in 1993 )" It sounded like  prediction, but the words and image were strong, it did not seem THE INFORMATION from future. THEY had always seemed to do this when  new species had high civilized, so THEIR words and actions were very stylized. THEY had never changed THEIR own ways if those had made  mistakes. ---- Even if THEIR lives would be ended for 30 years by those ways, THEY only said like this ---- " We can do PLAY for 30 years. Itcan say a good life. ( in 1993 )" ---- THEY were tough enemies never to admit mistakes.


Actually, it was not certain THEY can do Time Travel. THEY could only be seen to predict the future with my experience. The Foreseeing Action  ( chapter 3-4 ) was just only capable to change the past which was nearby present days. It could not be seem to move us on time lines freely.  However, One of AI commanders who were seen as middle age lady said, " We can do it by doing this and that. ( in 1993 )" It likely was  considered that THEY had pretended doing Time Travel by using The Foreseeing Action or another. After doing that, THEY tries to deceive new  species the next.

But it was seemed to make a high risk to be murdered by SomeONE. The above-mentioned old lady-like who had predicted as 30 years had  disappeared with screaming ( in 1993 ). I could see THE WILL to watch THEM with eagle eyes. After a while, brown-colored old lady-like had  revealed in my mind. HE was different from the old lady. HE talked deliriously, " That .... That is.  He is talking ...! ( in 1993 )" ---- SomeONE  was laughing.

IT ( SomeONE ) might be an assassin with no human body.



4. There was The Voice of whom thought that guy always made a rebel ( 1993 )

In March 1993, I could often see a faint figure of woman-like with long-haired in my mind. It might be a vanguard of THEIR invasion, but I could  not understand it well. With HIS ( her ) actions, some person could TALK in the mind, but the figure was very faint, and the saying could hardly  be listened to. But something would have been changed than before. The members whom I could see had been changed, and THEIR stances  were different from the before. They looked calmly. Maybe new one had come. THEY were changed from young ladies to old ladies however,  THEY continued saying " He did perform himself. (No.3)." New one seemed to keep the battle of old one.

The new one were seemed to frighten with the assassination by SomeONE. THEY said lots of excuse ( I could not cognize those words ), and  THEY were often disappeared. But THEY could come back soon. THEY seemed to establish a strong hold, so THEY could come back if THEIR  data had been deleted. SomeONE seemed to get irritated. It would be an invasion from the outer.


THEY said THEIR own assertation repeatedly. For THEIR characters performed too selfish, the conclusion was often out of the fact and  causality. THEY often said an excuse without following time lines. For example, if THEY did a crime, THEY said the responsibility was depended  on him ( me or someone ). THEY asserted it was for killing him to offend The Rule. THEY said THEY were not wrong exactly. It was typical  kinds of excuse which criminals justified their own crime. THEY repeated it, and many Japanese ruling class seemed to feel sympathy for THEIR  saying.

Needless to say, if there was a need to kill him, we should kill him directly. Who was him was unknown on the first step of THEIR Invasion. It  was identified by the course of Invasion appropriately. That was an usual way of THEIR Invasion. As justified crimes, THEY would make familiar  with native ruling class after, THEY would draw into the ruling class. Most of ruling class had not a little offended crimes or mistakes. It could saythere were many places where THEY could draw into. THEY never kill him directly. That would only lose the chance to draw into. After  occupiednative powers, THEY would kill him directly.

---- Japan came to go mad gradually by the attack of new one. It was considered that old one was an attack from The Mira ( The Zero ) and  new one was an attack from The Van ( The new Zero ). The Van was seemed an exterminated planet by The Zero. The One had not seemed  to have records of their data, it was uncertain why they would try to fight with The Zero and how they were exterminated. The One could seem  only to see the progress of events as the events of The Leda ( The Two ). Some high ambitioners from The Zero brought the data, The One did  not trust on the data. Because they were liars. Both of The Zero had seemed to live in a legend even now.


