Figure Al: Dimensional Energies ( an idea about Vector )
I have hit this idea the first in 1998, and advanced it with general theory of relativity in 2016. Some Universal Species said it remarkable, it may have something truth.
The idea is that ---- if general theory of relativity in Einstein is right, on the formula " E=MC2," it is considered that " E " is the three dimensional energy, " M " is a variable number, thus, " C2 "is the structure of Energy. All scalars ( Vectors ) which can connect with one are there only two points ---- at the point of Infinity and Infinitesimal. Because the distance between two points is not ensured with any measures. On my theory, it is determined by Light Speed ( mark C ). Because it is the structure of Energy which makes The Universe. In the world of uncertain distance,there can only exist The Infinity and The Infinitesimal. The others are uncertain. If those are capable, the infinitesimal point makes " Dimensional Point " and the distance to infinity point makes " Space." Those make unlimited coordinate system with Riemann Sphere. It is unlimited Space and infinite Dots by the movements to The Infinity. And Energies are made by that " C " is squared. That may cause The Vertical Displacement. It makes Dimension1 ( Length ).
Dimension1 is continuum of Dimentional Points and C-Movements. The Vectors of C-Movements make one ball sphere which is banded with infnite lines. Those are started one point on Dimension Zero, and ended at The Infinity or The Infinitesimal. I call this Dimension Zero as DimensionO ( ou ). It has infinite points in its own, all events occurs on DimensionO. All Vectors of Dimension1 are started from one point on DimensionO, and go on straight along with lines. That makes straightness of Inertial System. Those are divided with two powers to move. The one is C-Vector, another is 1/C-Vector. C is Light speed. Both move to neighbor Dimentsional Point. C-Vectors make large circles, and 1/C-Vectors make minimum circles. Light speed forms a half of circumference, and on neighbor Dimensional Point, those are hit each other. It occurs next Vertical Displacement. By this action, 1/C-Vectors move more to infinitesimal. The continuation of this makes nealy Infinitesimal Point which has uncetain distance. It would be able to regard as Infinitesimal with few works. C-Vectors continue circling forever. As light speed has constancy, its speed is not changed by being squared. C-Vectors continue making same circles with same speed. It can say that C-Vectors are Inertia System and 1/C-Vectors are Static System.
DimensionO can make Dimentsional Points wherever. It can make Infinity Points next to Inifinitesimal Points. And it can make Points infinitely. But no time cannot change things, there is time elapsing to make infinite Points. I called it as " 1 time-unit " passed. It would be also the time to intersect on Infinity Point or Infinitesimal Point. When Vectors start moving, Time elapsing will begin. The length between 0 time-unit and 1 time-unit determines the length of time. It means that light speed determiined Time length. It is relativity of Space and Time.
One time-unit is started at some point, after Vectors go along with line, it is ended on the other point. It is difficult to start from existential space to Infinity Point or Infinitesimal Point. Because the distance become infinite and it takes infinite time. Therefore, Vectors move non-existential space from the begining, and they are revealed on the other point. It is teleportation of Point to Point. If it can expand the distance between two Point, Vectors can move faster than Light Speed. But Particles cannot move faster than Light Speed. Just the information of Vectors can be sent faster than Light Speed. It is as same as phase shift.
The Vertical Movement to Infinity and Infinitesimal occurs at same time. Because both take infinite time and infinite distance. It is same situation after The Universe have filled fully with three dimensional points. But there are Distance and Time, so those are limited by Light Speed. Those become intersection points. It is only DimensionO to make The Infinity and Infinitesimal. DimensionO is supposed Cauchy sequence which is a series of converge to the limit.
The numerical expression is following this formula.
C-0 ÷ ( Cm + Cn ) = 0, ( m,n → ∞ )
C is Light Speed. 0, m,n, ∞ are Time elapsing, and it is " m = n = 1 ( time-unit )." The beginning of DimensionO is just one dot. It is expressed "C-0." The Potential Power is 1. It means that no time elspsing never change the state. And the power never go out, it can only go inward. Probably it would be able to Spin, but 1 potential power keep static, and never get any action. It is just Vectors spinning. If it can get Division, it will be able to get action. As Multiplication or Addition would change the quantity of DimensionO, those never occur. Subtraction would change the number of DimentionO, it probably cannot occur. Division by C must be only capable to get action without changing the quantity or the number. There are several ways of Division, on this theory, it considers the case of C and 1/C. C multiplied by 1/C is 1. There is no change. DimensionO keeps its stasis by dividing C and 1/C, and launch those powers inside of its own.