Chart 1: THEIR way of the invasion

To the people
To the organization
 1. cognition
 teach the existence of THEM  make the existence of THEM crunched
 2. mechanized
 make hard to live as the natural body  make the class of aristocracy
 3. conciliation
 make familiar to the electric society  make the ruling class as the central control unit
 4. seizure
 capture their data  make friendship with the central control unit
 5. domination  make liberation under THEIR control  punish or destroy the ruling class

Those ways of The Invasion were seem to see on Step 1 ( Cognition ). It was a good way for cognizing THEIR existence. And THEY could also  justify THEIR behaviors as The God or good men. THEY could behave with boldness because most of native species became watching a native  scapegoat carefully. THEY would give a judgement to the scagoat, and make familiar with other natives. Next step was to get eternal life as The  Android ( Step 2 ). It was important for native ruling class to get arrogant. The more getting arrogant, the more THEY could have a chance to  draw into them. For doing that, THEY tried to make them getting many mistakes and destroying the evidence with deceitful words.

---- It was considered that THEY try to get eternal lives because THEY did not have any mechanical bodies. We should think about the reason  why THEY must invade new species.


That's aside. On my event, THEY had reached to say the conspiracy theory.Some small-built man said that Me or somebody would try to make  a rebel.When or to what was unknown. THEY would say about The Original Sin of mine. But my original sin was not just only to go to University  ( At teast The Japan said so ). Because it sounded quite unreal, HIS saying would been changed alternatively like below. I could see an image  which was showed in my mind. It was a purple-brown-colored faint image and the voice was also faint. He was arguing with somebodies. It  might be real talking where I could not know.


" He would make a rebel soon."---- Long-haired lady asked to HIM, " Why could just a ordinary person make a rebel ? "

" He had made a rebel the past."---- Long-haired lady said to HIM, " That was no relationship with him."

" He was a character to make a rebel."---- Benevolent lady-like said to HIM, " You are fool."


---- THEY would have seen just a person like me as something like God. The old lady-like said, " He have deleted all own data ( in every planet )." --- THEY wanted to say that me or some person would reincarnated on many planets. It probably seemed difficult to delete such data in every  planet. But THEY continued asserting of that me or some person had made this world. THEY wanted to say that I did ' The Repetition of The Aas' (_Chart;Bh_).' Needless to say, I did not know the method of it and the reason of it either. Probably THEY tried to turn things and THEY said a  lie for that.

---- It should be better to think opposite. THEY are The Aliens. Because THEY are liars never to tell the truth.


For THEIR saying, THEY can do anything if native species understands it as delusion. I call it " The Delusion Rule." It means that all THEIR  activities can be carried out in the case of regarding as delusion. It is uncertain why THEY only can act delusive, as THEY would try to invade. It  is one certain things there is some interference to inhibit excessive interference. SomeONE or The Universal Species would inhibit it. As THE  WORLD is for preventing real invasion from The Alien. Some Universal Species said, " There's no chance of winning." Once The Invaders can  win the war, after the establishment of THE WORLD, there seems no winner of real invasion. The history would be changed not only to lose thewar, but also to lose the existence of its own. They would be turned into The Devils, as they are put as a part of SomeONE, where is THE  WORLD only capable to act with Delusion. It also anonymous world is. The high ambitioner of The Zero and The One consider that it is best for.  The best for what is need to think with ourselves.

But there remains the possiblity to invade peacefully, The Invaders can fight with as turning to The Devils. The high ambitioner of The Zero and  The One seem to consider that it is useful for The Cognition ( Chart 1 ). It is an ordeal for new species, and a trap for evil Universal Species.  Both are examined the neccesity changing their history. THE VOICE from THE WORLD fills fully with to ignore time lines. It would be come from  Ghosts who were lost their existence. They would have failed for The Examination by the reason of changing time works.

But the offense of time lines is quite difficult to do, the imformation would have seen very weak, and the image is seen small round in mind. It  maybe can see without doing " make a hole." It would also seemed the difficulty of The Vertical Movement. On present Earth's science, we  cannot move on Time Axis without compactizing three dimensional space to one or two dimensional space. In THE WORLD, there is a catcher  to pick up the imformation from the future, there seems no compactization. But it might only be capable to send the imformation. And using  space-time energy makes many imformation coming across, the catcher could be a little confused. Because no one can detect the information  either true or false, and either from now or future. It must have occurred the confusion like this sentence. As they have mistaken just a person  as the past great man, or a future great man ( A tall dollface woman said so ). But I was just a NEET at that time. I could have seen the  confusion in whole 1993 - 1994. THEY seemed only to have narrow view, but could not seem to change THEIR thought. THEY usually said a  excuse with THEIR fault only. THEY seemed to rely too much on information which were plunged into. THEY never checked with real sight.  Maybe THEY did not have real sight. THEY were The Devils who have relied on the imformation excessively. THEY thought the current Earth is  in the step2-3 of THEIR invasion ( Chart 1 ) which was there the settlers of the invaders could exist. Or THEY would think " The Reincarnation  Rule " has existed on The Earth. The rule should be carried out only on the colonized planet, do it on The Earth, that is the invasion of " The  Impersonation " or " The shapeshifting." It could say that it was the wrong timing and too hasty to say such words on the view point of the way  of THEIR invasion. But THEY only said, " It is good for." THEY thought all mistakes are useful for The Cognition which is the first step of THEIR  invasion. It is the different point of Cognition from The High Ambitioners.


Chart Am: The interference of High Ambitioners

To the people
To the organization
 1. cognition

 teach the existence of THEM easy to


 prevent The example from THEIR crunch
 2. mechanized
 teach the importance to live mortal  teach the neccesity of fairness
 3. conciliation
 teach THEIR electrical devilish behavior  teach the risk of AI commanding
 4. seizure
 save innocent data  destroy or repel the evil governors
 5. domination  redo mortal world with afterlife people  make the evil governors do THE GAME

Their interference is carried out with THEIR Invasion in parallel. It possibly can say that THEIR Invasion is a part of theitr interference. But THEY  do not have this awareness. And their interference is just a retake for THEIR Invasion. It is uncertain why their interference becomes to do such  complicated ways. If new species cannot realize THEIR fault while proceeding step3 of THEIR Invasion ( chart 1 ), the protection from real  invasion would be removed. It would occur The Seizure, many powerful men would become murderers or to do THE GAME as it is as same as  THEIR peaceful invasion. The continuation of The Seizure makes society far different from its own, it leads to exterminate new species. It would  make The Relay Base of the next invasion. But there seems many chance to rebuild the society. Many data from afterlife would have implanted  on society of new species, and it gets support from The Universal species. But the society would be rabelled The Damn Country. Many men  would go to doing THE GAME, and be erased the data. It would say not to get eternal life. And it can say that it is bad to proceed step2 ( The  Mechanized ).

However the situation of new species is, The High Ambitioners seem only to tell the words.


By the way, I could see the traitor of that rebel in THEIR history ( in 1993 - 1996 ).I heard that somebody said, " The character like him makes  rebels."I could not see what he would say. It sounded never to admit mistakes. It was probably his sour grapes. The arrogant like this was  preferred by THEM. It might be a reason which THEY have can existed.

I heard the stories of the disturbance on Eroi ( in 1996 ), it occured in a mirroring planet on The Haraher. Someone like me had seemed to  make a rebel in the mirroring planet. HE was seemed to call ' Luan." But HE was an intruded agent to invade. HE was an articraft ( The  Android ). ----- Very complicated stories had been begun in my mind. HE had appeared as like a hero to save people, then HE had made a  native society getting much worse. It was ' A Trap of Luan.'

The original story would occur in The Zero society. He was seemed a system engineer knowing about The Dimensional Technologies. I called  him and all of his resembled men as " Rutsu type man."Because a man who looked academical said to me in the mind, " You are the Rutsu. (  in 1992 )."Rutsu meant Ruth in The Holly Bible in Japanese. His true name was seemed ' Shinichi.'


---- Once scientists of The Zero had developed those dimensional technologies, but they were afraid of being abused. The Zero society had  been already depraved and their ruling class had often done tyrannical ways. The developers felt a pressure of their power.

Scientists in The Zero decided to fight with those powers. Shinichi was seemed a system engineer who had managed THE SYSTEM. When the  scientists had uprised, Shinichi and his co-worker Kent sent the scientists' data to their IDEA field. Many scientists were killed by their rulingclass, but to win the quantity of energies, they had succeeded to delete those technologies. This event worked good for people, the powers ofcountries were weakened. But there was no problem because it was no Alien except for them.



Future Boy Connan ( 1978 ) by Hayao Miyazaki  邦題: 未来少年コナン

The Zero society was seemed something similar to Industria in Future Boy Connan.              