It is uncetain whether the beginning of DimensionO has any Distance ---- Length, Width, and Depth. And it is also uncertain the exsistence of the other DimensionO. All events would occur in one point ( DimensionO ), Vectors make time elapsing by own movements. All Vectors move from the center of DimensionO, and move to edge of DimensionO, as it is The Infinity Point at that time. Moving to The Infinity never reach The Infinity Point by when time elapsing has occurred however, the movements have left infinite points on those trails. That is the movements to TheInfinity. Vectors are capable to launch all directions to The Infinity Points, with going through on Non-existential Space ( uncertain Space ) after, those intersect with another Vectors at one point. Different type of Vectors can connect with one by which have same curvature radius. But there are not The Infinity Points already. Those are taken further away with time elapsing. The curvature can take values within 0 to 1.
Curvature; 1 / R ( radius ), R = 1/2 C ( Light Speed )
Curvature of Infinity Point; 1 / 1/2 x ( C + C + C····) = 0
Curvature of Vector; 1 / 1/2 x ( Cχ - Cy )
Curvature of that R is 1; 1 / R1= 1 / R
Curvature of Infinitesimal Point; 1 / R0= 1
It is little different for mathematical curvature because there is time elapsing. C(χ,y) are the locations of those points from the center of DimensionO. In this case, Cy is 0. It is the center of DimensionO. And Cχ is a sequence number which is expressed as ( C + C + C····). Cχ is also the past Infinity Point at that time. It is when the time of Cχ-1 is, it would be a Infinity Point. When Time elapsing proceeds Vectors by Light Speed, as it equals Infinity is divided as C, but The Infinity Point is only seen to proceed C unit-distance apparently. The curvature of the point next to Infinity Point is " 1 / 1/2 x ( ∞ - C )." DimensionO launches infinite different curvature of Vectors in a moment however, it takes normal time elapsing to observe them by the limitation of Light Speed. Thus, no one knows The Infinity Points.
The past Infinity Points are received C-Vectors and 1/C-Vectors, those turns into 1 Potential Power. Those make infinite Points. The movements in Non-existential Space take uncertain Time and Distance because DimensionO is so. When the observation has reached the point, those become objective. Before that, those are uncertain whether exist or not. The movements in Non-existential Space do not have to need time to move.
Dimension |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Structure |
Point |
Line |
Plane |
Cube |
Established Energy |
Infinity | Point |
Line |
Plane |
Direction of Action and Reaction |
Non-existential Space |
D1 axis |
D1, D2 axis |
D1, D2, D3 axis |
Movement |
Spin |
Vector |
Parabola |
Circle |
Potential |
1 |
C |
C2 |
C3 |
Name |
Point ( Dot ) |
Zero Dimensional Energy ( Gravity ) |
One Dimensional Energy ( Radiation ) |
Two Dimensional Energy, Particle |
This theory can exist by the proof of " 1 ÷ C → ( C, 1/C )." In fact, any theory can be proved by using algebra or Lambda function. As the matter of fact, any theory which we know well has some Lambda function. Typical example is " 0+1=1." It includes Law of length between 0 and 1, Law of Addition, and Law of Necessary and sufficient condition. But needless to say, the theory can be superior fewer to have Lambda function. And in this theory, there are three parameters of functions that are " True," " False," and " Neither."
DimensionO is " Neither." It may have existed, or may not ---- that is uncertain. As it is not to have any comparison. When the curvature is 1, ithas capable to exist as Point, it is " True." When the curvature is 0, it has hardly to exist as Point, it is " False." It becomes Vector. Vector is strange type of Point which has Scalars and Directions. But it can " Exist." It is also the expansion of Point which is composed by the objects of " Neither." Any other curvatures are replaced of algebra, those are uncertain for existing or not. The situation is continued while Distance would have been established.
Dimension 0 ( zero ) is a point, which is established by no time elapsing ( C-0). All energies cannot get powers with time elapsing. The curvature is divided by C0, it turns to have 1 ( Potential Power ). It makes a point. It also makes coordinate system. This point can spin because the first Vector which moves to Infinity add right-handed powers, and it makes a axis-spin to left-handed. But this spinning would be carried out after the connection with the other points. It makes a part of waves of Riemann Curves.
Dimension1 is Line which is made of Riemann Curves. The curvature of 0 makes Line with no doubt, the curvature of " Neither " also makes Line. The line which curvature is 0 lacks storage stability of imformation, it just only moves to Infinity. The curvatures of " Neither " divides the Line by C on every time-unit, it can continue moving to Infinity. If those does not work, there would exist only two types of Points ---- Infinity Point and Infinitesimal Point. The Infinity Point has only one curvature ( curvature zero ), but the points which curvature are 1 / ( ∞ - C ) and after have infinite types of curvature. Because it equals that C divides only one Point, that is DimensionO. If it defines The Infinity Point as outside Point, it would take infinite time to reach. The Points near Infinity have less types of curvature, it is difficult to make intersection points with C-Vectors and 1/C-Vectors. It means there is no Point outside of DimensionO. As the case of C divides DimensionO,
DimensionO can never move out from its point. The movement is only capable to axis-spin. And when the spin have moved The Vertical, it can pass out from its point. It is break-through to Non-existential Space. The spin is ticktocking on time, the movement makes Space and Time. The starting point is in DimensionO, and the connection of Infinity Point is also in DimensionO. It seems clear there is Infinity Point outside of DimensionO, if it were, it would be difficult to ensure the distance between Points. If those are all in DimensionO, it is capable to be arranged at even intervals. All points can be connected by one time-unit passed. It means that Infinity Point is there only the necessity to make Riemann Sphere, it can be there next to the starting point ( and all Infinity Points are so ). Because all movements go through on Non-existential Space, it is capable to move curving, spinning, and twisting. And those can share equidistant Infinity Points with. And also those can be changeable the starting point to Infinity Point and the opposite. It can make infinite coordinate system.
The direction of those movements only make capable on imaginary axis. The spin of DimensionO make its phase changed to (1, i, -1, -i ). Whenit is at the phase of " i " and " -i ", it occurs The Vertical Movement. It is " one time-unit " between i phase and -i phase.
Dimension1 is Vector. There are two Vectors that are C-Vector and 1/C-Vector. C multiplied by 1/C is 1. It is potential of DimensionO, and all Vertical Movements are gone on by Multiplication and Division. And those make circles concentrically from one point, those expand directions of i axis and -i axis. There can be iC-Vector, i/C-Vector, -iC-Vector, and -i/C-Vector. It is not supposed to change those states before DimensionO would have lauched new Vectors. Non-existential Space can never change states because of no existence. And -iC-Vector and -i/C-Vector can effect as opposite powers of Vectors, and deny the powers of C-Vector and 1/C-Vector. As the denial proceeds by light speed, all vectors can intersect on Infinity Point, and go back to starting point. Those intersect again on starting point, and make next Vertical Movements. On the other hand, the denial powers of -i Vectors also intersect on Infinity Point, and make a point changed to potential 1. As iC divided by -iC is 1. The movements of -i Vectors change points to Dots ( change to Potential 1n ). Those Dots are nothing to do except for intersection. To get -i Vectors from DimensionO, those divide the powers to -iC-Vectors and -i/C-Vectors, and deny -i Vectors of neighbor Dots on -i phase. All Vectors repeat making the intersection points and Dots alternately.
All points always keep Potential 1 by releasing i Vectors and -i Vectors. Exponential Vectors come and go between starting points and Infinity Points. It also occurs to go straight. Those points have aligned alternately.