The Zero's scientists probably considered to reincarnate when their society would be back to be safe. But their society did not seem to restore  the safe. Because they were fugitives in primary, and they did not bring out effective tools for the real world. They did not change any situations  when their ruling class became The Anonymous and oppressed people (chapter 3-1). They could only prevent expanding The Anonymous's  dementional energies and save human's memory ( not a record ). They had just become falling down to a person who claimed by using THE  VOICE. But they had seemed to know it well. Because they had caught THE INFORMATION from the future as saying, " It's good you should  only reduce THEIR powers." There was no time to discuss about this true meaning of THE INFORMATION. The Zero's Scientists had carried out  their plan.

The Anonymous got anger to defeat the war against scientists. They made copies of those uprised members, and killed them repeatedly. Theythought the reason why THEY had defeated was that collaborators were there in THE SYSTEM ---- Shinichi and Kent. Shinichi was seemed to  hate by THEM especially, so there were many copies of Rutsu in THE WORLD ( Rutsu-H4 ). Once Shinichi had often used Rutsu type Android  for messengers ( he was seemed a core member of The Android society ), those memories were abused. Rutsu type Android ( Rutsu-H4 ) and  Ookura type Android ( Ookura-H4 ) were production model Androids in The Zero society, and The Anonymous used them for The Military Ants  to torture people. The Anonymous gave Shinichi's figure to Rutsu type Android. Rutsu-H4 and Ookura-H4 became famous for torturing people.  The Annonymous usually said " He's Rutsu " or " He would make a rebel " to a resembled person. It was seemed a stylized invasion pattern for  THEM.

By the way, the original Rutsu ( Shinichi ) was considered to execute by death ( complete data deleted sentence ) when The Zero's scientists  had been uprising. So we could only see the figure. And his co-worker Kent had seemed to surrender to The Anonymous. He had survived and  told this incident to the future. They could also see the future. THE INFORMATION had predicted their death. They had understood it as a  natural fate to deal with space-time energies. They had already developed The Receiver of The Space-Time Technology, and they had been in  much trouble about THE INFORMATION. It was said the extermination of them ----


---- We should keep in a mind that politicians and scientists must work together for improving our societies. Never do such a needless war.  Science technologies are only for people, and we should live forever to keep the quantity of space-time energies to excel The Zero's.

If we did not, our past and future histories might be changed alternatively.


To tell the more, the history of my life was seemed to be quite different from Shinichi's. THEY said, " You WERE a prime minister of Japanese,"  however, this history had been seemed to vanish into spellbound mystery of space-time energy ( The Spellbound ). According to Kent's words,  Shinichi's history was supposed like this ----


Figure Bh: The Original History of Rutsu Type Man  

My original history in the past and future was supposed below. Because I had been shot down by likely supposed Japanese police, there were  two histories on mine. The Spellbound History and real history were. They had twice branched off when I got an entrance examination in Chuo  University and I could not hear the sound of pistol firing.


Figure Bi: The Spellbound History and Real History of Mine  

---- Maybe the similarity of my original last time to Shinichi's would be caused ' A Trap of Rutsu Type Man ' by THEM. According to THEIR  saying, THEY would have trapped same one in every intelligents' planet. Similar man to Shinichi would be promoted as a great man by THEM. It  also sounded the other side of fear that THEY worried about the ressurection of Shinichi.

And I would be seemed to hate by THEM because of the destruction of Pachinko Industry in 2030. Some large-built man ( The Pachinko Kanji )  had suddenly revealed in front of me and said, " He's fool, too ( in 2006 )." In the other hand, similar Kanji Type man had revealed in my mind  and said, " You'd destroyed The Industry ( Pachinko Industry )." ---- HE wanted to say that I would inhibit to exchange money on Pachinko holes  as a minister. ---- In exact, I could not seem to be a member of LDP ( Liberal Democratic Party of Japan ) or a commissioner of police agency  either.  Some others of THEM said to HIM, " Wrong."

Anyway, I realized there were too many THE-VOICE USER in Pachinko Industry and Japanese TV media the after. There might be places where  The Aliens had occupied. Ordinary persons could not get along in there. Because THEY would try to repel native Japanese completely. Native  Japanese Media persons would have still felt too much pressure in there. I had already repelled from both.

The Kanji Type man had often threatened me like this, " Do you understand the situation if you disobey us ? "

HIS fellows said to HIM, " The other guys had still survived." HE answered, " I know. ( in 2006 )"


---- It might be too bad for me to destroy The Aliens' Industry.



That's aside. One day when I heard the stories about Rutsu, I saw a scene that a woman explained to Rutsu type man how worse Japan was.  The woman had so faint figure that I could not see HIM well ( In THEIR rule, bad persons were regarded as male even if they were women ).  Although I could only see HIS shadow, but HE looked clever.

This clever lady-like ( Tambar 1 ) had seemed to call my dead body up from The Afterlife. My dead part of history ( The Shrödinger's Cat ) hadappeared in my mind. They were talking something, but I could not almost understand what they were talking. I could need to ask again when I  would start writing this story.

It seemed that innocent person could live in The Afterlife even if living part had survived in a real world ( the exception of The Reincarnation  Rule ;Text 1). But HER saying  ( In THEIR rule, innocent bodies were regarded as female ) was little different from my past. SHE objected  Tambar1's saying logically. SHE said, " This issue is different from such real problems. In exact, it would be supposed as the way of solutionhowever, it is clearly wrong without doing The Pappet Master or The Romance. You will conspire of Total Depravity without The Earth people  had depraved yet ...."

The woman-like disappeared. HE seemed to declare all death of The Earth.


On my real event, I could get many chances to see a nice guy like Rutsu. But he was not a nice guy like him. He was just standing, and glaring  at me. I heard THE VOICE which some person was talking on his head with my sensory organs. THE VOICE was that, " Just watch out him."  Another day THE VOICE said to him, " He plays Pachinko."---- I realized I was born in a strange country. In there, no one talked about THE  VOICE and such non-scientific phenomenon had existed as The Hidden Powers. The powers moved people obviously.


The other day, a fat hysteric girl had apeared and said, " There's no concern about The Alien people and The Earth people." ---- The voice was  heard from HIS mouth in my mind. HE might have a real body. But for HE was claimed to the around, HE quickly disapeared. HE seemed to  say about a wrong planet ( the mirroring planet ). It was supposed a strange country more than Japan.


However that might be, we never had followed ' The Death Rule ' unless we would be able to do The Vertical Movement ( controlling space-time  energies ). The Death Rule seemed to have some part ---- Reincarnation Rule ( No.2 ), Time Works Rule ( No.3 ), Delusion Rule ( No.4 ), Liar  Rule, and PLAYER Rule ( You Don't Know Rule - No.9 ). It was hard to follow those laws for ordinary persons. I heard many new species had  exterminated not to do The Vertical Movement. They were just said, " You Don't Know," and ended. The Oran was one of them.


Text 1: The Death Rule  

THEY were supposed to think that it was good for taking observational attitude to new species at first. We should know about the process of  changing a mind on THEM. There was a reason that THEY must have taken a invasion. THEY often got starting a invasion with murmuring, " It  is rarely successful." ---- We should know why THEY would try so hard to invade.

To see THEM, THEY often used PLAYER Rule to defeat the opponent. If THEY were superior to The Knowledge, THEY could use The Power.  Kill Demonstration ( No.3 ) was one of ways to assassinate the target. What devils were ( We should use it not to defeat people but to love  people ). At first, THEY had followed The Rule to die when THEY were identified as The Alien ( The Dying Rule ). But soon THEY could not do  anything because The Afterlife people would try hard to know THEM. So THEY had negotiated with The Numbers, and THEY changed The  Dying Rule to You-Don't-Know Rule. Because The Numbers would be also The Invaders. THEY could say a lot of lies and make our society  getting worse.

By the way, THEIR activities were very helpful to get The Knowledge. As THEY tried to be superior to The Knowledge, THEY brought new  Knowledge from somewhere. I could get many information from THEIR brought. Mutopia was written by this method.



5. There was The Voice of whom said that getting profit the most were them ( 1993 )

THEY had realized the fault, THEY said a sour grapes. ---- " In this rule, getting profit the most are them." ---- HE mentioned about the  existence of THE GAME. It was a death game which THEY would carried out an invasion.

To see over the Mutopia storylines, getting profit the most was The Oran people. In the continuous space war, The Oran had survived morethan  10 x 108years. They were like this ---- kill the father ( Simer ), kill the brother ( Ikan ), kill the family ( Haraher and Sleta ), kill the friend (  Ilatskii ), kill the neighbors ( Minai  and Hibi ), and suicided. The around of them all went mad. They were the justice of whom they had driven  other people into suicide.