Dimension2 makes capable for Plane moving. It makes Width. Vectors become lines on Plane. One Vetical Movement ensures activity of one lower Dimentional energy. The Parallel spin with The Vertical Movement occurs upper Dimensional axis. And The Vertical Movement causes as Vertical Displacement. It can only make any movements with Vectors. The Parallel rotations of D2 and D3 add Plane to Riemann Curve Surface, and make Vectors as Parabola lines. Those go straight among Dots. The lines are just twisted, those go straight in Non-existential Space of DimensionO. That is one Dimensional Energy. After the intersection on Dot, those never loose Parallel Movement powers. Soliton Phenomenon has occured. It occurs The Vertical Displacement however, as Law of Action and Reaction has occured on Vectors, Action Vectors make next Parallel Movements and Reaction Vectors deny anterior Parallel Movements. For this way, Vector powers can go through every Dot. And thespinnng speed is capable to be changed by Parallel rotating. That makes different frequency. And when it has occured The Vertical Displacement, all Vectors on one point develop Dimension and keep states of power. There is infinite powers of Nothingness on every point, it is capable. Powers of Nothingness turns into Zero Dimensional Energy, Zero Dimentional turns into One Dimensional Energy, One Dimensional Energy turns into Two Dimensional Energy. Vectors keep all energies and move.
Dimension3 makes Cubic movement. It ensures Plane Vectors, and Riemann Sphere changes to ball surface. It changes 1/C-Vector to Patrticle.This is World Point. Time Energy is kept by movement of Vector. And C-Vector changes to a spiral Plane, and keeps Two Dimentional Energy.Those cannot cross each other. The connection at one point effects on whole Plane Vector, it makes Law of Action and Reaction nomally. But it is hardly to cross with just only energies. Because all Dimensional Energies are revealed by the connection of point. Those have revealed as movement of Particle ( but Particle is not moved. Energies are moved on every Particle ). Elementary property of Particles keeps coordinate system of three dimentional world.
There are several types of Particles with the direction of The Vertical Displcement. As The Vertical Displacements are not right-angled against coordinate system but against Particles, those can make right-angled freely. The example is that -----
Dimention |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Property |
A |
D1 |
D2 |
+D3 |
+D4 |
+D5 |
+D6 |
Plus Particle |
B |
D1 |
D2 |
+D3 |
+D4 |
+D5 |
-D6 |
Two Dimensional Energy |
C |
D1 |
D2 |
+D3 |
+D4 |
-D5 |
- |
Two Dimensional Energy |
D |
D1 |
D2 |
+D3 |
-D4 |
- |
- |
Two Dimensional Energy |
E |
D1 |
D2 |
-D3 |
+D4 |
+D5 |
+D6 |
Two Dimensional Energy |
H |
D1 |
D2 |
-D3 |
+D4 |
+D5 |
-D6 |
Minus Particle |
I |
D1 |
D2 |
-D3 |
+D4 |
-D5 |
- |
Two Dimensional Energy |
J |
D1 |
D2 |
-D3 |
-D4 |
- |
- |
One Dimensional Energy |
K |
D1 |
D2 |
-D1 |
- |
- |
- |
One Dimensional Energy |
In the Elementary Particles, there is capable to exist six Dimensional Vectors and even more. It is as same power as D1 and D4, D2 and D5, D3 and D6. It means same Vector is squared, it has resistance to be squared by Anti-Vector. As those Vertical Displacements have also done by Zero Dimensional Energies which had moved on DimensionO, those are continuum and keep their states forever ( but it is capable to change their structure ).
On the other hand, -i phase makes Anti-matters. Those have opposite property of Energy and Particle. After established three Dimensional world, it occurs " Pair Annihilation " in the second phase from i phase to -i phase. As there are two times of i matters than -i matters, 1/3 of matters can survive and keep their states. The others loose energies, and become Dots. They keep static System. Particles remain 2.46%. Plus Patrticles 1.23% and Minus Particles 1.23% are.
In modern science, it is said there is about 30% matter. My method has about 33% energies. But the remain of 67% is not Dark Energy, it is Static System which keeps Three Dimentional Space. It is little strange there is not Static System in modern science ( Relative stasis are there ). It is very calm and easy to identify the observationl point what Space is.
---- This story is written by following this idea.
Reference >> |
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