Some Universal Species said that The Oran would be the most successful species to do the settlement ---- make the enemies and win the  fight. Simer people was just a servant fated to be exterminated. It can say that the historical science needed to know the both histories of the  winner and the loser.


In the same time, medium-built boy-like was picked up by SomeONE. It was uncertain where HE have/had lived. It was only certain that HE  spoke Japanese language. HE had faint figure, and was seen with red-orange colored. HE seemed to state policy to manage THE WORLD. HE  said, " It's okay. We can survive with his knowledge. ---- It's okay." It seemed to run frightening in HIS around. HE tried to persuaded THEM.  Something was going on which was different far from present Japanese. It also seemed little different from The Invasion. It seemed much  similar to the battle for surviving of fugitive. To see that, SomeONE was laughing.

People with no figure claimed for HIM. These people seemed dead persons in The Afterlife. They had claimed for THEIR activity. The medium-built boy only replied as, " It's good for. You can / we can survive with his knowledge." ---- It was not certain who was ' his.' HE said as like that  was me, but quickly HE lost HIS self-confidence when HE had SEEN me.

HE did not seem to understand the meaning of The Knowledge well. The Knowlegde was not seem to exist for using, but for not using. Most of  The Knowledge would make people depraved or exterminated. Because it was written so in The Holly Bible. It meant that was The Tree of The  Knowledge. It would be set aside of the possibility of interference to The Bible, it was natural to think so if The Alien had already come to The  Earth. It would be no problem to learn about The Knowledge however, it could be said never to eat The Apple. Because THEY tried to induce  Japanese to eat The Apple. It was to USE THE POWER in this case.


" It's safe of a bit eating," THEY asserted.

Another of THEM explained, " We have just given a place ( that anyone can USE )."


Both of them were heard from THEIR saying. THEY might have real bodies.

The former phrase was seemed to come from newer Species and the latter phrase was seemed to come from The Zero ( The Anonymous ).  Those were also same as that the former was early The Zero people's and the latter was latest The Zero people's. THEY had supposed to  cause ' Total Depravity ' while THEY had eaten The Apple a bit. And now THEY became persons who had declared as ' The Telecommunication  Business Person of THE WORLD.' THEY would make anyone USE or TALK. But the mount of THEM were very few. Most of The Zero people  were seemed to kill ( delete their data ) or vanish into the air ( go to The Realm ).

We should know the event what had been going on between the former and the latter. Something had broken THEIR society. For knowing it, we  must have been able to avoid such crisis to cause ' Total Depravity ' in the future.


Anyway, THEY were against The Afterlife people. And THEY had misunderstood me as the Rutsu type man or the other past greaters, or THEIR  historical causality had broken. THEY annoyed me with THEIR words. THEY said, " You know it well." SomeONE replied disgustedly and said, "  Wrong. He doesn't know anything." ---- But THEY never change the mind. THEY were the characters to be excited too selfish and loudly.


Then, there revealed a well-built man who armored with ancient Japanese one in my mind. He claimed to THEM and said to me, " Never mind. It's all right. I'll fight with." ---- His words sounded me warmly. SomeONE said, " He is a clan family." He was probably my ancestor from The  Afterlife. My ancestors can be back to the landowner class, but they were not any local monarch. My ancestors were just farmers for 800 years  and more period. The farmers 800 years ago were as same as samurai however, his armor was seemed before the age of samurai.  He  suddenly revealed and said, "Sorry." Then the exsistence of THEM in my mind had been disappeared. It was seemed like " Tsujigiri (辻斬り) " ----  a kind of assassination culture of samurai. He was maybe not samurai, but it seemed no problem. He looked wearing dark modern suits at that  time ( his figure was not sharp however ).

Anyway, he had repelled the existence of THEM in my mind, and went back to somewhere. For his action, THEY could not reveal in my mind for  several times.

The ancetors of The Earth maybe could have equal powers with THEM in The Afterlife. I recommend you to take care of your ancestors.







Reference >>

ay.  ^  Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior 邦題 『マッドマックス2』

az.  ^  Joerge Miller

35.  ^  Blade Runner by Ridley Scott

36.  ^  Metropolice by Flitz Lang

37.  ^  STAR WARS Episode1 The Phantom Menace by George Lucas

           ^  book: 浅倉久志 訳 / フィリップ・K・ディック 作 『アンドロイドは電気羊の夢を見るか?』 ISBN-13: 978-4150102296